Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2017-09-22 19:48:13 - Fyrdraca: Let me know when you snap bud
2017-09-22 22:33:17 - Robespierre__: bwahahahaha
2017-09-22 22:33:38 - Robespierre__: bring it!
2017-09-23 04:40:28 - Fyrdraca: Glad you went 2-0 relative to my 1-3'tl start the game
2017-09-23 04:41:28 - Fyrdraca: Followed by me going 2-6, hooray
2017-09-23 14:18:37 - Robespierre__: you decided to go against the world's best on this map .... what did you expect??? :p
2017-09-24 01:48:48 - Fyrdraca: Need some dice to turn around here. Ugly round 1
2017-09-24 13:41:18 - Robespierre__: smooth 0/4 start for me on that turn should help
2017-09-24 17:21:16 - Fyrdraca: I hope!
2017-09-25 14:32:28 - Fyrdraca: Balonga
2017-09-25 14:32:41 - Fyrdraca: Baloney
2017-09-25 14:32:58 - Fyrdraca: 10v1,6 goes 1-2 taking the 1 then 0-4 against your 6
2017-09-25 14:33:45 - Fyrdraca: Things were starting to turn, but that right there might be the dagger if yellow has good dice
2017-09-25 14:36:26 - Robespierre__: appreciate that since it had gone a bit South for awhile
2017-09-25 14:36:51 - Robespierre__: plus I caught three 3-card sets so that will help
2017-09-25 15:02:28 - Fyrdraca: Oh really? Three 3-card sets is cute
2017-09-25 15:03:19 - Fyrdraca: That was dumb of me
2017-09-25 21:43:40 - Robespierre__: rubber .... road .... meeting
2017-09-26 01:07:26 - Fyrdraca: Gray going 0-7 the last two turns is just adding to misery
2017-09-26 01:08:04 - Fyrdraca: No chance
2017-09-26 01:27:11 - Robespierre__: you are just stacking out of sight .... you can't fool me
2017-09-26 02:25:26 - Fyrdraca: 0-2
2017-09-26 02:25:34 - Fyrdraca: Believe me bud, it's ugly on this side
2017-09-26 02:41:43 - Robespierre__: lolI almost failed the 15:5 ... first attack went 2/10
2017-09-26 02:44:55 - Robespierre__: 15:2,2 that is ...
2017-09-26 02:45:45 - Robespierre__: actually the first attack went 2/9 .... then an 0/2 followed by a successful 3:2 attack
2017-09-26 02:51:15 - Fyrdraca: lulz
2017-09-26 02:56:47 - Robespierre__: uh oh .... blue did not have a set .... I am in trouble now I think ... trouble I could have avoided potentialluy
2017-09-26 02:56:49 - Robespierre__: potentially
2017-09-26 03:12:10 - Fyrdraca: Yeah that hurt ya
2017-09-26 03:15:10 - Robespierre__: hard to believe I may have handed this to you
2017-09-26 03:15:18 - Robespierre__: not may have
2017-09-26 03:15:20 - Robespierre__: did
2017-09-26 03:15:35 - Robespierre__: all I had to do was not clear out cyan from Hatshepsut
2017-09-26 03:16:36 - Fyrdraca: Yeah though even if blue doesn't card there I like my position cause I'd still get the elim
2017-09-26 03:17:59 - Fyrdraca: gg bud
2017-09-26 03:25:28 - Robespierre__: not sure you would have gotten the elim... still only placing 11 .... probably