Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2016-10-11 16:03:09 - Game has been initialized
2016-11-01 17:26:01 - davekettering eliminated t4mcr53s2 from the game
2016-11-01 17:26:29 - davekettering eliminated Agent 86 from the game
2016-11-01 17:26:32 - davekettering eliminated rick1063 from the game
2016-11-01 17:26:32 - random21, fishydance, davekettering won the game
2016-11-01 17:26:32 - rick1063 lost 16 points
2016-11-01 17:26:32 - t4mcr53s2 lost 16 points
2016-11-01 17:26:32 - Agent 86 lost 16 points
2016-11-01 17:26:32 - random21 gained 16 points
2016-11-01 17:26:32 - fishydance gained 16 points
2016-11-01 17:26:32 - davekettering gained 16 points
2016-10-27 00:47:37 - random21: rcfritz seems to think I've exaggerated. so i thought id take a double take on my position. in my view the last game saying great game was rude. was i mistaken?
2016-10-27 00:48:30 - random21: in a game where you were losing pre trade ins you were losing... then you had almost insurmountable advantage in cards. and you called it ""great game" .... in my view
2016-10-27 00:49:15 - random21: a great game would be one that for eurasia lasts quite some time. perhaps early lead, gives way to tie after cards, then someone secures a bonus and gets a lead, then another team manages to wipe out a player and balance 3 v 2 where 2 players have bonuses
2016-10-27 00:49:59 - random21: so 3 v 2 but deploys are still almost equal! and then.. wow either way thats great game. but what about a game where once trade ins start .. its all one sided and then game is over... is it just the feat of their being a comeback that made it a great?
2016-10-27 00:50:46 - random21: or that you were winners? anyways. based on other experiences of your clan. I'm not really seeing that you guys have a great clan going right now. rousseau came in and chimed out about cheering on your clan mates
2016-10-27 00:51:32 - random21: even when game is clearly won. sort of like Jc but never mind that. i thought cheering in a game mostly decided was somewhat unnecessary. but rousseaus says it was fine... especially since comebacks happen. is there a reason your clan wasn't coming into
2016-10-27 00:52:09 - random21: this game to cheer you on? for such a cheering clan ... thought maybe they would have. I don't particularly think either game of ours was great. but simple gg for both is fine
2016-10-27 00:54:16 - random21: the intention might not have been malice. its just the fact of it. its like if i got my whole clan to come into this game and cheer me on... aside from the war already being decided... thats just good fun right? cause comebacks happen?? er what
2016-10-27 16:17:11 - rick1063: To me a great game is one that is decided by tactics and strategy, more than lucky dice. In the last game you can point to the cards as the reason for us winning but we used the troops from the cards effectively and with great teamwork and planning.
2016-10-27 16:21:34 - rick1063: This wasn't a great game, far from it, after round 1 we were 4 regions down and stayed behind ever since but i'm not going to whine about it, that's just the way it goes sometimes and you should accept it with good grace
2016-10-27 16:28:54 - rick1063: I have to be honest I find it ridiculous that you could be offended by someone saying 'great game' how could that possibly be malicious!?
2016-10-27 18:55:58 - random21: perfect. a person in your clan who can talk. pls let me educate you on this matter
2016-10-27 18:56:45 - random21: tactics and strategy. agreed. but i think the rest of your views are utter nonsense. see its in a game where both sides are relatively even and long term that you get great games
2016-10-27 18:57:41 - random21: lets be frank. your tactics and strategy on this map are shit. we were utterly destroying you in first 3 rounds before trade ins in our last eurasia game. do you understand that? your tactics strategy teamwork and planning meant nothing BEFORE THE CARDS
2016-10-27 18:58:50 - random21: once you got the cards you used them effectively.... great. but how does this make it a great game? in a game where you get twice the troops from cards, you used your 30 troops better than we used our 12 troops? o rly? say maybe because... you could 18
2016-10-27 18:59:02 - random21: you got 18 troops more than us to work with?
2016-10-27 19:00:33 - random21: did you know that in this game part of our tactics is to deploy so that we can take advantage of good dice and steam roll to push our advantage? and we use 3 v 1. doesn't look like you do rick.
2016-10-27 19:01:08 - random21: yeah... see i do accept it with good grace. i didn't explain to your team GREAT GAME GUYS!
2016-10-27 19:02:08 - random21: i mean, we both got the next player down 2 territories, then we pulled ahead, and we smashed yeah good - great game! because we used tactics and strategy to effectively pin you down and make sure siberia and japan and your silly middle eastern bonus NEVER
2016-10-27 19:02:42 - random21: came in to play. cause thats a part of a great game. is using your position to seal a win. which we basically did outright. just as you used your "Cards" so effectively
2016-10-27 19:03:39 - random21: funny isn't it, how in a game where we use being 4 TERRITORIES UP is not a great game, but a game where you guys get 40 troops from mixed sets and we get.. wait for it 0 TROOPS FROM MIXED sets... and yet yours is .... A GREAT GAME!
