Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2015-01-19 00:21:18 - smac: arse, 5 singles = 12
2015-01-19 00:21:26 - BuckyOhare: This is gonna hurt
2015-01-19 00:22:05 - BuckyOhare: Yikes
2015-01-19 00:22:11 - smac: that was kinda dumb yellow.....
2015-01-19 00:22:54 - smac: imho of course.....what happens next could prove me wrong ;)
2015-01-19 00:24:51 - johnnythehun: perhaps, but with your troops at my doorstep , it looked as though you might attack me.
2015-01-19 00:26:10 - smac: well yeah, I would have :P
2015-01-19 00:30:34 - BuckyOhare: Shite
2015-01-19 00:30:54 - BuckyOhare: Watch red come back in and wipe us all out, lol
2015-01-19 00:31:13 - BuckyOhare: Wow
2015-01-19 00:31:42 - BuckyOhare: That's some pretty seedy shit, red
2015-01-19 00:32:29 - BuckyOhare: Can we please all ally against red?
2015-01-19 00:32:42 - smac: wow
2015-01-19 00:32:47 - BuckyOhare: That's the lowest thing I've ever seen on here
2015-01-19 00:32:52 - smac: don't see something SO underhand every day
2015-01-19 00:32:59 - smac: what an asshole
2015-01-19 00:33:43 - smac: I very very rarely foe someone, but that's one right there....
2015-01-19 00:34:00 - BuckyOhare: Yup, same here
2015-01-19 00:34:28 - gusku rusku: i come back
2015-01-19 00:34:43 - johnnythehun: that is f..ed up. What a waste of time for all of us.
2015-01-19 00:34:49 - BuckyOhare: Red, you are a scum bag
2015-01-19 00:34:55 - johnnythehun: I am with you Bucky, remove red
2015-01-19 00:35:25 - BuckyOhare: I Tried, but I couldn't even break his bonus
2015-01-19 00:35:58 - gusku rusku: :)
2015-01-19 00:36:55 - johnnythehun: me too, stay at it we will get him
2015-01-19 00:39:00 - BuckyOhare: Or we could all just dead beat out so he has to wait way longer for his win?
2015-01-19 00:39:09 - BuckyOhare: What do you guys think?
2015-01-19 00:39:37 - smac: hmmm...have a crack for a bit first
2015-01-19 00:39:43 - BuckyOhare: Or should we try and fight him?
2015-01-19 00:39:50 - BuckyOhare: I have one terr
2015-01-19 00:39:58 - BuckyOhare: But okay, lol
2015-01-19 00:40:40 - BuckyOhare: I'm reporting red too, on the forums
2015-01-19 00:40:57 - BuckyOhare: You guys might want to do the same
2015-01-19 00:41:09 - smac: yeh
2015-01-19 00:41:22 - smac: looking at the drop you're right, don't think it will work from here
2015-01-19 00:42:00 - gusku rusku: even a compliment for my smart move
2015-01-19 00:42:44 - BuckyOhare: That's not smart, dummy
2015-01-19 00:43:02 - BuckyOhare: You're an incompetent player who had to cheat, lol
2015-01-19 00:43:53 - johnnythehun: We all could have done the same red but there is thing called honour.
2015-01-19 00:44:10 - BuckyOhare: Good game yellow and blue
2015-01-19 00:44:54 - gusku rusku: it's so smart
2015-01-19 00:44:59 - gusku rusku: gg
2015-01-19 00:45:04 - johnnythehun: you made us sit and wait and waste our time, for that alone I am not impressed
2015-01-19 00:45:23 - johnnythehun: gg green
2015-01-19 00:46:21 - smac: not to mention so sloooooooooooooooooooooooow
2015-01-19 00:47:10 - johnnythehun: gg blue
2015-01-19 00:47:49 - smac: yeah
2015-01-19 00:47:54 - johnnythehun: time to db blue
2015-01-19 00:47:57 - smac: parts of it :)
2015-01-19 00:48:04 - smac: I won't be here to db