Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2021-02-04 09:59:44 - Game has been initialized
2021-02-07 22:47:21 - barterer2002 eliminated Enormastitz from the game
2021-02-09 08:50:18 - Hooch eliminated iAmCaffeine from the game
2021-02-14 16:11:41 - YouOnKazoo eliminated Devante from the game
2021-03-26 20:35:40 - Hooch eliminated grt from the game
2021-03-27 16:05:50 - morleyjoe eliminated Scarlet Lady from the game
2021-03-29 07:11:07 - fuatpanza eliminated Hooch from the game
2021-03-29 20:30:31 - Round limit reached, Team 3 has the most troops and won the game
2021-03-29 20:30:31 - Devante, grt, barterer2002 won the game
2021-03-29 20:30:31 - YouOnKazoo lost 20 points
2021-03-29 20:30:31 - Enormastitz lost 20 points
2021-03-29 20:30:31 - Scarlet Lady lost 20 points
2021-03-29 20:30:31 - Hooch lost 21 points
2021-03-29 20:30:31 - phersjm lost 21 points
2021-03-29 20:30:31 - Nut Shot Scott lost 21 points
2021-03-29 20:30:31 - iAmCaffeine lost 20 points
2021-03-29 20:30:31 - morleyjoe lost 20 points
2021-03-29 20:30:31 - fuatpanza lost 20 points
2021-03-29 20:30:31 - Devante gained 61 points
2021-03-29 20:30:31 - grt gained 61 points
2021-03-29 20:30:31 - barterer2002 gained 61 points
2021-02-04 22:40:51 - Devante: gla
2021-02-05 01:01:37 - Hooch: Good luck, good gaming and have fun.
2021-02-05 11:47:02 - Enormastitz: gla
2021-02-23 12:13:39 - barterer2002: Looks like it is going to come down to team 1 vs team 2.
2021-02-23 12:14:59 - barterer2002: With team 2 having the advantage of 3 players
2021-02-24 15:19:41 - Nut Shot Scott: Gonna be tough for anyone other than team 1
2021-02-24 15:21:34 - Nut Shot Scott: They own the drop, the stacks and you guys are both shielding them
2021-02-25 13:12:41 - grt: feel free to head on over.
2021-02-25 14:47:17 - Scarlet Lady: Cyan that's complete are a player up, have 53 troops to our 45 and only 1 less deploy so are clearly in the lead
2021-02-25 23:02:19 - Nut Shot Scott: that's harsh. but i do appreciate your opinion.
2021-02-26 01:38:24 - barterer2002: Also Scott, one might say we are shielding you from the, just as easily as the other way around. Persom
2021-02-26 01:39:07 - barterer2002: Personally, I am not trying to shield anyone, just want to stay out of the way as much as possible.
2021-02-28 19:21:45 - Nut Shot Scott: So we just drop hooch since you go last and if we do nothing we'll win
2021-03-01 21:40:40 - barterer2002: Seems like the right strategy for you. Not sure it works for team 1 but we shall see.
2021-03-03 01:38:12 - Nut Shot Scott: Lmao, i think you should try it
2021-03-04 20:46:37 - barterer2002: It has nothing to do with my team Scott. We aren’t winning this no matter what happens. I’m just trying to stay out of thr way
2021-03-25 20:59:56 - barterer2002: I wonder if it gets exciting now?
2021-03-26 20:37:24 - Hooch: Theres is interesting.
2021-03-26 20:37:31 - Hooch: I was rolling high on the test tap and they had a 5 and 2, oh well.