Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2014-12-30 22:19:08 - DarkestManager: you cheat, haker noob
2014-12-31 00:00:11 - nice scott: said the loser. ha ha
2014-12-31 00:00:33 - nice scott: #ikickedyourass
2014-12-31 12:50:08 - DarkestManager: your a gay fish
2014-12-31 13:40:31 - nice scott: what are you 10?
2014-12-31 14:02:59 - DarkestManager: i hope you feel good about youreself for cheeting at this game i know you hackeded the game
2014-12-31 14:03:26 - DarkestManager: i am not playing anymore
2014-12-31 14:07:28 - nice scott: explain how I am A cheater, because I am not
2014-12-31 14:07:56 - nice scott: i need to understand what your problem is?
2014-12-31 22:32:26 - DarkestManager: fuck off
2014-12-31 22:32:30 - DarkestManager: you are a hacker
2014-12-31 22:32:36 - DarkestManager: i have reported you
2014-12-31 22:32:44 - DarkestManager: gay fish
2014-12-31 22:58:44 - DarkestManager: you fucking cunt, why have you stopped me from writing on your wall?
2014-12-31 22:59:54 - DarkestManager: you cheateing hacker
2014-12-31 23:00:18 - DarkestManager: i need to get the word on you out that you are a hacker
2014-12-31 23:01:08 - DarkestManager: are you there?
2015-01-01 00:26:46 - DarkestManager: cunt
2015-01-01 00:30:30 - DarkestManager: I cracke you up becuase you have cheated on this game so you can win that is the only truth
2015-01-01 00:31:16 - DarkestManager: if you love winning becuase you have poor and cheap tactics and must be sure to cheat to win then so be it
2015-01-01 00:31:43 - DarkestManager: i will make sure to get the word out that you are to be warned against playing in future
2015-01-01 00:32:11 - DarkestManager: fuck yopu now, are my enemy on this site
2015-01-03 00:58:38 - DarkestManager: i advise many people to come here for proof of the hacker
2015-01-04 10:19:14 - Extreme Ways: LOL