Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2014-12-21 03:48:32 - random21: snap taken, gl all
2014-12-21 09:55:51 - woodsy2115: Hi and Gl all
2014-12-21 15:05:59 - Fyrdraca: Have fun guys! My first game against a current Conqueror, looking forward to the challenge.
2014-12-22 16:44:34 - random21: hello, I play this map on quads, but it is significantly different as dubs
2014-12-22 18:58:48 - Fyrdraca: Yep totally agree
2014-12-22 22:38:20 - random21: watcha coin there green
2014-12-22 22:38:36 - random21: doin' **
2014-12-22 22:38:59 - Fyrdraca: losing troops
2014-12-22 22:39:06 - Fyrdraca: how about you?
2014-12-22 22:39:53 - Fyrdraca: I just had a guy win a 4,5:10 against me in a different game against TSM on this map, and then my dice offensively were just as bad here as my defense were there... I'm thrilled
2014-12-23 01:22:08 - random21: wow, so sorry. you responded like 20 seconds after me, i must have missed this weird
2014-12-23 01:22:34 - random21: oh, i was watching you lose troops.... but you seemed to take some neutrals. a lot of them. so thats interesting.
2014-12-23 01:23:23 - random21: i don't think i was able to see everything...
2014-12-26 05:05:33 - random21: looks to be game, gg guys. we see how the rest plays out,, but i think you guys have it
2014-12-26 05:05:56 - random21: dubs doesn't seem to good for this map, its just a lot of drop and first turn it seems??
2014-12-26 05:06:42 - random21: i see a few things differently i could have done, but all in all, unsure
2014-12-26 05:08:01 - random21: well, perhaps not, dave did get some bad dice. so maybe not. he had bad dice twice in a row, so if we played this all over, and he got 2 good dice roles in those two rounds, maybe we would have had game
2014-12-27 17:48:28 - Fyrdraca: it's definitely not just all drop, though it can help for sure as in any game
2014-12-27 17:48:49 - Fyrdraca: a lot of this map as dubs I think comes down to experience playing as dubs, which most people don't do, which is why we use it
2014-12-27 17:49:19 - Fyrdraca: having to decide between reducing territ count or going for bonuses, and how much you devote to each plays a role for sure
2014-12-28 04:36:17 - random21: i get that, but I'm not entirely sure.
2014-12-28 04:36:55 - random21: ive tested usa 2.1 out before in dubs... it was not trench, but all the same, it was a completely demolishing
2014-12-28 04:37:57 - random21: i played with shannon apple, and on this map, with all the cut up there is, there are only say a handful of places where red, and green territories face yellow and blue territories, so lets say maybe 6-7 reds, 6-7 greens, and same for yellow, all adjacent
2014-12-28 04:38:23 - random21: the rest are buried or secluded, so trench/non trench obviously this makes difference. because trench it is easier say to guard and secure a bonus etc etc
2014-12-28 04:39:27 - random21: anyways, our team went first, and we got good dice, so we wiped them out. it was absolutely no contest. because in our first couple rounds, we had 10 territories between two of us or so successfully taken. so we won right off the bat half the battles
2014-12-28 04:39:52 - random21: our territories were ahead etc etc, anyways. i have played this in quads, it seems much more balanced.
2014-12-28 07:16:41 - Fyrdraca: Yeah I know you play this map much more than me, but I do agree more balanced as quads
2014-12-28 07:17:08 - Fyrdraca: Woodsy and I both like this map, and we've been successful, so that's one reason we use it.
2014-12-29 04:16:14 - random21: fair enough
2014-12-30 23:52:18 - woodsy2115: nicarus for woodsy
2015-01-15 22:45:33 - Fyrdraca: gg fellas.
2015-01-17 18:30:32 - davekettering: gg all
2015-01-18 08:45:19 - woodsy2115: gg guys