Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2021-08-18 12:35:42 - Game has been initialized
2021-09-20 06:22:29 - danfrank was kicked out for missing too many turns
2021-09-27 17:20:32 - bluesblazzer eliminated -outcast- from the game
2021-10-01 03:00:31 - seamusk eliminated ArkieDog from the game
2021-10-07 18:53:22 - bluesblazzer eliminated devalen from the game
2021-10-08 20:41:36 - seamusk eliminated Turtle Love from the game
2021-10-10 14:49:11 - seamusk eliminated bluesblazzer from the game
2021-10-10 14:50:07 - seamusk eliminated TheFanny from the game
2021-10-10 14:50:07 - danfrank, seamusk won the game
2021-10-10 14:50:07 - bluesblazzer lost 28 points
2021-10-10 14:50:07 - Turtle Love lost 28 points
2021-10-10 14:50:07 - -outcast- lost 24 points
2021-10-10 14:50:07 - ArkieDog lost 24 points
2021-10-10 14:50:07 - TheFanny lost 18 points
2021-10-10 14:50:07 - devalen lost 18 points
2021-10-10 14:50:07 - danfrank gained 70 points
2021-10-10 14:50:07 - seamusk gained 70 points
2021-08-19 04:15:59 - TheFanny: hi all, good luck and have fun
2021-08-19 17:59:54 - seamusk: good luck to all!
2021-08-20 09:17:58 - Turtle Love: Hi, gl.
2021-08-21 17:32:37 - bluesblazzer: thanks for playing.
2021-09-04 00:18:44 - -outcast-: Grau T1 is a bigger problem to worry about.
2021-09-06 16:07:44 - -outcast-: GG all well played T1
2021-09-06 17:08:17 - TheFanny: isn't over yet pink. i did as much of a run in as i could though and might be able to line up a second
2021-09-08 18:16:52 - danfrank: your running in the qrong direction orange,,,, i am not the one
2021-09-08 19:45:05 - -outcast-: I don’t question u Fanny. I question ur teammate who is attacking all the wrong people and not looking at the bigger picture.
2021-09-09 06:28:24 - TheFanny: sorry. we are not very coordinated on our team. red, I want to believe you but your team has a lot of control right now. You are playing well
2021-09-11 10:26:06 - devalen: Blue pink and yellow do nothing but we are expected to beat team 1 by ourselves…hard pass till others do something
2021-09-13 16:58:55 - -outcast-: Gray..I don’t border them. I am sending 70% of my troops to my teammate each round to fight them and just grabbing a card where I can. When u break my bonus then I only have 3 troops to give him which won’t do much. If u let me have this bonus until they
2021-09-13 16:59:12 - -outcast-: Are under control then I can help more by supplying my teammate.
2021-09-24 19:45:22 - TheFanny: not sure, i can help keep the breaks on green any more.. will throw everything that way though
2021-09-29 03:14:12 - TheFanny: i am not sure why you are stockpiling at my border yellow..
2021-09-29 03:19:32 - TheFanny: green - you stopped at my border, i'll leave you alone for 2 turns if you just go south instead of north through germany. i am not sure what is happening behind me now
2021-09-29 03:20:10 - TheFanny: blue+yellow might be taking advantage of our tit-for-tat
2021-09-29 05:24:15 - seamusk: sounds fine to me
2021-09-29 05:24:31 - seamusk: tired of being attacked. figured they would try to take advantage of your forrays though
2021-09-29 20:06:54 - Turtle Love: I didn't, my teammate upgraded my positions.
2021-09-29 20:09:40 - Turtle Love: I have a way out beside your bonus area, so no use for me to backdoor you while you were fighting green.
2021-10-06 03:17:14 - TheFanny: you guys know, i probably could have disrupted W and N. but i am now also trying to figure out what is going on between blues and devalen..
2021-10-06 03:18:30 - TheFanny: so i split my drop on east and west there..
2021-10-06 03:19:00 - TheFanny: you guys could have had a massive stack if you didn't just keep wasting everything on each other..
2021-10-06 03:19:35 - TheFanny: green, you are putting up a great fight. hats off
2021-10-06 04:59:51 - seamusk: hard with just myself. you keep hitting me orange so I keep focusing on you but likely we will both lose at this rate
2021-10-06 05:00:40 - seamusk: not that you arent in a pickle per se
2021-10-06 19:38:58 - devalen: T2 is getting most bonus by far and we need to work together green to bust them up..
2021-10-07 04:46:09 - TheFanny: yeah. green you and i might be on the same side soon enough..
2021-10-07 21:16:33 - seamusk: yeah, I saw them building but can't defend and attack. running now
2021-10-07 21:17:19 - seamusk: hmm.
2021-10-08 20:43:49 - seamusk: good game yellow
2021-10-08 22:14:28 - TheFanny: gg green, was a tough fight here and i didn't have many options at the end of it all
2021-10-09 00:58:14 - bluesblazzer: gg
2021-10-09 15:48:39 - seamusk: yeah they squeezed you orange. good game all!
2021-10-09 16:19:19 - bluesblazzer: i had no where to go .. orange picked who won
2021-10-09 19:30:44 - TheFanny: dude, you and grey kept fighting when you could have been stack building. and yellow had lots of stacks he could push on green.
2021-10-09 19:31:43 - TheFanny: your team had no problem watching me disrupt green and not coming in either
2021-10-09 19:32:53 - TheFanny: anyways, doesn't matter really. but it is similar to the FN game. i don't know why in that map your teammate disrupted or we couldn't find a truce while the other team ran away with it.. :/
2021-10-09 19:33:17 - TheFanny: i have enjoyed playing with you on other games though
2021-10-09 19:35:30 - TheFanny: but yeah. i was in a hard space too. watch you guys build and do nothing. or keep hammering green and staying weak
2021-10-09 19:36:33 - TheFanny: again gg all. gz green
2021-10-10 14:50:15 - seamusk: good game!