Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2019-03-07 19:00:18 - Tiberius Maximus: ok
2019-03-07 19:00:19 - CaronylKluster: If you take front yard then you can go through 001 to take tower and bombard the shit out of the Yard which is a very effective technique
2019-03-07 19:00:46 - CaronylKluster: I do monitor for hidden stacks, but taking a door doesn't help do that
2019-03-07 19:01:02 - Tiberius Maximus: see totally missed the bombing thing as I remember a bit of that but then the objective and game over
2019-03-07 19:01:05 - CaronylKluster: usually what I'll do if I'm ahead is take a door and stack a 4 or 5 on it to prevent you coming through into Yard easily here
2019-03-07 19:01:21 - CaronylKluster: NEVER TAKE OBJECTIVE - it's not worth it
2019-03-07 19:01:51 - CaronylKluster: Also, if you notice in our game, I virtually concened GP because my dice were so terrible and immediatley turn to trying to the take the yard
2019-03-07 19:02:03 - Tiberius Maximus: ah yes kinda like when I failed to clear ur green i mini stacked my yellow behing myself at the door hoping u would come to it
2019-03-07 19:02:15 - CaronylKluster: but for my shitty dice, this may have been a different game, but it took me so long to clear you from Yard that I was dead
2019-03-07 19:02:29 - CaronylKluster: also you build up quite a stack in GP that I could not counter effectively, so you could fort it aroudn well
2019-03-07 19:02:34 - Tiberius Maximus: oh ok on the objective - um I wonder why a few of those mulit player team game players did that
2019-03-07 19:03:10 - CaronylKluster: Also, I generally don't go for clan leaders until after I've secured or broken NF bonuses because those bonuses are better
2019-03-07 19:03:40 - CaronylKluster: I let players take the individual cell leaders because I realize those will be harder to exit rather than taking terts where I can expand my tert count
2019-03-07 19:03:53 - Tiberius Maximus: um ok that idea on the clan leaders will go into my memory
2019-03-07 19:04:25 - CaronylKluster: In multiplayer team games you may need to take the objective if it presents itself
2019-03-07 19:04:31 - Tiberius Maximus: yea I was only tyring to clear cells that had fish or gave me a gang member bonus or bump
2019-03-07 19:04:38 - CaronylKluster: I'm only talking about 1v1 and poly on this game with these types of settings
2019-03-07 19:04:55 - CaronylKluster: there may be settings and instances where it's warranted, but it's genearlly not recommended
2019-03-07 19:05:07 - Tiberius Maximus: ok will we change things playing a dubs game?
2019-03-07 19:05:12 - CaronylKluster: So see TM you're actually doing pretty much all you can
2019-03-07 19:05:24 - CaronylKluster: those other people must have had good dice just like you did against me
2019-03-07 19:05:48 - Tiberius Maximus: um yea maybe but feeling really ignorant is no way to go thru life LOL
2019-03-07 19:05:52 - CaronylKluster: because believe me if you think I wasn't trying to beat you with the same tactics then you're mistaken
2019-03-07 19:06:03 - CaronylKluster: if you get off to a bad start then it's all over with these settings
2019-03-07 19:06:10 - CaronylKluster: unless the cards equal things out
2019-03-07 19:06:16 - CaronylKluster: that's where I thought I had a chance
2019-03-07 19:06:27 - CaronylKluster: with three rainbows in a row, then I could have turned things around
2019-03-07 19:06:40 - CaronylKluster: but you countered with 3 rainbows so it negated any advantage that I picked up
2019-03-07 19:07:04 - CaronylKluster: I'll send you some invites - I play with a couple other players too but with clan wars recently, I havent' been as active
2019-03-07 19:07:43 - Tiberius Maximus: yep as in many games except for multi player or poly games on large fog maps like USA 2.1 - just got a reverse there and being led by Random 21 the conquerer against 3 other generals and they used foggy strategy to get more bonuses we did not see and then
2019-03-07 19:08:08 - Tiberius Maximus: ambushed us right where they could break 2 bonuses at the same time
2019-03-07 19:08:23 - Tiberius Maximus: ok am looking forward to the invites
2019-03-07 19:12:07 - Tiberius Maximus: oh crap more rainbows
2019-03-07 19:55:48 - CaronylKluster: Random 21 is an excellent player on USA 2.1
2019-03-07 19:56:08 - CaronylKluster: like I said, this game is over
2019-03-07 19:56:19 - CaronylKluster: can't believ eyou got more rainbow already - this game was stacked against me
2019-03-07 20:12:44 - Tiberius Maximus: ah oh good dice there by blue
2019-03-07 20:16:03 - Tiberius Maximus: damn I am color blind :(
2019-03-07 20:16:42 - Tiberius Maximus: and on Random he is really depressed on losing the game to dice but acknowledges the other side gambled and got it done
2019-03-07 20:52:49 - CaronylKluster: oh buddy - you have played outstanding here
2019-03-07 20:59:57 - Tiberius Maximus: really honestly I wish I could take credit rather than just kinda of being a repeater - need a better understanding of things
2019-03-07 21:12:59 - Tiberius Maximus: sorry for the delay thought I had forted
2019-03-07 21:29:28 - CaronylKluster: you received my invites right?
2019-03-07 21:33:43 - Tiberius Maximus: oh yep will accept next
2019-03-07 21:34:24 - Tiberius Maximus: what red cards LOL
2019-03-07 21:44:23 - CaronylKluster: yep you can see I was destined to lose this game
2019-03-07 21:44:37 - CaronylKluster: hopefully my recent play has facilitated a smoother conclusion
2019-03-07 22:30:46 - Tiberius Maximus: very helpful
2019-03-07 22:39:34 - CaronylKluster: good game mate I have 2 pairs too, lol no good for me
2019-03-07 22:39:37 - CaronylKluster: see you in dubs