Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2008-04-01 16:08:13 - Joodoo: did you know that the IK forums changed it's name to This Forum No Longer Exists?
2008-04-01 16:08:19 - Joodoo: kinda weird
2008-04-01 16:24:51 - oggiss: why? o_O
2008-04-01 16:26:45 - Joodoo: I dunno
2008-04-01 16:26:56 - Joodoo: johnnyrotten said it was lame April Fools
2008-04-02 11:29:34 - oggiss: oops
2008-04-02 11:29:43 - oggiss: accidently pressed end attacks
2008-04-02 11:33:08 - Joodoo: its okay
2008-04-02 12:45:08 - Joodoo: can I get Aosa back?
2008-04-03 01:51:25 - Joodoo: congratz on promo
2008-04-03 02:16:51 - oggiss: thanks
2008-04-03 07:08:02 - oggiss: starting to look like something now
2008-04-03 07:08:03 - oggiss: :)
2008-04-03 07:10:48 - Joodoo: yeah
2008-04-03 07:27:08 - oggiss: we can share cards on Aosa instead
2008-04-03 07:27:12 - oggiss: would be more fair
2008-04-03 07:27:20 - oggiss: or nvm
2008-04-03 14:58:38 - oggiss: you forget to attack?
2008-04-03 14:59:06 - oggiss: oh
2008-04-03 14:59:08 - oggiss: my bad
2008-04-03 15:03:47 - oggiss: for how long can you stay up?
2008-04-03 15:04:22 - oggiss: let's have as goal to reach 1 mill armies each? :D
2008-04-03 15:05:55 - Joodoo: sure
2008-04-03 15:06:01 - Joodoo: maybe 10 more mins
2008-04-03 15:08:17 - oggiss: ok
2008-04-03 15:21:31 - Joodoo: last round for tonight, cya tmr
2008-04-03 15:23:00 - oggiss: kk cya
2008-04-04 08:59:25 - Joodoo: accidently ended attacks, sry
2008-04-13 20:43:23 - oggiss: you can tell me when you're gonna be away for a while so I can wait as logn
2008-04-13 20:43:29 - oggiss: as possible to do my turn
2008-04-13 20:43:33 - oggiss: so you don
2008-04-13 20:43:34 - oggiss: t
2008-04-13 20:43:40 - oggiss: have to miss yours ok?
2008-04-14 13:18:22 - Joodoo: okay
2008-04-14 13:18:34 - Joodoo: I'm probably gonna take 1 turn per day
2008-04-14 13:18:37 - Joodoo: sry about that
2008-04-14 13:18:46 - Joodoo: because I have to go to school every day
2008-04-20 14:54:41 - oggiss: Can we meet one day and make like 100 turns? :P
2008-04-21 03:02:06 - Joodoo: that won't be possible until like June 20th
2008-04-21 03:02:32 - Joodoo: the last day of school for me for 2007/2008
2008-04-22 09:12:55 - oggiss: Seriosly how long are you in school a day? :O
2008-04-22 10:30:43 - Joodoo: at least 8 hours
2008-05-17 14:50:45 - oggiss: Can we gather and do like 20 turns some time? :)
2008-05-18 13:12:22 - Joodoo: late June
2008-05-26 08:25:19 - oggiss: 3
2008-06-07 13:41:30 - william18: lol seems like oggiss is gonna win. That massive army on is around 20x bigger the joodoo's whole army if no more. This game is so long there is an error when I try to load the entire game log.
2008-06-11 13:44:56 - Joodoo: 20x, maybe you mean oggiss has 4000-5000 more armies than me
2008-06-11 13:46:14 - Joodoo: dude, how'd you get yourself banned?
2008-06-11 13:56:27 - oggiss: Banned from forums? :S
2008-06-11 14:11:56 - Joodoo: I think... when I clicked on your name it said the requested user does not exist or something like that