Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2023-02-02 20:21:38 - Gen. Ramsarelli: GL folks!
2023-02-03 10:30:19 - Nicolas-Pierre D: good luck !
2023-02-08 15:25:31 - MitchRapp: un god damn real lol. these dice sometimes man.
2023-02-14 23:59:50 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Dam green that wasn’t very nice. And I thought I was being nice to ya! O_o
2023-02-15 00:01:10 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Trying to cripple me just so blue can be new threaT? lol and he’s right up on ya!
2023-02-15 00:01:48 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Actually, he’s probably going to take you out now.
2023-02-15 00:31:38 - Gen. Ramsarelli: What a Doofenschmirtz! lol
2023-02-15 15:13:57 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Cyan, before you go plowing into my bonus make sure you’re ready to handle blue next turn.
2023-02-15 15:46:18 - MitchRapp: Red lol you're by far in the best spot and have the most troops by 30 and thats w/o taking the neutral out for even more.
2023-02-15 15:46:34 - MitchRapp: Cyan I aint goin after you while red is this strong.
2023-02-15 15:49:45 - MitchRapp: Sorry did write that before i started turn. but still holds true. Plus you got the well played orange sweep coming from up top. its an interesting game.
2023-02-15 18:19:00 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Lol you’re right and wrong. Right that it’s evolving to be interseting. Wrong that I have such a commanding lead. (Yes since your turn.)
2023-02-15 18:20:03 - Gen. Ramsarelli: It’s gonna be all about card spots shortly.
2023-02-15 18:21:38 - Gen. Ramsarelli: You are about to pick up a third bonus blue, and even if I took a second one you would still be making more than me.
2023-02-15 18:23:14 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Yellow, if you back off of Katt we can share that as a cardspot.
2023-02-15 18:24:58 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Cyan we can also share at Oster if yellow don’t respond.
2023-02-19 14:45:22 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Damn, I wish I would have noticed orange finally jumped before I took my turn.
2023-02-19 15:26:45 - MitchRapp: can we all see red's troops? and now he is due 17.... which he has setup defenses for multiple turns... orange, y waste troops when you have 63 now to his 151, just to break my line? it does nothing but weaken you and me.
2023-02-19 20:25:12 - Gen. Ramsarelli: I am offering minimal resistance for cyan to break my bonus. Of course I hope he understands. I am going to want a cardspot when it is my turn.
2023-02-22 00:58:57 - MitchRapp: cyan, we have to work on a truce or something. It's prob up to us to slow red down here. idk.
2023-02-22 15:52:49 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Cyan and yellow are already stacking on me. Besides, there is a LOT of game left. I’m sure the dynamics will change several times.
2023-02-22 18:07:49 - MitchRapp: All I know is if we dont get together and understand we all need to bump red down a bit and not feast on each other in the process. come on. just a turn or two.
2023-02-22 18:17:05 - MitchRapp: Orange/Cyan you can feast on my vulnerability right now if you choose, but i would be forced to use my remaining stacks on you. The smart play here is to assist me in bringing Red back in line with everyone before the game gets out of hand.
2023-02-22 21:00:57 - Gen. Ramsarelli: You and I are the top 2 and I just attacked you to help bring both of us down.
2023-02-22 21:02:19 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Obviously wasn’t near enough on that attempt. If you just suicide into me, you will seal both of our fates. Everyone around us is strong enough to hold both of us down after that.
2023-02-22 21:02:58 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Not a real sporting Way to go just killing yourself along with the leader just so someone else can win.
2023-02-22 21:05:59 - Gen. Ramsarelli: I think you’re rather premature in assuming I’m just going to walk away with this at this point. I can already tell by the way the others are buying that there is no way they will just allow me to dominate that easy.
2023-02-22 21:06:12 - Gen. Ramsarelli: In other words, be patient, young Jedi!
2023-02-25 04:56:58 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Actually rather proud of you blue for not going ape-shit ballistic. Good job. You’ve achieved much better results.
2023-03-01 16:44:57 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Cyan, I hope this is not where you just suicide yourself into me because I got the best of you. Not very sportsman like to just take somebody out with you out of spite.
2023-03-01 20:18:41 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Wow! Superb dice there blue.
2023-03-03 22:12:38 - MitchRapp: Can anyone help me out, the map won't load for me. I have tried on two separate computers, but shows everything but the map. Any suggestions?
2023-03-04 01:33:08 - MitchRapp: nm all of a sudden it loaded again. sorry.
2023-03-04 01:33:51 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Did you change anything in settings for panel interface?
2023-03-05 00:07:20 - Stefa: they must have been doing an update...
2023-03-11 18:13:46 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Hell yeah, that’s how you shake the table!
2023-03-11 18:25:03 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Now we all got a new person to worry about.
2023-03-13 23:34:26 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Blue here’s the deal. As much as I do not envy the position yellow has been in the whole game and the necessity for him to make a move, he just opens himself up for orange to make strides, and become a big threat to all of us.
2023-03-13 23:37:23 - Gen. Ramsarelli: He is going to get squeezed in MJ like a tube of toothpaste and pop out right in my lap. The more he retreats the more orange will just clean up behind him and that will make she and I useless against orange.
2023-03-13 23:38:33 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Long story short, you need to let me try to hold the bonus so we can both brace for the push from the north.
2023-03-13 23:40:12 - Gen. Ramsarelli: Can’t promise that I won’t be interested in Syd Sj in the future but I’m good with you having it now to help brace also.
2023-03-18 03:06:54 - MitchRapp: gg red.
2023-03-18 12:52:11 - Gen. Ramsarelli: gg folks! GL!
2023-03-23 09:59:28 - Stefa: robfis? I can not fight against blue and you at the same time... MitchRapp have very good starting point at every turn, with very good bonuses ...
2023-03-26 21:36:04 - Stefa: GG