Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2017-11-28 01:57:16 - dollarsnosense: going back though, seems the top guys been itching to hit each other .. in a non-clan type of way
2017-11-28 01:57:20 - dollarsnosense: would be fun to wtch
2017-11-28 01:57:33 - zeus111: we play him in trips
2017-11-28 01:57:55 - zeus111: u play him lots dollar
2017-11-28 01:58:23 - dollarsnosense: i think i'm gonna miss a turn on sheer principle.
2017-11-28 01:59:57 - zeus111:
2017-11-28 02:00:28 - dollarsnosense: might miss two.
2017-11-28 02:01:05 - zeus111: lol just drop
2017-11-28 02:13:50 - zeus111: team japan sharks !!
2017-11-28 02:14:12 - zeus111: dollar get on team usa ffs !!
2017-11-28 02:17:18 - dollarsnosense: too busy focusing on.. (2) flying wedges
2017-11-28 02:19:33 - zeus111: ok m8 no sweat
2017-11-28 02:44:05 - dollarsnosense: gg Rubble
2017-11-28 02:46:13 - dollarsnosense: wow, unscathed.
2017-11-28 02:46:16 - dollarsnosense: ok
2017-11-28 02:47:16 - Barney Rubble: I shouldve I guess just wasnt feeling it
2017-11-28 02:47:43 - dollarsnosense: u usually go regardless
2017-11-28 02:47:48 - dollarsnosense: i had closed the window
2017-11-28 02:47:50 - dollarsnosense: lol
2017-11-28 02:47:59 - dollarsnosense: came back thinking I had like 4 troops left or something
2017-11-28 02:48:01 - Barney Rubble: yeh I know ......
2017-11-28 02:48:32 - Barney Rubble: maybe its the styk
2017-11-28 02:48:45 - Barney Rubble: styling wedge
2017-11-28 02:49:31 - dollarsnosense: pretty damn boring game
2017-11-28 02:49:35 - dollarsnosense: stuck in Eur and Asia
2017-11-28 02:49:41 - dollarsnosense: 12 frickin rounds
2017-11-28 02:50:22 - zeus111: dam
2017-11-28 02:50:40 - Barney Rubble: put yourself in zeus sad sack no rolling buns up kneeling blow up the game shoes !! lol
2017-11-28 02:50:42 - Allday28: guess not
2017-11-28 02:51:12 - Barney Rubble: thats how I was feeling about cracking tour ass
2017-11-28 02:51:19 - zeus111: was set up but denied !!
2017-11-28 02:51:22 - dollarsnosense: Oceania always last man in toga
2017-11-28 02:52:13 - zeus111: 18 v 12 what can ya do
2017-11-28 02:52:32 - dollarsnosense: Fail in
2017-11-28 02:52:36 - Barney Rubble: monty !
2017-11-28 02:54:53 - rayofsun: haa
2017-11-28 02:54:58 - zeus111: gg asll
2017-11-28 02:55:10 - dollarsnosense: That wa expensive.
2017-11-28 02:55:19 - dollarsnosense: Pink
2017-11-28 02:57:24 - Allday28: maybe
2017-11-28 02:58:52 - Vale_Abel: not so smart to keep pounding after you realize you can't get me
2017-11-28 02:59:27 - Vale_Abel: gg green
2017-11-28 02:59:56 - rayofsun: wtg dollar
2017-11-28 03:00:04 - Allday28: gg dollar
2017-11-28 03:00:09 - Barney Rubble: only chance let
2017-11-28 03:00:14 - Barney Rubble: left
2017-11-28 03:00:25 - zeus111: #17871861
2017-11-28 03:00:50 - zeus111: nice win dollar
2017-11-28 03:00:58 - dollarsnosense: very lucky, g
2017-11-28 03:01:00 - dollarsnosense: gg