Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2019-07-31 01:36:01 - jimboston: D Major... we are both weak, so I suggest we leave that border as it is...
2019-08-26 14:02:33 - jimboston: Red, I wom’t dispute Africa if you leave South America be?
2019-08-26 14:02:41 - jimboston: Orange has some huge stacks.
2019-08-26 14:02:51 - jimboston: we can set a round limit
2019-08-26 16:53:54 - alan8621: i believe it is considered bad form to disclose opponents troop dispositions
2019-08-27 23:55:06 - jimboston: it may be ‘bad form’ but. it is not a violation of any rules
2019-08-27 23:55:26 - jimboston: additionally I spoke in general terms and not specific locations
2019-08-27 23:56:35 - jimboston: the only rule is against secret diplomacy... if i disclosed troop numbers in a PM that would be a rule violation...
2019-08-27 23:56:56 - jimboston: disclosing them in the game chat is perfectly legal
2019-08-27 23:58:12 - jimboston: why do you have a problem with red knowing.... because you know you have the advantage now and don’t want us to resist your growth
2019-08-28 00:33:41 - alan8621: i said it was bad form, like breaking a truce
2019-08-28 00:40:52 - alan8621: but being only a private I wouldn;t expect you to understand
2019-08-28 16:07:10 - jimboston: LOL
2019-08-28 16:08:23 - jimboston: I fully understand... that you don’t like it.
2019-08-28 16:08:59 - jimboston: It’s subjective as to how ‘bad’ it is on the ‘bad form’ spectrum.
2019-08-28 16:09:35 - jimboston: Personally I think breaking a truce is worse, because violating a specific promise made in game chat.
2019-08-28 16:09:57 - jimboston: Whereas sharing info is a legit strategy.
2019-08-28 16:10:42 - jimboston: But if you want to think your rank actually has some meaning or value above and beyond what it means to you... go for it dude.
2019-08-28 16:11:38 - jimboston: Your rank and a $1 will get you a 99 cent coffee at the gas station store.
2019-09-02 00:49:44 - jimboston: red... why are we still working at cross purposes/
2019-09-02 00:50:05 - jimboston: You’re moving in on my territory
2019-09-02 14:24:27 - dv82xl: is that not part of the game
2019-09-02 14:26:26 - jimboston: yes it is...
2019-09-02 14:26:31 - jimboston: you can do what you want
2019-09-02 14:26:42 - jimboston: but orange had us both out-gunned
2019-09-02 14:27:12 - jimboston: if we don’t work together and focus on him for a bit he’s going to overwhelm us both
2019-09-02 14:28:15 - jimboston: and if he manages to kill me and get my cards then you’re dead meat even fast
2019-09-02 18:26:14 - alan8621: You are a dolt jimbo
2019-09-02 18:28:48 - alan8621: Can you see how many territories red has. He is the one who has us outgunnex
2019-09-03 17:28:10 - jimboston: +
2019-09-03 17:28:19 - jimboston: ok... so you back off then
2019-09-03 17:50:59 - dv82xl: to late for that
2019-09-03 18:35:50 - jimboston: Orange if i survive to collect another bonus I’ll throw it all at Red.
2019-09-03 18:36:44 - jimboston: Red you gotta let Orange kill me or. you got eat 6700 more troops getting thrown at you.
2019-09-04 00:19:48 - dv82xl: can only see one of your two but gg jim
2019-09-04 00:38:13 - jimboston: over 6K on Uruguay
2019-09-04 00:38:16 - jimboston: ugh
2019-09-04 00:38:26 - jimboston: i didn’t play a great game
2019-09-04 00:38:50 - jimboston: i had a position of strength and couldn’t leverage that.
2019-09-04 00:39:12 - jimboston: i should have picked my strong points better and slowed my growth to build reserves
2019-09-04 00:39:22 - jimboston: but hopefully i learn :)
2019-09-04 03:37:17 - dv82xl: been fun
2019-09-05 15:54:33 - jimboston: orange... I’ll let you hold that little army and won’t arm him...
2019-09-05 15:54:42 - jimboston: but you gotta stop hitting me
2019-09-07 14:32:57 - jimboston: untrustworthy
2019-09-07 22:24:46 - alan8621: i am sorry you feel that way, but we did not have a formal truce
2019-09-07 22:25:26 - alan8621: gg jimboston
2019-09-08 15:25:29 - alan8621: gg red
2019-09-08 15:28:58 - dv82xl: gg alan
2019-09-08 15:29:06 - dv82xl: well played