Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2023-04-17 15:10:07 - Game has been initialized
2023-06-17 21:26:25 - stollmike eliminated morleyjoe from the game
2023-06-17 21:27:33 - stollmike eliminated Heads or tails from the game
2023-06-18 08:25:48 - mc05025 eliminated Colonel Krink from the game
2023-06-18 08:26:06 - mc05025 eliminated agentcom from the game
2023-06-18 08:26:38 - Round limit reached, Team 1 has the most troops and won the game
2023-06-18 08:26:38 - mc05025, Colonel Krink, agentcom won the game
2023-06-18 08:26:38 - Heads or tails lost 15 points
2023-06-18 08:26:38 - morleyjoe lost 15 points
2023-06-18 08:26:38 - stollmike lost 15 points
2023-06-18 08:26:38 - mc05025 gained 15 points
2023-06-18 08:26:38 - Colonel Krink gained 15 points
2023-06-18 08:26:38 - agentcom gained 15 points
2023-05-07 02:54:37 - morleyjoe: queen victorious for Joe..away until tomorrow night
2023-05-12 13:36:38 - Heads or tails: What a shit map. Obviously both teams will set up a last man kills both team mates in round 30
2023-05-12 13:38:23 - Heads or tails: So obviously going second is almost a guaranteed win. To me 30 rounds for 20 points is a waste of time. Who doesn't know how to play this map?
2023-05-12 13:39:15 - Heads or tails: Seems we are on the back foot here
2023-05-12 13:41:34 - Heads or tails: Looking at the cashes deep ..Even If cyan kills me and MJ...Which will happen. Then Red kills both you for a superior cash....Why is this 50/50 map a thing? Just curious
2023-05-12 14:12:45 - Heads or tails: Maybe 50/50 preflop is your thing?
2023-05-12 20:19:00 - mc05025: heads or tails mate :P
2023-05-12 20:24:52 - mc05025: I am not expecting to understand the strategy here but a quick check on my games at these settings will show that I am not winning 50% of the so maybe the strategy is deeper than that
2023-05-13 23:43:14 - Heads or tails: Maybe you were playing teams like us that didn't know how to play the map.
2023-05-14 01:34:22 - Heads or tails: But other creating fort channels and not leaving your stack to be hit then there really isn't anymore strategy too it.
2023-05-14 13:37:36 - mc05025: most team games are in clan wars and with the same people
2023-05-14 13:38:13 - mc05025: but you are right regarding the specific one. You were unlucky and lost from the drop
2023-05-14 13:38:51 - mc05025: It has this drawback. If unfair drop game can be game over from the beginning if you know the strategy
2023-05-14 13:40:17 - mc05025: But to be honest, many games are game over from round 1, especially all these small maps at quads or triples without much special gameplay involved
2023-05-15 05:50:42 - Heads or tails: Very true
2023-05-17 22:32:10 - agentcom: This map has been around since long before trench or the switch to super-escalating spoils. Prior to either this drop would have made us more likely to lose than to win
2023-05-17 22:35:14 - agentcom: but as someone who has been in many strategy arguments with mc about this game, I can assure you that there is strategy involved.
2023-05-27 08:27:53 - mc05025: goranz for mc
2023-05-27 08:28:12 - mc05025: he is on vacation
2023-05-29 16:25:58 - mc05025: goran again
2023-05-31 21:14:46 - mc05025: goran for mc until he returns
2023-06-17 18:54:02 - agentcom: gga
2023-06-17 23:47:08 - Heads or tails: Missed turns and cards definitely hurt. Well played team 1
2023-06-18 08:26:46 - mc05025: gg