2016-10-27 19:04:37 - random21: i promise you rick. 4 territories is not equivalent to 40 troops in trade ins. maybe you just got out played? like in the start of that last game? woulda gone the same way eh? unless someone put settings so that cards can help a team who is down come back
2016-10-27 19:05:07 - random21: see i chose the settings, and I'm perfectly ok with the turn out. its just a remark in a game of that degree where we get a great game in our face seems kinda bad on your part... do you see that?
2016-10-27 19:05:28 - random21: i don't find it malicious rick. i just find it not in good grace
2016-10-27 19:06:18 - random21: the other game didn't last long enough for me to see any great tactics or strategy by your team. you got more troops. you deployed them. you took more. ... what did i miss?
2016-10-27 19:06:57 - random21: therefore wasn't a great game. because games in eurasia that are great... last a heck of lot longer?! wait 10 min while i search one out for you now if i can. if cc held the records
2016-10-27 19:09:35 - random21: game number 13136167
2016-10-27 19:10:37 - random21: can you understand that log and understand why that game was so great? i mean just look at the rounds.. 25. 25 rounds for someone to win! do you know how many trade ins that is?
2016-10-27 19:11:17 - random21: i don't remember who had better trade ins. or when. but i can tell you the lead went back and forth. i could tell you more to. just know that was a great game. our last game was not. and neither was this
2016-10-27 19:23:01 - random21: i can admit that that game just like the last one, we were down like you, and we came back. and i perhaps don't remember the games i lost that were great as well as the ones that i ended up winning... and thats bias on my part perhaps. or human tendancies
2016-10-27 19:46:50 - random21: try to appreciate the difference between your game you won. and game 13136167. then keeping that in mind. why my response is what it is. but i agree. its easy to not be offended. I've just decided since I've seen repeated behaviour in a large portion of
2016-10-27 19:47:32 - random21: your clan mates to say something. that is all. i think even if your clan wins anything... will cc look at you in any other way than... oh how lucky of them. i think in past. top clans won and it was recognized for what it was. skill
2016-10-27 21:17:21 - rick1063: Correct me if i'm wrong but we won the war, not one game? And we have also made the final for the 2nd year running
2016-10-27 21:19:04 - rick1063: Yet according to your logic that will all be luck right? It's a shame that your superior recognition of what is a great game didn't help you win the war eh, what a bad loser
2016-10-27 21:59:37 - random21: its funny and sad how clueless you are. how bout responding legitimately to my post. about specific occurrences. i find this war irrelevant. talk about the game. i swear when i talk to your clan its like you are all arrogant toddlers
2016-10-27 22:01:23 - random21: you haven't mentioned anything yet about cards literally giving you that game. i don't care if your clan can win games. its how they win games. what words you speak.
2016-10-27 22:02:35 - random21: if you win games like how you won eurasia. um yeah. i think it means nothing... but you want to talk it up as if you used your 4 mixed sets "effectively" and talked about it and strategized about it with your teammates. hey teammates. we got our sets in
2016-10-27 22:03:00 - random21: round 3 3 and 4. and they were pretty good. they get bad sets and have to wait until round 5 to get them. then we get more good sets. then they get more bad sets.
2016-10-27 22:03:07 - random21: nice strategy rick!
2016-10-27 22:04:25 - random21: see, i can talk about a game afterwards with opponents and actually give it a reasonable assessment. but your clan.. apparently is fragile about actually looking at games. they just think. well we won't he war. so guess all the games were good,
2016-10-27 22:04:43 - random21: at least the ones we one were great, and the ones we lost were meh. rick. you are a child.
2016-10-27 22:07:10 - random21: -----
2016-10-27 22:07:43 - random21: sry me writing so much must be hard for you. ill try to keep future posts much shorter so you can work through them. baby steps
2016-10-27 22:09:09 - random21: we won the war** ones we won*
2016-10-28 03:01:33 - t4mcr53s2: i just say gg as a courtesy , i.e. thanks for playing ... if the other player played lousy they probably know it but "i hope you play better next time' doesnt really add much to general wellbeing ...if the other playerI
2016-10-28 03:13:32 - random21: entirely more reasonable response
2016-10-28 11:26:09 - fishydance: gg all - and congrats to FALL on the war. Good luck in the next one :)
2016-10-30 20:43:14 - rick1063: gg fishydance, davekettering, great game random21
2016-10-31 01:21:18 - random21: haha
2016-11-01 09:44:25 - Agent 86: well played..