Polymorphic games allow players to control more than 1 army. This allows for games involving less luck, particularly compared to standard 1v1.
Initial Troops
Regions are randomly distributed at the start of the game and each region starts with three troops.
Play Order
A player is selected at random to go first and then subsequent players follow in turn. During a team game the play order alternates between the teams.
At the end of your turn if you have conquered at least one region you will get 'spoils.' Once you have three of the same color (or three different) these can be traded in. Nuclear Spoils means that you do not get any bonus troops for trading in. Instead each region that you trade in is 'nuked' to a single neutral troop (even if you own it).
At the end of your turn you can reinforce once from one region to another (they must share a border).
Fog of War
Fog of War masks enemy positions that are not adjacent to your forces (or your team's forces). It also masks region and zone names in the log
Trench Warfare
You can only assault from regions held since the start of your turn. If you conquer a region during your turn you cannot assault from it until your next turn.
Round Limit
Round Length
24 Hours
Each player has up to 24 hours to complete a turn. You will get an email notification when it is your turn to play.
Regular leaderboard scoring is in place for this game
143 Territories, 108 Continents, Min Reinforcements: 3
Continents Overview
4 Latin Kings (1)7 Latin Kings (4)10 Latin Kings (8)13 Latin Kings (13)All Latin Kings (20)4 Triad Dynasty (1)7 Triad Dynasty (4)10 Triad Dynasty (8)13 Triad Dynasty (13)All Triad Dynasty (20)4 La Cosa Nostra (1)7 La Cosa Nostra (4)10 La Cosa Nostra (8)13 La Cosa Nostra (13)All La Cosa Nostra (20)4 Aryan Brotherhood (1)7 Aryan Brotherhood (4)10 Aryan Brotherhood (8)13 Aryan Brotherhood (13)All Aryan Brotherhood (20)4 Black Guerilla Family (1)7 Black Guerilla Family (4)10 Black Guerilla Family (8)13 Black Guerilla Family (13)All Black Guerilla Family (20)3 New Fish (2)3 New Fish (2)6 New Fish (4)9 New Fish (6)12 New Fish (8)15 New Fish (10)2 Guards (1)4 Guards (2)6 Guards (3)8 Guards (4)10 Guards (5)12 Guards (6)14 Guards (7)16 Guards (8)18 Guards (9)20 Guards (10)22 Guards (11)24 Guards (12)26 Guards (13)28 Guards (14)30 Guards (15)32 Guards (16)Two Weapons (2)Three Weapons (3)Four Weapons (4)Five Weapons (5)Six Weapons (6)Seven Weapons (7)Eight Weapons (8)Nine Weapons (9)One in the Hole (-1)Two in the Hole (-2)Three in the Hole (-3)Four in the Hole (-4)Five in the Hole (-5)One in the Hole with Warden (1)Two in the Hole with Warden (2)Three in the Hole with Warden (3)Four in the Hole with Warden (4)Five in the Hole with Warden (5)Gas Chamber without Warden (-5)Gas Chamber with Warden (5)
3 Latin Kings (0)3 Triad Dynasty (0)3 La Cosa Nostra (0)3 Aryan Brotherhood (0)3 New Fish (2)5 Guards (0)Three Weapons (3)
0 (0)
63 (13%)
22/0 (0%)
(3+2+0) = 5
3 Aryan Brotherhood (0)3 Black Guerilla Family (0)5 Guards (0)Two Weapons (2)
Team 2
339 (70%)
87/0 (0%)
(12+9+0) = 21
Current Snapshot Status: Live
2014-11-25 19:56:03 - Game has been initialized 2014-12-06 04:15:44 - joriki was kicked out for missing too many turns 2014-12-07 04:54:54 - joriki was kicked out for missing too many turns 2014-12-08 20:33:52 - joriki was kicked out for missing too many turns 2014-12-10 16:47:24 - ronsizzle eliminated joriki from the game 2014-12-10 16:47:24 - ronsizzle won the game 2014-12-10 16:47:24 - joriki lost 60 points 2014-12-10 16:47:24 - ronsizzle gained 60 points
Above are the possible play states of a turn. Click on each for a description. Note: the main phases of a turn are DEPLOY, ASSAULT, REINFORCE - other phases occur as they are relevant.
