Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2018-04-11 22:37:30 - hjelp: crafty hands :)
2018-04-11 22:38:20 - hjelp:
2018-04-11 22:40:11 - hjelp: 1. Service With A Smile
2018-04-11 22:42:26 - hjelp: 4. Steaming Pipes
2018-04-11 22:42:28 - groovysmurf: That's such a good name for a song
2018-04-11 22:42:39 - groovysmurf: the first one I mean
2018-04-11 22:43:29 - groovysmurf: crossing my fingers you got 2 pair
2018-04-11 22:44:17 - groovysmurf: of course not! lol
2018-04-11 22:45:04 - hjelp: ;)
2018-04-11 22:45:35 - hjelp: you had to take the chance
2018-04-11 22:46:05 - hjelp: 5. Wind Up Doll Day Wind
2018-04-11 22:49:26 - groovysmurf: I got a bad feeling here
2018-04-11 22:50:46 - hjelp: nah, you have first turn to play set if you got it.
2018-04-11 22:51:20 - groovysmurf: yes, but I got one guy that's hiding...can't card
2018-04-11 22:51:47 - hjelp: 7. I Forgot To Push It
2018-04-11 22:53:15 - groovysmurf: lol, I like that one, too
2018-04-11 22:54:14 - hjelp: :D
2018-04-11 22:55:34 - groovysmurf: yeah, I'm screwed here
2018-04-11 22:55:53 - groovysmurf: if only you had had 2 pair, this would have been mine
2018-04-11 22:56:05 - hjelp: probably
2018-04-11 22:56:08 - groovysmurf: still not giving up though ;-)
2018-04-11 22:56:17 - hjelp: here's a song for CC
2018-04-11 22:56:34 - hjelp: 01 Butter Queen
2018-04-11 22:56:41 - hjelp:
2018-04-11 23:09:55 - hjelp: 08 See what i took
2018-04-11 23:27:39 - hjelp: puh, no set ..
2018-04-11 23:31:30 - groovysmurf: I thought you were going to bed
2018-04-11 23:31:46 - hjelp: me too :)
2018-04-11 23:31:54 - hjelp: I'm on my way...
2018-04-11 23:32:42 - groovysmurf: after you destroy me here
2018-04-11 23:33:35 - hjelp: yes :)
2018-04-11 23:48:42 - groovysmurf: I can't believe I grabbed another card for you!
2018-04-11 23:49:01 - groovysmurf: I got cursed with 2 pair with both green and blue as you can see
2018-04-11 23:49:40 - groovysmurf: gg
2018-04-11 23:50:33 - hjelp: well I'm feeling happy, you can be happy making me happy :D
2018-04-11 23:50:37 - hjelp: gg
2018-04-11 23:51:07 - groovysmurf: lol, well, as long as you're happy :-)
2018-04-11 23:52:05 - groovysmurf: I suppose I can muster a smile for ya
2018-04-11 23:52:52 - hjelp: thanks :)
2018-04-11 23:57:22 - groovysmurf: Buffinton Family
2018-04-11 23:57:43 - groovysmurf: or rather Buffington
2018-04-11 23:57:49 - hjelp: where is that ?
2018-04-11 23:57:59 - hjelp: aha found it :)
2018-04-11 23:59:23 - groovysmurf: lol - since I have to cash, I'll just leave my guys on one of the stops
2018-04-11 23:59:46 - groovysmurf: or not actually, I'm a moron lol
2018-04-11 23:59:59 - hjelp: :D
2018-04-12 00:00:19 - groovysmurf: very well played :-D
2018-04-12 00:00:24 - hjelp: have a nice day
2018-04-12 00:00:33 - hjelp: u2 well played
2018-04-12 00:01:36 - groovysmurf: Thank you - you have a great night