Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2016-07-24 07:22:16 - OlgaB4Uk!: i don't think so
2016-07-24 07:22:44 - deejones: i have fought 2 people for like 10 rounds
2016-07-24 07:23:05 - OlgaB4Uk!: red will clean up
2016-07-24 07:24:08 - deejones: your the one who blew it when red gave you a 40 deploy i think it was
2016-07-24 07:24:33 - deejones: you should of swept up
2016-07-24 07:27:47 - OlgaB4Uk!: it's all yours red, take it.
2016-07-24 07:28:31 - OlgaB4Uk!: NA
2016-07-24 07:34:08 - OlgaB4Uk!: hawaii is great this time of year
2016-07-24 07:35:02 - deejones: i can move if you want to go there??
2016-07-24 07:53:00 - OlgaB4Uk!: rasb knows how to pop nigeria why wouldn't he.
2016-07-24 07:53:47 - Rasberry: i dont mind him having it
2016-07-24 07:54:07 - Rasberry: try morroco
2016-07-24 07:54:16 - Rasberry: if it bothers you7
2016-07-24 07:55:25 - deejones: why hit me if i am the weakest????????
2016-07-24 07:56:15 - OlgaB4Uk!: you see jones, when it comes around you understand how unstable rasb is. you don't see him putting needles in a voo doo doll and bitching now right?
2016-07-24 07:56:44 - deejones: i get half your deploys and you feel the need to break me
2016-07-24 07:57:12 - deejones: why wont you hit him
2016-07-24 07:59:42 - OlgaB4Uk!: you always finish off the weakest, but I know rasb is sneaky and would do the same to me.
2016-07-24 08:00:29 - OlgaB4Uk!: now don't react rasb, you are still in the lead, be cool .
2016-07-24 08:02:12 - deejones: how is that strategy working for ya??
2016-07-24 08:06:10 - Rasberry: ya think its a strategy yellow ?
2016-07-24 08:06:15 - OlgaB4Uk!: hmmm
2016-07-24 08:06:22 - Rasberry: rofl
2016-07-24 08:06:38 - OlgaB4Uk!: one hour now
2016-07-24 08:07:53 - OlgaB4Uk!: that's it for me, hello rasb.
2016-07-24 08:08:32 - Rasberry: hi olga
2016-07-24 08:09:17 - Rasberry: it diesnt bother me olga
2016-07-24 08:09:18 - deejones: almost 2hrs
2016-07-24 08:11:40 - Rasberry: this why i dont play this girl and i foed her but its her choice
2016-07-24 08:11:52 - Rasberry: i lose less points with you anyhow
2016-07-24 08:12:20 - Rasberry: back to foed for you olga
2016-07-24 08:12:28 - Rasberry: hehe
2016-07-24 08:14:11 - OlgaB4Uk!: this is the only chance you will ever have to beat us yellow, don't be passive, eat while the sharks are.
2016-07-24 08:14:47 - Rasberry: il let you sweep up yellow
2016-07-24 08:14:53 - Rasberry: once i end her game
2016-07-24 08:17:41 - Rasberry: this is our last game olga do not beg me to unfoe you like the last time you waste my time
2016-07-24 08:18:07 - Rasberry: its permanent and i di report you for calling me fag which is bigotry
2016-07-24 08:18:27 - OlgaB4Uk!: report this!
2016-07-24 08:19:58 - Rasberry: i already did olga you will get banned
2016-07-24 08:20:12 - Rasberry: maybe a warning but if you ever had a problem before its a bann
2016-07-24 08:20:14 - OlgaB4Uk!: by the way, yellow is going to let you fester, he will just enjoy being ahead like last time. it is be hours.
2016-07-24 08:20:30 - Rasberry: good game yellow well played
2016-07-24 08:20:54 - Rasberry: no i am leaving yellow im kinda bushed
2016-07-24 08:21:32 - deejones: gg
2016-07-24 08:21:47 - OlgaB4Uk!: yellow wake up and win, dumbass
2016-07-24 08:22:06 - OlgaB4Uk!: what are you waiting for, Jesus?
2016-07-24 08:23:24 - OlgaB4Uk!: stop pushing the clutch
2016-07-24 08:23:31 - OlgaB4Uk!: attack
2016-07-24 08:25:15 - OlgaB4Uk!: well, goodbye rasberry for good. He was offended by the reenactment, lol.
2016-07-24 08:25:32 - deejones: play your own game