Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2022-08-12 00:26:07 - forevermyfriend: im just better bro- go change ur diaper
2022-08-12 00:26:38 - whoknowsGI: go fuck yourself....ooops, you're probably already doing that
2022-08-12 00:27:00 - whoknowsGI: WAIT, early spoils, how fucking 'strategic' of you
2022-08-12 00:27:14 - forevermyfriend: right, cause a 4 crad set is early, u idiot
2022-08-12 00:27:20 - whoknowsGI: perfect rolls too, how fucking 'strategic' of you
2022-08-12 00:27:35 - forevermyfriend: its all skill
2022-08-12 00:27:40 - forevermyfriend: bow down bitch
2022-08-12 00:27:42 - whoknowsGI: it's earlier than 5 dickwad
2022-08-12 00:27:55 - forevermyfriend: also perfect would mean i win em all like u
2022-08-12 00:27:58 - forevermyfriend: which i didnt
2022-08-12 00:28:16 - forevermyfriend: what u have is pefrecet rolls
2022-08-12 00:28:37 - forevermyfriend: u have great dice, but dont know how to play
2022-08-12 00:29:11 - whoknowsGI: why are you fucking chattering to yourself, do think anyone gives a shit about what you say?
2022-08-12 00:29:34 - forevermyfriend: u do
2022-08-12 00:29:40 - whoknowsGI: you don't get that set and game's over moron
2022-08-12 00:29:51 - forevermyfriend: look at u with ur nice 3 carsd set
2022-08-12 00:29:54 - whoknowsGI: fucking luck is not a strategy champ
2022-08-12 00:29:56 - forevermyfriend: no ttrue
2022-08-12 00:29:59 - forevermyfriend: im better
2022-08-12 00:30:08 - forevermyfriend: u suck, take it in and learn son
2022-08-12 00:30:57 - whoknowsGI: go fuck yourself, i'd beat you 8 out of 10 times in spite of cc giving you every fucking break in this game
2022-08-12 00:31:28 - forevermyfriend: well, every game we haev played i have won
2022-08-12 00:31:34 - forevermyfriend: so u are wrong again chunks
2022-08-12 00:31:44 - forevermyfriend: get the lube out
2022-08-12 00:31:46 - whoknowsGI: fucking wrong dude
2022-08-12 00:32:37 - forevermyfriend: i win, u lose
2022-08-12 00:32:40 - forevermyfriend: eat it pal
2022-08-12 00:32:48 - forevermyfriend: im 5-0 againast u
2022-08-12 00:33:12 - whoknowsGI: we've played 21x under a different handle, i won 14 of those jackoff
2022-08-12 00:33:24 - forevermyfriend: ohya/? which handdle then
2022-08-12 00:33:32 - forevermyfriend: caus i dont believe u
2022-08-12 00:33:39 - forevermyfriend: which handle cheater boy
2022-08-12 00:33:48 - forevermyfriend: wowwww, nice set and dice
2022-08-12 00:34:06 - whoknowsGI: bflynn4
2022-08-12 00:34:14 - whoknowsGI: so fuck yourself asswipe
2022-08-12 00:34:18 - forevermyfriend: oh so why change
2022-08-12 00:34:23 - forevermyfriend: just tryna cheat?
2022-08-12 00:34:38 - forevermyfriend: even with that hadle i always beat ur sorry ass
2022-08-12 00:34:49 - whoknowsGI: even if you're right w/ this handle 0-5, you still have a losing record dickhead
2022-08-12 00:35:04 - forevermyfriend: winning against u
2022-08-12 00:35:08 - forevermyfriend: thats all i care about
2022-08-12 00:35:15 - forevermyfriend: is letting u know how much more dominate i am
2022-08-12 00:35:23 - whoknowsGI: really, fucking site doesn't lie champ; game finder for both names, 21 entries, 14 W's for me dickhead
2022-08-12 00:35:24 - forevermyfriend: bow down and kiss the ring u donkey
2022-08-12 00:35:29 - forevermyfriend: muppet master mcgoo
2022-08-12 00:35:35 - forevermyfriend: thast fke news
2022-08-12 00:35:45 - whoknowsGI: you win 1 fucking game that was given to you and you think you know shit
2022-08-12 00:36:28 - whoknowsGI: you are so fucking pathetic, go kiss your mom goodnight and tell her thanks for letting you live for free w/ your welfare checks in her basement bitch
2022-08-12 00:37:01 - forevermyfriend: i thank her everyday
2022-08-12 00:37:51 - whoknowsGI: yeah, cuz guys like me pay our taxes and contribute to society while you keep your welfare checks and jerk off all day