Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2018-09-20 16:27:02 - kwenty1: gl :-)
2018-09-20 17:41:49 - Arcnide22: hello :) , good luck my friends ( bonne chance (français) )
2018-09-21 08:01:33 - kwenty1: à toi aussi Arcnide22 :-)
2018-09-21 09:58:05 - Arcnide22: MERCI /°
2018-09-21 09:58:14 - Arcnide22: oups
2018-09-23 14:55:54 - peteuk: Good game all
2018-09-24 15:21:16 - Arcnide22: je rencontre rarement de Français ! je suis content ! par ailleurs si tu veux que l'on s'évite je suis ok pour :)
2018-09-24 15:35:31 - kwenty1: oui c'est pareil pour moi, je n'en croise pas beaucoup ^^
2018-09-24 15:40:40 - kwenty1: ok ça me va aussi de s'éviter. je te laisse tranquille au Sud (t'as l'air plutôt bien parti..) et du coup ben... ne m'en veux pas si je t'attaque en avançant au Nord... ok pour toi ?
2018-09-24 16:54:49 - Arcnide22: Oh non t'en fait pas ;) bonne chance Kwenty ;)
2018-09-25 17:14:19 - kwenty1: bonne chance à toi aussi :)
2018-09-25 18:52:21 - Arcnide22: et dit moi si tu a besoin d'une aide quelque quel soit
2018-09-27 21:25:07 - kwenty1: ça marche merci, et pareil pour toi!
2018-09-29 21:06:52 - Arcnide22: Bah tu voit tu t'en sort mieux que moi ! car moi le rouge me défonce à chaque round pour m'enlever les bonus et je sais pas comment il a fait pour avoir autant de renforts meme avec avec les bonus vert bleue rouge ( je sais pas commrent sa s'apelle lol )
2018-09-30 14:34:07 - kwenty1: essaie de réduire le nombe de tes frontières pour concentrer tes troupes et garder tes bonus plus facilement
2018-09-30 18:48:18 - Arcnide22: oui mais il me bloquer à chaque fois mais la je vais regler le probleme prochain tour j'ai 45 renfort
2018-10-02 09:21:08 - Arcnide22: La saone et loire ou il y'a mais 17 unité je vais les déplacer prochain tour mais va falloir quont se débarasse du vert aprés c'est pour toi ;) :)
2018-10-02 10:17:44 - threex12: 1. pink and yellow, you are being reported from breaking CC rules ... unannounced truce
2018-10-02 10:19:11 - threex12: 2. assuming that speaking French will hide your guilt ... dumb
2018-10-02 10:19:32 - threex12: 3. pink you moron ... yellows game in 2 rounds
2018-10-02 10:19:37 - threex12: 4. foed
2018-10-02 10:40:49 - Arcnide22: So we already speak French yes but not to hide our alliance just because we do not speak English! and me when I want to know some things that I do not understand I translate as I just translated your message! and honestly if you tell me it's that you tra
2018-10-02 10:41:02 - Arcnide22: So we already speak French yes but not to hide our alliance just because we do not speak English! and me when I want to know some things that I do not understand I translate as I just translated your message! and honestly if you tell me it's that you tra
2018-10-02 10:41:16 - Arcnide22: So we already speak French yes but not to hide our alliance just because we do not speak English! and me when I want to know some things that I do not understand I translate as I just translated your message! and honestly if you tell me it's that you tra
2018-10-02 10:45:41 - Arcnide22: excuse me for the spam it's not my fault I did not express: / but in any case I apologize anyway if it's really spoil your game.
2018-10-02 13:22:04 - kwenty1: ok red, I read again the rules and you're right, we are not supposed to speak another language than english. Sorry about that red, and I also apologize to you, green and blue
2018-10-02 13:27:20 - kwenty1: so, if you consider this is cheating, no problem for me, just tell me and i don't take Paris.
2018-10-02 16:06:50 - threex12: ... no go ahead, you've earned it ... I'm satisfied was honest mistake
2018-10-02 16:07:40 - threex12: not foed
2018-10-02 16:13:05 - Arcnide22: Oh it is clear that it was a mistake this is the first time that it happens to me I did not know that it was necessary to speak English! so I'm really sorry! and good Kwenty let's talk in English now so :)
2018-10-02 20:53:34 - threex12: no problem ...
2018-10-03 10:07:01 - kwenty1: ok... sorry again and I keep in mind always speaking in english in my next games
2018-10-04 01:31:16 - Holystargazer: i also speak french and yes they did an alliance :)
2018-10-04 12:52:32 - Arcnide22: :)
2018-10-07 20:00:29 - kwenty1: well... it was nice to play with you, even with this misunderstanding :/