Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2019-01-22 05:54:15 - MGSteve: According to map inspect, I was supposed to be able to attack FL from a number of terts but I was not able to.
2019-01-22 05:54:45 - MGSteve: So I'm really thinking that this map is basically unplayable at this point.
2019-01-22 20:30:13 - Sirius Kase: map inspect doesn't work with conditional borders
2019-01-22 20:31:01 - Sirius Kase: Look at bottom where it says Forbidden Lands highlighted with yellow
2019-01-22 20:35:07 - Sirius Kase: you need two territories adjacent to two different blood towers
2019-01-22 20:38:58 - Sirius Kase: this is a map where you must read and understand everything because map inspect won't
2019-01-22 22:46:25 - hopalong: so, basically own M2 + P2 in order to hit FL. OR own T2 and S2 in order to hit FL.
2019-01-22 22:46:39 - hopalong: when in doubt, hit green. i think that is written somewhere. ;)
2019-01-22 22:47:25 - hopalong: thanks for not giving up on the map, MG! with these settings, i think that is all you really need to know. maybe how to increase deploys, but being, esc, its the timing of the cash that will matter most, imo
2019-01-23 07:49:37 - Silly Knig-it: With th3 initiql map inspect you have three terts to hit, but once you hit one of them, you can no longer hit the other two. At that point you have picked your entry on to the board.
2019-01-24 05:12:15 - MGSteve: No, I think you got that wrong, hoppy. It would be either P2 or M2 and either S2 or T2; 1 tert next to 2 different towers.
2019-01-24 05:14:32 - MGSteve: And at first I was thinking WTF! with your entry, Silly. Then I got what you meant. That part I knew but forgot about the FL/BT/AT triangle. AT being adjacent tert. ;)
2019-01-24 05:23:11 - MGSteve: So the special features. If you happen to get the top one, Aquatic, It looks like Seas are yours but they're KN's so the terts adjacent to seas are yours, increasing your due by 1 for every 2 you have.
2019-01-24 05:30:21 - MGSteve: Basic Lands, D, F, J, M, P, S, T, V, is the SF for Barbs, 3 of which gets you 1 troop.
2019-01-24 05:33:26 - MGSteve: And the SF for Fanatics is just their favored tert, so J's in this game.
2019-01-24 06:01:51 - MGSteve: All right so far? Now the seas, I see no reason to take one. The adjacent terts can be attacked by a sea but they can't attack it and they can only be bombed by FL so how the (HTF!) could you take one anywho!?
2019-01-24 06:02:15 - MGSteve: Cheez!
2019-01-25 03:50:04 - Sirius Kase: you mostly have it figured out. Don't take a sea, that's not your super power.
2019-01-25 03:50:19 - Sirius Kase: You are a wizard, Steve
2019-01-25 13:24:18 - hopalong: ah - 2 different blood towers. ok.
2019-01-25 13:24:57 - hopalong: we are kindof congested on the right side of the map right now
2019-01-26 02:00:37 - hopalong: more krazy kingdom action available here: 17765027
2019-01-26 04:36:56 - MGSteve: Maybe a good decongestant?
2019-01-26 14:23:26 - hopalong: never thought that removing me was the solution!
2019-01-28 07:06:53 - MGSteve: I don't wanna remove you except from that one tert.
2019-01-28 22:04:04 - Sirius Kase: Now you can hop back in somewhere else
2019-01-30 14:16:57 - hopalong: why are people getting aquatic bonus if they are not aquatic?
2019-01-31 18:36:03 - Silly Knig-it: Don't know, one of many things I don't understand about this map.
2019-02-01 03:08:51 - MGSteve: Who's getting aqua bonus?
2019-02-01 13:15:51 - hopalong: red, green, yellow, and pink are getting wet bonus
2019-02-03 04:14:06 - MGSteve: Red has 2 terts next to Sea 3 for 1 troop. Green has 3 next to Sea 2 for 1 troop.
2019-02-03 04:16:48 - MGSteve: Yellow has 3 next to Sea 3 and pink has 4 terts next to Sea 1 and 2 next to Sea 4 for a total of 3.
2019-02-05 01:01:44 - Sirius Kase: i'm not getting aquatic bonus
2019-02-05 01:04:21 - Sirius Kase: You must be using Map Inspect, map tab. If you look at log, you will get correct information. Map inspect doesn't understand the xml.
2019-02-05 01:06:01 - Sirius Kase: The game uses features, and it uses them properly, but MI doesn't know that code.
2019-02-05 01:08:45 - Sirius Kase: Adjacent to seas lights up when you are adjacent to a sea, but you only get the bonus if you have the aquatic special feature.
2019-02-05 01:10:14 - Sirius Kase: Stats is also wrong because it is part of Map Inspect. Again, compare to game log to verify.
2019-02-05 01:12:12 - Sirius Kase: I'll post this into the thread, but it isn't really a problem with the map, it's a problem with Map Inspect.
2019-02-05 01:19:39 - Sirius Kase: Fanatics has a similar problem. Take a look at Pink, it appears he has 2 points for fanatics and 1 point for aquatics, but if you look at log, he doesn't have either.
2019-02-05 01:20:53 - Sirius Kase: this is a sunny game so it's safe to discuss in forum
2019-02-05 01:24:14 - Sirius Kase: what is strange is blue is adj to two seas but bonus doesn't light up
2019-02-05 01:53:57 - Sirius Kase: I posted a snippet of our chat in the forum. Go there if you have anything to add.
2019-02-05 09:43:29 - MGSteve: No, I was looking at the aquatic bonus in special features. And just realized that since no one has that SF, no one should be getting that bonus.
2019-02-05 09:44:59 - MGSteve: I really don't want to have to read the log and study that much to play a map.
2019-02-05 09:48:00 - MGSteve: There are so many good maps that don't require studying the log and the forum and all kinds of thises and thats that come into play with this and that variable depending on whether you have this or that SF and what your sign is and if your date of birth..
2019-02-05 09:49:51 - MGSteve: Last game here unless I have to for a tourney or a ladder challenge or it happens in some random game. Just don't care for it.
2019-02-05 09:58:07 - Sirius Kase: I don't think anyone is getting it, not that I can tell.
2019-02-05 10:00:06 - Sirius Kase: you can have the zone if you have 3 territories next to sea, but you only get the bonus if you have the sf
2019-02-05 10:01:44 - Sirius Kase: it's a bug, one that i'd like to see fixed
2019-02-05 10:02:45 - Sirius Kase: probably won't get out of beta if it's not fixed