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault) Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero. Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game B Key: Begin Turn E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement L Key: Later (decline to play spoils) W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow) Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast) Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region. CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button. Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2014-11-30 15:17:14 - Serbia: I've said this before, and I'll say it again: THERE IS NO FOG RULE. there is no requirement that you must allow for a snap. requiring it is bullshit. if you want to see what your oppenent does, then PLAY WITHOUT FOG.
2014-11-30 19:23:48 - ronsizzle: thats right bitches. get fucked joriki. you are a lousy cunt
2014-12-01 06:16:04 - demonfork: Get bent!
2014-12-01 06:20:44 - demonfork: I'm foeing you for being a fog pussy
2014-12-01 13:58:00 - owenshooter: this is hilarious...-0
2014-12-01 21:51:20 - Mageplunka69: omg i love this
2014-12-01 23:34:13 - Gweeedo: What is it that pisses you guys off?
2014-12-01 23:36:31 - Gweeedo: You are talking to the Wall
2014-12-01 23:38:37 - Gweeedo: he quit, you won, what more do you want?
2014-12-01 23:39:50 - Gweeedo: If you really want to play him; You either play by his rules or don't play him at all.
2014-12-02 03:15:07 - JamesKer1: Nice load of points for you!
2014-12-02 19:59:04 - archieball: I'm with demonfork on this one. fog pussy!
2014-12-02 20:05:48 - archieball: don't be a dick ron and let your opponent see the map before you make your first move of copy paste the log of your first turn if you take one of his regions
2014-12-02 20:05:56 - archieball: or*
2014-12-02 21:24:54 - owenshooter: archie.. from the thread, from the mouth of a C&A mod: Also, there is no rule that you must share your opening move or allow the opponent to see the map first.
2014-12-02 21:25:04 - owenshooter: there is NO RULE that you have to let them see the first move, period... again: Also, there is no rule that you must share your opening move or allow the opponent to see the map first.
2014-12-03 23:01:26 - archieball: Yeah only if you are a dick
2014-12-04 22:56:26 - owenshooter: there is no rule. sooo, call him a dick or anyone else that doesn't follow this "made up", "non-rule"... but you are wrong. a mod said there is no rule that you must do it. boom.
2014-12-06 02:55:11 - joriki: wow -- I hadn't checked this chat because the foed comments aren’t visible; I had no idea there was a big party going on here :-)
2014-12-06 02:55:29 - joriki: several commenters here seem to be assuming that my comment “this is extremely uncool -- I'm foeing you“ referred only to my previous comment and the lack of reaction to it
2014-12-06 02:55:46 - joriki: to the contrary, I PMed my opponent, asking in a friendly manner to provide the missing information, and I would have accepted a friendly response explaining why he doesn’t support this convention
2014-12-06 02:56:29 - joriki: when I got no response and my time was close to running out and I had to leave, I wrote again, asking again for the missing information and saying that I’d have to make my move soon because I was going out
2014-12-06 02:58:34 - joriki: shortly before my time ran out he finally wrote back, rather combatively, entirely missing the point (“i dont take screenshots“, as if the point was to have a snapshot and not to have the information), and curtly told me to „take your turn“
2014-12-06 02:58:49 - joriki: I missed my first move because I got distracted. This was of course my own fault, but given that waiting so long for his response had contributed to it, a friendly note like “sorry about your missed turn” might have been appropriate
2014-12-06 02:59:31 - joriki: instead he took maximal advantage of the missed turn, such that with the combination of the missing information and two successive strong initial turns with bonuses there was little point left in playing out the game
2014-12-06 02:59:47 - joriki: Hope that puts things in perspective; now feel free to go back to spewing expletives at me...
2014-12-06 11:17:18 - Quirk: BLARG!
