Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2020-02-02 16:43:22 - Game has been initialized
2020-02-27 05:35:48 - urbanjedi eliminated TDJ-D from the game
2020-03-06 01:45:12 - Kambodia eliminated artillery77 from the game
2020-03-23 21:48:15 - torresgerrard eliminated NvrTellMeTheOdds from the game
2020-03-24 05:41:33 - DuZ eliminated urbanjedi from the game
2020-03-24 15:50:22 - DuZ held the Vendée Victory objective
2020-03-24 15:50:22 - DuZ held the Normandie Victory objective
2020-03-24 15:50:22 - torresgerrard, DuZ won the game
2020-03-24 15:50:22 - Kambodia lost 19 points
2020-03-24 15:50:22 - Gods dad lost 19 points
2020-03-24 15:50:22 - TDJ-D lost 10 points
2020-03-24 15:50:22 - artillery77 lost 10 points
2020-03-24 15:50:22 - NvrTellMeTheOdds lost 11 points
2020-03-24 15:50:22 - urbanjedi lost 11 points
2020-03-24 15:50:22 - torresgerrard gained 40 points
2020-03-24 15:50:22 - DuZ gained 40 points
2020-02-27 06:56:15 - urbanjedi: no thanks pink, I clearly took all the spots in the bonus area for a reason. If you had wanted it, you should have taken out blue long ago
2020-02-27 07:53:29 - torresgerrard: ok - happy to give it to you. not gonna argue over +2 bonus. can we agree on a 3 round ceasefire once you've held the bonus for 1 round? care to let me retreat too?
2020-02-28 03:09:12 - urbanjedi: so cease fire until round 16? Is that for all our borders?
2020-02-28 04:55:22 - Kambodia: Oh boy. This game is over, and one of the losing teams hasn't quite figured this out yet.
2020-02-28 04:57:26 - torresgerrard: yes till round 16. will you give me a round to retreat my 9?
2020-02-28 06:21:34 - NvrTellMeTheOdds: jedi apparently doesn't type well
2020-02-28 06:22:37 - NvrTellMeTheOdds: we discussed it, no retreat. 11 for 12 is a fair trade, especially since you also negated 2 from the bonus and struck first.
2020-02-28 06:23:16 - NvrTellMeTheOdds: and we'll be taking back the 1 you just took as well.
2020-02-29 02:24:59 - torresgerrard: ouch. left me in a vulnerable position but fair enough. as long as we hold the truce till round 16 (discuss if we want to extend later)
2020-03-09 08:50:15 - DuZ: i just need Cher grey. will move back my troops on the next round
2020-03-09 23:44:42 - urbanjedi: sorry cyan. don't see any reason that you needed cher except to take out a bunch of my armies and to get a bigger bonus
2020-03-10 15:38:31 - DuZ: time to take action t1
2020-03-10 15:38:45 - DuZ: altho looking really bleak already haha
2020-03-10 15:50:33 - Gods dad: T4 has been rolling over our forces for a while, if you're thinking we have big reserves - we don't :(
2020-03-10 20:14:42 - NvrTellMeTheOdds: quite the opposite. cyan had a hidden 45 stack which you can see from the prior turn where he forted 7. if red doesn't help by attaching cyan on loiret and possibly other places you'll never stand a chance to come back and win.
2020-03-10 20:15:10 - NvrTellMeTheOdds: so how about some measured play gods dad?
2020-03-10 20:27:52 - NvrTellMeTheOdds: *forted 37
2020-03-10 20:29:00 - NvrTellMeTheOdds: you can clearly see the 14 on nievre and that's not even near his primary area and larger stacks
2020-03-11 01:31:12 - DuZ: funny how youre crying now orange when it was you guys who decided to break our bonuses in the first place. What, you wasted like 40-50 troops on that turn?
