Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2008-08-04 15:36:23 - sheesh1: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
2008-08-04 15:57:22 - Shrinky: this is funny :P KLOBBER1 randing to KLOBBER8 :P
2008-08-04 15:57:28 - Shrinky: ranging*
2008-08-04 15:57:37 - Shrinky: keep it up whoever u are hehe
2008-08-04 21:01:34 - RabidBadger: This KLOBBER person should get banned for playing multiple accounts.
2008-08-04 23:21:21 - jiminski: heheh ...
2008-08-06 00:47:32 - GabonX: haha
2008-08-06 00:48:02 - GabonX: Seriously though,,,,,,, I hope whoever did this doesn't get in trouble!
2008-08-06 01:47:17 - joecoolfrog: Excellent work
2008-08-06 20:42:32 - danodukebb: badger your a idiot these arent all klobber
2008-08-06 21:47:03 - Simon Viavant: lol. Lack, whoever did this shouldn't get in trouble for multis, please?
2008-08-07 06:05:10 - KLOBBER8: KLOBBER turn
2008-08-07 06:05:55 - KLOBBER8: god luck klobber because you hav on territory left
2008-08-07 17:57:40 - bbqpenguin: this is brilliant
2008-08-07 17:57:49 - bbqpenguin: fight the good fight klobber multis!
2008-08-07 18:07:24 - brooksieb: lol funny guy
2008-08-07 18:28:45 - muy_thaiguy: go, uh, klobber 2-8?
2008-08-07 23:33:52 - KLOBBER: Lousy, no-good fucking cheaters.
2008-08-08 02:59:02 - Juan_Bottom: lol! Rage!
2008-08-08 03:43:50 - bbqpenguin: this game wil take almost a month to end...
2008-08-08 08:21:21 - Dancing Mustard: Hurrah for Klobbers 2-8!
2008-08-12 07:55:57 - LB Ninja: YAYA!!!!
2008-08-15 01:40:35 - imcooler: hahaha some one give klobber2-8 a medal
2008-08-16 22:04:31 - stopc0ck: KLOBBER you're such a dirty cheat, look at all your multis
2008-08-17 19:26:14 - KLOBBER: Fuck you, cunt.
2008-08-19 22:08:08 - Simon Viavant: I can't believe they banned suggs for this. lolkillers.
2008-08-25 01:25:33 - KLOBBER: Even against seven cheaters, I am still winning. You people are fucking ridiculous.
2008-08-25 22:07:06 - imcooler: well duh you are winning you are the only one taking a turn
2008-08-25 23:43:44 - KLOBBER: 5 down, 2 to go.
2008-08-25 23:43:51 - KLOBBER: Winning is winning, cunt!
2008-08-26 00:20:31 - t-o-m: haha have you not noticed that they're not playing turns?
2008-08-26 00:20:33 - t-o-m: dumbass
2008-08-26 20:45:59 - KLOBBER: Hah! You fucking pussy! Seven against one, and you still can't beat me.
2008-08-26 20:46:50 - KLOBBER: Here's my challenge to you: It's now one-on-one. If you're afraid to meet me in a fair fight, then deadbeat. If not, then fight and die at my hands!
2008-08-26 20:47:17 - KLOBBER: Either way, you are bound to lose -- I am just too good!
2008-08-26 20:47:20 - KLOBBER: : )
2008-08-26 20:47:58 - KLOBBER: Fucking cheater.
2008-08-27 18:32:22 - KLOBBER: You have less than two hours, shithead, to prove that you're not a coward by facing me in a fair fight. What are you gonna do? Deadbeat like the coward you are, or fight me like a real man?
2008-08-27 18:33:14 - KLOBBER: Before the final outcome, I can tell you right here and now that it would take more than 7 multi accounts to take me down, you filthy fucking coward!
2008-08-27 21:17:09 - KLOBBER: I knew you were too cowardly to finish this game. What a cunt you are!
2008-08-29 03:33:34 - t-o-m: you still made a loss over all
2008-08-29 03:34:34 - t-o-m: lol, umm klobber, you're talking to yourself...