2014-12-06 23:02:59 - owenshooter: "hey, i'm not deadbeating, but i came in here to post as blue before i was kicked out for missing too many turns!!" HA!!!
2014-12-06 23:08:53 - owenshooter: regardless of your explanation, you are still deadbeating...
2014-12-07 02:54:07 - demonfork: What makes you thnk that you are entilted to this "missing" information"?
2014-12-07 12:01:23 - joriki: @demonfork: I'm not entitled to it. There's a convention that every single player and every single tournament that I've been playing in the last two years or so has been following, to allow some time to see or snap the drop, or alternatively...
2014-12-07 12:02:46 - joriki: ... to provide the information destroyed by the first move. Everyone is obviously entitled not to follow that convention, it's not a rule, and I wrote above that I would have accepted if he'd responded that he doesn't support the convention and...
2014-12-07 12:04:59 - joriki: ... would rather not follow it. As I tried to explain above, I'm not forfeiting this game because of the mere fact of him denying me this information, but because of the very unfriendly response to a friendly request, the hostile reaction...
2014-12-07 12:06:18 - joriki: ... to the fact that I missed the first move partly because of this problem, and the hopeless game state that all this (together with two lucky initial bonuses) produced.
2014-12-07 12:07:45 - joriki: I find the criticism here of me deadbeating highly inconsistent -- usually deadbeating is an unfriendly act, and I've never done it before in my entire time here at CC, but if someone treats me with such disrespect, why place such a high value...
2014-12-07 12:09:23 - joriki: ... on being friendly in return? What do you all see wrong in deadbeating, if not disrespect, and if disrespect is so important to you, why care so little about the initial disrespect shown to me?
2014-12-07 12:12:36 - joriki: The arguments here seem to imply that I have no grounds to complain about disrespect shown to me, but on the other hand I should be forced to play out a lengthy hopeless game against a very hostile opponent just to avoid showing disrespect to him...
2014-12-07 12:12:41 - joriki: ... that makes no sense to me.
2014-12-07 12:17:28 - joriki: @Serbia: You wrote: " if you want to see what your oppenent does, then PLAY WITHOUT FOG". I think you're missing the point:
2014-12-07 12:18:21 - joriki: The point is not to see what the opponent does, but to see the initial state before he does anything. If only the first player sees the initial state, that's an additional advantage for the first player.
2014-12-07 12:20:38 - joriki: Good players try to minimize random influences like who goes first, and maximize strategic effects like who's better at dealing with fog.
2014-12-07 12:21:07 - joriki: So the effects are not only different, but opposite: fog makes the game more strategic; missing the initial state gives the first player an even greater advantage than usual, making the game more random and less strategic.
2014-12-07 19:01:15 - owenshooter: i love how you have time to write your manifesto in here, but not take turns... HA!!!! regardless of your words, your actions are wrong...
2014-12-07 20:53:32 - joriki: I have time for things that are fun and interesting. Discussing this is fun and interesting; playing a hopeless game against a hostile opponent isn't.
2014-12-07 20:53:57 - joriki: Though, come to think of it, discussing this with you is starting to feel like playing a hopeless game against a hostile opponent...
2014-12-08 15:35:57 - owenshooter: RAMBLE ON!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3HemKGDavw
2014-12-09 00:09:35 - joriki: in case someone wonders why I suddenly started taking turns again: this is due to a specific request by ronc8649 at http://www.conquerclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=209498&start=25&p=4597007&view=show#p4597007
2014-12-09 09:53:15 - MagnusGreeol: -- Just read the topic, I came here to personally say I support the "unwritten" fog rule code of honor. Seems a lot of feather pillow fighters like to go against the grain for sake of argument.
2014-12-09 10:03:55 - MagnusGreeol: - I am never selfish enough not to honor beliefs of others, though not my own, some things that could be important to one might not be for all. All who came here to trash about the "unwritten" fog rule have Their own beliefs, just like every individual
2014-12-09 10:11:59 - MagnusGreeol: - Get a thread going on vote% in CC about who [Supports] unwritten fog rule and who [Does not], I would bet 85-95% support it because its honorable.