Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2008-09-25 03:10:56 - DP07: that was why I was able to take the area
2008-09-25 03:11:19 - DP07: sorry :(
2008-09-25 05:01:23 - tom913: Does anyone realize we've been playing this game for over 9 months now?!
2008-09-25 05:04:02 - tom913: I wonder what the CC record is for longest game....
2008-09-25 20:59:49 - Fag_Ash: it couldve gone on for years with jack's 'your not allowed to attack me' rule!!
2008-09-26 22:06:55 - tom913: lol
2008-09-26 22:07:31 - tom913: But I thought this was "Fortify Club," not "Conquer Club!" :P
2008-09-26 22:08:27 - tom913: Actually, I found a game that's been going on since May, 2007, so we have quite a way to go to break any records, I think....
2008-09-27 10:13:39 - Fag_Ash: im in one thats in the top 10 oldest i think....2007-09-07 01:25:23 Game 840589
2008-09-28 09:41:03 - Red Jack: ow, you are funny guys ...
2008-09-28 09:42:35 - Red Jack: you know, there is something called honor ... but I guess you don't get that, do you? ...
2008-09-28 09:46:13 - Red Jack: DP, you could have easilly go north or south ... but i guess you and fagash have some sort of secret alliance so you really had no other choice ...
2008-09-28 09:48:25 - Red Jack: wich is proved by you not breaking ash's poorley deffended north bonus, and with your poor deffence on manila/midoro ... both could be taken easilly, but you aren't gonig for eachother ...
2008-09-28 09:49:54 - Red Jack: lame and unfair ... and against the rules ... lovely ...
2008-09-29 21:24:43 - Fag_Ash: and paranoid.... i guess when someone takes a big lead and they are broken.... the only possible reason could be a 'secret alliance'.... lame...
2008-09-29 21:26:27 - Fag_Ash: in case you hadn't noticed, i've been building on la union ready for an attack... if youve ruined the element of surprise and DP starts defending it... its your fault for your big mouth.....
2008-09-29 21:26:52 - Fag_Ash: some people........
2008-09-30 16:04:42 - Red Jack: don't you play inoscent on me ... you had no deffence on Ilocos and DP chose not to go trough 20 neutral, but to go for my 120 ... is that a logical choice if you have no alliance?
2008-09-30 16:05:30 - Red Jack: whatever ppl ... i'm out and there's nothing i can do about it ... the question is, whom i'm gonna pull with me ...
2008-10-01 20:19:12 - Fag_Ash: whats it called when you have 405 armies, 23 more than your nearest rival???
2008-10-01 20:19:35 - Fag_Ash: oh yeah....."i'm out and there's nothing i can do about it".........
2008-10-01 20:20:08 - Fag_Ash: take your head out of your arse and you should win this.....
2008-10-01 21:49:37 - Red Jack: i can do nothing with those if i have no bonus ... don't be naive ...
2008-10-01 21:50:15 - Red Jack: lol ... and after all my talk, DP lets you break his bonus ... omfg ... lol ...
2008-10-03 07:30:41 - DP07: Red Jack, this is risk it's just about how many armies and bonuses you have
2008-10-03 07:31:02 - DP07: so if you're in the lead it won't always feel fair
2008-10-03 07:32:37 - DP07: you would need to play a more realistic/complicated game if you want it to be about honor in any other sense
2008-10-03 07:33:07 - DP07: But yeah, I wan't paying attention with fag-ash's attack
2008-10-03 07:33:11 - DP07: stupid mistake
2008-10-04 11:50:03 - DP07: oh well
2008-10-11 22:01:41 - Fag_Ash: 25 v 21 finishes.... 1 v 8.... i can't help thinking.... that ain't great dice.....
2008-10-16 17:36:06 - tom913: Uh oh--green's got we go again...
2008-10-16 18:25:59 - Fag_Ash: we can't have that!
2008-10-16 19:41:02 - Red Jack: offcourse not ... better let fagash get his thirt bonus ... that's much better for all of us ...
2008-10-20 19:12:09 - Fag_Ash: sry my brothers stag do means i was away from civilization for 3 days..... gg all
2008-10-20 19:19:19 - DP07: now this is interesting
2008-10-20 19:19:25 - DP07: it's up to you blue
2008-10-21 03:20:07 - tom913: Not without your help, red
2008-10-21 03:20:35 - tom913: Didn't see that coming , though - - yellow getting booted
2008-10-25 18:20:55 - tom913: gg green
2008-10-26 06:23:14 - DP07: gg
2008-10-26 06:25:48 - tom913: yep
2008-10-26 06:25:51 - tom913: gg all
2008-10-26 06:26:52 - tom913: I was hoping this game would've lasted at least a year.... :-)
2008-10-26 06:27:14 - tom913: 10+ months is long enough, though
2008-10-26 06:38:07 - DP07: eh it's nothing
2008-10-26 06:38:17 - DP07: I'm in one that's almost 18 months
2008-10-26 06:38:21 - DP07: ;)
2008-10-26 06:44:22 - tom913: Never thought I'd win this...just goes to show you that you can win a game without holding a continent
2008-10-26 06:44:44 - tom913: Of course, yellow did me a big favor when he dropped out