Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2008-09-25 21:54:23 - Selin: I will be on vacation next 9 days. Although I will try to find a connection, I may have delays or miss some turns. My apologies in advance.
2008-09-28 06:03:18 - Tarzanchuck: Like it'll matter. I certainly won't notice if my daily deployment is delayed.
2008-11-04 17:53:47 - Hellmanns: Hahahahahaha!
2008-11-18 23:58:12 - Tarzanchuck: It's been I think since June since anyone has attacked in this match.
2008-11-19 18:41:00 - Selin: Let's celebrate next June the anniversary of a peaceful year :)
2008-12-12 13:51:50 - AAFitz: can you guys hit me out of this? just take the percentage of your wealth and take me out...
2008-12-12 13:52:15 - AAFitz: i will greatly appreciate it...i can deadbeat...but i feel forcing you to spend some armies would be more fair
2008-12-12 13:52:18 - AAFitz: let me know
2008-12-13 23:01:58 - Tarzanchuck: I say he should deadbeat.
2008-12-14 14:27:01 - AAFitz: ok
2008-12-14 14:27:14 - AAFitz: sorry selin...i hit the 200 before i read that though
2008-12-16 15:18:19 - artur1: why do you want out AA
2008-12-16 20:53:58 - AAFitz: i dont.... i have to cut back on games
2008-12-23 14:44:18 - artur1: why do you have to do that, it really would be a pity.
2008-12-26 20:27:21 - AAFitz: its tragic, but ive had my fun
2008-12-27 07:14:51 - Tarzanchuck: Yeah, I've played enough Risk to last 20 lifetimes. I'm done.
2008-12-27 07:20:35 - artur1: yes it seems like there are some of the old boys who thinks the same.
2008-12-27 07:23:13 - artur1: I have began to play freestyle again to get some of the old feeling back but, it isnt quite the same
2008-12-27 07:27:53 - artur1: the site need some mayor changes to make it interesting again
2008-12-27 07:28:57 - artur1: off topik: I did typ in conquerclub on a value your website.
2008-12-27 07:29:41 - artur1: It said aproox 120 000 dollars
2009-01-01 14:58:20 - Selin: happy new year to all of you !
2009-01-10 12:37:16 - AAFitz: man the dice really imapct these games... my last two attacks should have made it perfectly even, but i took so many extra with them its not funny
2009-01-10 12:38:33 - AAFitz: granted i had hopes of sweeping the whole thing
2009-01-10 12:38:42 - AAFitz: but ill settle for a tough end game
2009-01-10 12:38:54 - AAFitz: i never thought id be around for the end of this one
2009-01-10 12:39:16 - AAFitz: i should have let you guys spar one more round
2009-01-10 12:42:16 - AAFitz: damn, im about 40 or so away from being able to do this
2009-01-10 12:42:42 - AAFitz: maybe even just 20 away from being able to take the chance
2009-01-10 12:44:27 - AAFitz: shit, i should have gone for it
2009-01-10 12:45:53 - AAFitz: ok boys gl with this... this will be a tough win for any of us at this point
2009-01-10 16:14:48 - artur1: so much blood
2009-01-10 16:17:03 - artur1: I just lost 21 in a row, 7 dubble wins for the defender.
2009-01-10 16:17:19 - artur1: then I killed three
2009-01-10 22:14:19 - Tarzanchuck: I can't believe you might win this one Fitz.
2009-01-11 17:54:40 - AAFitz: its not over yet, and neither of these guys will give it up easy
2009-01-11 17:59:24 - AAFitz: this is as absolutely tight as it can possibly be
2009-01-11 17:59:47 - AAFitz: i really was hoping for an extra 5 or so by autoing arts 100
2009-01-11 18:00:06 - AAFitz: the dice will decide this...
2009-01-11 18:00:08 - AAFitz: gg art...
2009-01-11 18:00:58 - AAFitz: my fingers are crossed
2009-01-11 20:11:14 - AAFitz: guess it worked
2009-01-11 20:11:30 - AAFitz: that one attack was the game... if i lost 15 or so, it was over the other way probably
2009-01-11 20:11:37 - AAFitz: gg
2009-01-11 20:12:44 - AAFitz: i am surprised i got this one, i actually dont think i should have gone for it...but the dice made it work
2009-01-11 20:13:06 - Selin: gg AA
2009-01-11 20:13:22 - AAFitz: gg
2009-01-11 20:13:32 - AAFitz: i like that last little attack
2009-01-11 20:15:02 - AAFitz: round 694..shame to see it go
2009-01-13 23:09:24 - Tarzanchuck: All my fault. Sorry guys.