Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2009-02-15 11:24:08 - ManBungalow: It's an everlasting marathon as well
2009-03-12 20:02:56 - teenagefc: dare we speak it?
2009-03-12 22:08:12 - ManBungalow: Nobody has conquered anywhere since round 215
2009-03-12 22:08:20 - ManBungalow: For your information and the records ; )
2009-03-12 23:09:38 - TookousFinn: this game is locked so tight there is no clear advantage to be had by anyone...this is a stale mate of a game if there ever was one...3 clear areas locked down with any possible attack spelling doom for attacker and dig in for another 297 round
2009-03-14 22:05:38 - ManBungalow: Milestone : teenagefc breaks the 2000 army count
2009-03-14 22:05:52 - ManBungalow: Milestone : Round 300 incoming
2009-03-15 06:28:24 - teenagefc: i'll end up getting drunk with all this celebratory champagne
2009-03-15 23:00:21 - teenagefc: oh the sweet joy of hitting the 300!...any one for another 300?
2009-03-23 17:27:04 - ManBungalow: Keep that chapagne handy
2009-03-23 17:27:17 - ManBungalow: We'll need to toast the first 1000 stack in another couple of rounds
2009-03-23 20:17:14 - teenagefc: throw a few over from burma....then you'll have your 1,000 stack
2009-03-24 22:00:05 - ManBungalow: I've never had stacks with so much perfection
2009-03-24 22:00:24 - ManBungalow: Call be obsessive compulsive, but I'm doing this the old fashioned way ; )
2009-03-24 22:00:30 - ManBungalow: Call me*
2009-03-28 09:16:17 - ManBungalow: Hah
2009-03-28 09:16:23 - ManBungalow: Call me in a week or it's over ; )
2009-03-30 16:34:29 - ManBungalow: Drumroll please, if you will
2009-03-30 21:50:42 - teenagefc: rat-a-tat-tat-rat-a-rat-a-tat-tat
2009-03-31 16:13:45 - ManBungalow: Mouse
2009-04-01 23:49:37 - teenagefc: that was your drum roll :)
2009-04-02 16:57:30 - ManBungalow: Yeah :D
2009-04-02 16:57:54 - ManBungalow: In two rounds I [should] have more than 2000 total troops
2009-04-03 21:12:34 - ManBungalow: Mouse ! ------ 2007 troops
2009-04-05 12:17:48 - teenagefc: du-du-du-dum-du-du-du-dum
2009-04-17 01:58:20 - TookousFinn: father passed away this week and my heart is not in this anyone so after I spread my men out I will bow out of this game...Regards
2009-04-17 01:58:37 - TookousFinn: *anymore
2009-04-17 10:52:37 - teenagefc: sorry to hear of your sad news Took....our hearts go out to you and your family. .....take care
2009-04-18 21:23:11 - ManBungalow: I'm truly sorry...I can only ask you and your family to take care
2009-04-20 03:33:58 - TookousFinn: that looks about even...sorry to have to end it this way...good luck it was a fun 1/3 of a year...maybe we will play again in the future.....
2009-04-25 02:57:45 - TookousFinn: any last request on moves or is this setup fine
2009-04-26 13:39:59 - teenagefc: what now ManBungalow?
2009-04-26 16:32:22 - ManBungalow: I think that gave me the advantage to be honest
2009-04-26 16:32:29 - ManBungalow: I've only got to defend 2 points
2009-04-26 16:32:47 - ManBungalow: And you 3
2009-04-27 02:00:32 - teenagefc: yes...but i have men
2009-04-27 02:01:19 - teenagefc: from what round should we start to attack each other...the 350 is nearly up!
2009-04-29 17:48:38 - ManBungalow: Aha
2009-04-29 17:48:51 - ManBungalow: I think we're better off putting a time scale on this, rather than a round scale
2009-04-29 17:49:28 - ManBungalow: If we recruit too many more armies we won't be able to open the game
2009-04-30 16:12:26 - teenagefc: sorry for the slow time between turns.....
2009-04-30 16:12:46 - teenagefc: I'm on a global holiday at the moment and am only logging in once a day....
2009-04-30 16:13:00 - teenagefc: today I come to you from Rome, Italy
2009-04-30 16:20:38 - ManBungalow: Wow, nice one !
2009-05-01 04:03:59 - teenagefc: sorry....all the visions I've been seeing about the Roman empire has gone to my head....this one will now depend on the roll of the die
2009-05-01 04:04:22 - teenagefc: *dice*...which ever way you want to spell it :-)
2009-05-01 04:05:33 - teenagefc: but of those attacks you lost 75 more men than I did (I like to keep stats on these things)
2009-05-01 12:32:55 - ManBungalow: Good news - ours is now the 100th oldest running game
2009-05-01 17:37:03 - teenagefc: well at least we've made some sort of record....could you send me the link?
2009-05-01 19:33:03 - teenagefc: did a 965 (me) v 900 (you) on Burma from Yunnan... i got lucky with 207 men left