2020-03-11 01:34:35 - DuZ: you want red to attack us so you can snowball in the next few turns lol
2020-03-11 01:37:18 - Kambodia: T4, we had a peaceful border, and all my efforts were spent containing cyan. You're attack has made that impossible now. I'm still trying to figure out why you attacked the weakest of the 3 remaining teams.
2020-03-11 01:38:00 - NvrTellMeTheOdds: quit your lying dudz
2020-03-11 01:39:00 - NvrTellMeTheOdds: you attacked Cher and even declared it in the log so you could finalize that 4 bonus and forted 37 to create a 45 on our border
2020-03-11 01:39:35 - NvrTellMeTheOdds: yeah I'm officially reporting you guys for teaming up
2020-03-11 01:43:55 - NvrTellMeTheOdds: very sad that 20 ratings points is worth more to you than your good name and honor
2020-03-11 04:41:57 - Kambodia: DuZ, I'm reporting you for attacking Cher. Her terrible music is no excuse. Plus, Sonny Bono was a friend of mine!
2020-03-11 05:46:27 - torresgerrard: lol. senselessly breaks all his peaceful borders and wonders how he caused his own downfall and why everyone is attacking him
2020-03-11 05:46:46 - torresgerrard: 2020-03-09 03:50:15 - DuZ: i just need Cher grey. will move back my troops on the next round
2020-03-11 05:47:14 - torresgerrard: he was going to retreat so long as you didnt attack. troops were there as precaution whilst waiting for ur resposnse
2020-03-11 06:54:39 - NvrTellMeTheOdds: yeah, torres, it's really typical to use a 45 stack as a "precaution" against a scary stack of 4 armies which is what Silver had on Allier bordering Cher.
2020-03-11 06:55:38 - NvrTellMeTheOdds: you can quit with your bullshit spin tactics already as your cheating has already been made public and nobody's buying your falsehoods
2020-03-11 10:35:26 - DuZ: u need to gitgud orange
2020-03-11 20:17:37 - Gods dad: No one has any truces, everyone wants to win, why all the fuss?
2020-03-12 05:32:30 - torresgerrard: ye lol where the hell did the cheating claim come from. and fyi orange, your team was deplying 30-35 troops the following round, so 45 was indeed is a calculated precaution and nothing more.
2020-03-12 05:32:46 - torresgerrard: DuZ said he'd pull out. we held our word on the previous truce.
2020-03-12 12:57:05 - Gods dad: urbanjedi, I would ask if we could ally - if only your teammate wasn't bonkers :(
2020-03-15 01:01:24 - urbanjedi: but pink, there was no reason to even take cher in the first place unless you were planning to increase your bonus.
2020-03-15 01:01:52 - urbanjedi: and leaving a 45 stack certainly seemed to indicate that you were going to keep pushing to break our bonuses.
2020-03-15 01:02:18 - urbanjedi: and if not, then why even put the stack there? why not put it wherever you wanted to have it end up?
2020-03-15 03:01:35 - torresgerrard: think about it
2020-03-18 23:33:46 - NvrTellMeTheOdds: so cyan, are you gifting red the paris suburbs so he can employ the win condition and you guys can pretend that you weren't cheating because you didn't win?
2020-03-18 23:34:23 - NvrTellMeTheOdds: too bad it's an entirely transparent play
2020-03-19 00:42:50 - torresgerrard: whatre you schmoking. if you break greens bonus (if you can), then we're a very good chance of breaking a suburb
2020-03-19 11:07:13 - DuZ: you got that right orange
2020-03-19 11:07:26 - DuZ: it's their turn to win this time
2020-03-20 02:05:44 - torresgerrard: in all honestly, duz just fucked up. gg
2020-03-21 05:50:58 - Kambodia: gg T3. Our sinister plan is almost complete. buahahahaha
2020-03-21 09:36:32 - Gods dad: gg T3, would it be possible to pay us by cash this time, Orange is on to us so we can't afford to leave any evidence?
2020-03-22 05:07:11 - DuZ: oks got it
2020-03-23 15:27:30 - urbanjedi: gg all