Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2009-06-28 03:36:44 - Timminz: Gozar for Tim for a bit
2009-06-29 00:55:11 - barterer2002: goz, I got a PM from tim saying he wanted to sucicide into yellow
2009-06-29 23:23:22 - Timminz: Really? The one I have says red....
2009-06-30 00:22:56 - Bones2484: Goz, the PM I got said to suicide into everyone but blue.
2009-07-01 20:57:08 - Timminz: So many suicidal PMs....maybe it is Tims cry for help
2009-07-08 15:01:49 - BaldAdonis: bart here, I'm just going to deploy for baldy on one of his larger stacks
2009-07-09 21:17:23 - BaldAdonis: tim here, but I'm not gonna take his turn.
2009-07-09 21:17:53 - BaldAdonis: I'll try to find someone else to do it.
2009-07-09 21:53:34 - BaldAdonis: Hey guys KidWhisky here for Baldy. I'll help you out with his game load and play for him in the games your three are in.
2009-07-10 17:06:44 - Bones2484: Thanks KW. I'll be sure to take a turn here for Baldy, pretending to be you pretending to be Baldy. And suicide into everyone else.
2009-07-11 02:48:49 - BaldAdonis: lol nice. Of course I could always just do it for you....for the right price of course :)
2009-07-11 13:50:45 - barterer2002: As long as you attack Bones nobody will know who you really are
2009-07-20 18:15:11 - Timminz: Hmmm. This is an interesting turn of events.
2009-07-21 01:55:55 - barterer2002: well since the two of you now no longer have to protect borders it works for you. Me, not so much
2009-07-27 16:33:09 - Bones2484: You can leave our border open too, if you want.
2009-07-27 20:50:53 - barterer2002: I trust you Bones, but not that much
2009-07-28 21:36:02 - Bones2484: I liked this game a lot better when I had to play it once every 2 days while waiting for Baldy...
2009-07-30 00:25:44 - barterer2002: I just played this game, how is it up again!!!
2009-08-03 21:07:37 - Bones2484: Bart! I could use a partner for the Clan League season 2. /wink wink subtle jab
2009-08-06 13:40:22 - barterer2002: Sigh, OK
2009-08-08 06:02:09 - Georgerx7di: You guys should get together in real time and take like 100 turns
2009-08-08 12:51:32 - barterer2002: well that sounds like a tortourous way to spend a saturday
2009-08-13 16:44:39 - barterer2002: So are we going to partner up there Bones?
2009-08-14 16:41:05 - Bones2484: Oh man. I haven't even been scrolling down in this game when I take my epic turns.
2009-08-14 16:41:20 - Bones2484: Would love to. Does that mean what I think it means!? /hopes
2009-08-14 16:59:00 - barterer2002: sure
2009-08-15 16:13:14 - Timminz: hmmm.... I wish I'd checked the chat before I ended my turn.
2009-08-15 16:18:26 - Bones2484: hmmm?
2009-08-25 20:09:43 - Timminz: 219
2009-08-26 03:20:30 - Bones2484: 46373
2009-08-26 19:59:58 - Timminz: 166
2009-08-27 00:42:03 - Timminz: 164
2009-08-27 20:03:11 - Timminz: 161
2009-08-27 20:03:19 - Timminz: best countdown ever.
2009-08-28 03:41:40 - Bones2484: Is this turns until we die? I hope it's sooner than 161.
2009-08-28 21:02:09 - Timminz: lol
2009-08-28 21:02:48 - Timminz: 172
2009-08-28 21:03:10 - Timminz: wait a second.... that number is supposed to keep getting lower.
2009-08-29 18:47:20 - Timminz: 154
2009-08-29 18:47:43 - Timminz: that's better. Although I'm starting to think my calculation isn't proper.
2009-08-29 23:26:10 - Bones2484: Bart, when this gets to about, say, 5... let's just take him out.
2009-08-30 01:37:49 - barterer2002: its a plan. Don't know if its a good one but its a plan for sure
2009-09-02 16:43:38 - Bones2484: 779
2009-09-02 16:43:47 - Bones2484: (trying to increase the number)
2009-09-03 17:48:06 - Bones2484: Owie.
2009-09-06 13:22:22 - Timminz: dtellis for Timm
2009-09-07 16:13:48 - barterer2002: whoever is sitting for Tim-his plan has been to attack those neutrals and get another triangle bonus.
2009-09-13 13:22:45 - Bones2484: Gilligan for Bones
2009-09-27 17:18:02 - Timminz: wheeee!!!
2009-09-28 00:45:03 - barterer2002: woah