Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2014-04-09 23:29:17 - Game has been initialized
2014-04-12 02:43:13 - aaronvollrath eliminated hopalong from the game
2014-04-16 03:18:42 - aaronvollrath eliminated deBlakstan from the game
2014-04-20 13:04:34 - Bigroo4601 eliminated MegasWoman from the game
2014-04-30 12:53:56 - Bigroo4601 eliminated jasholz from the game
2014-04-30 12:55:32 - Bigroo4601 eliminated WPBRJ from the game
2014-05-09 14:42:53 - BoganGod eliminated smasher_123 from the game
2014-05-10 02:59:34 - ddgrimes eliminated Bigroo4601 from the game
2014-05-13 04:10:39 - ddgrimes eliminated aaronvollrath from the game
2014-05-14 14:17:38 - lokisgal eliminated Kragomac from the game
2014-05-14 14:17:38 - hopalong, BoganGod, lokisgal, ddgrimes won the game
2014-05-14 14:17:38 - jasholz lost 18 points
2014-05-14 14:17:38 - MegasWoman lost 18 points
2014-05-14 14:17:38 - Kragomac lost 18 points
2014-05-14 14:17:38 - deBlakstan lost 18 points
2014-05-14 14:17:38 - WPBRJ lost 22 points
2014-05-14 14:17:38 - smasher_123 lost 22 points
2014-05-14 14:17:38 - aaronvollrath lost 22 points
2014-05-14 14:17:38 - Bigroo4601 lost 22 points
2014-05-14 14:17:38 - hopalong gained 40 points
2014-05-14 14:17:38 - BoganGod gained 40 points
2014-05-14 14:17:38 - lokisgal gained 40 points
2014-05-14 14:17:38 - ddgrimes gained 40 points
2014-04-10 01:02:49 - hopalong: gl all
2014-04-10 01:03:11 - hopalong: why did everyone win a star? that is too kumbaya for my taste.
2014-04-10 07:29:29 - jasholz: yeah i dont know why they do that at the beginng of games
2014-04-11 01:07:39 - MegasWoman: jefjef for vegaswoman - rd 1. Whats this crap? Strange map and lots of players. SORRY FOR WHATEVER I SCREW UP. lol
2014-04-11 02:34:28 - hopalong: you were supposed to attack pink, jefjef. you ruinmed christmas.
2014-04-12 02:44:13 - aaronvollrath: hf, esteemed opponents!
2014-04-12 02:44:19 - aaronvollrath: gg, hopalong!
2014-04-12 03:36:50 - hopalong: wow - i didnt even have time to put on my pants ...
2014-04-12 03:36:55 - hopalong: gg
2014-04-14 01:38:29 - aaronvollrath: bigroo doesn't wear pants...ever.
2014-04-16 03:19:46 - aaronvollrath: gg, deBlakstan!
2014-04-18 10:18:10 - BoganGod: Sorry chookie, just didn't want you behind me, I know how you think! Enjoying vegas I hope. Ps Screw you JJ
2014-04-18 13:12:29 - MegasWoman: i'm back lol
2014-04-21 19:13:28 - BoganGod: Yo pink, you may notice we are a bit weaker than team3..... Had the option of hitting a larger number, just took a one for a card. Please remember that
2014-04-22 03:09:22 - Kragomac: Kragomac [team]: Bogan, did that help? Maybe lokisgal wil remember it. : < )
2014-04-22 05:39:58 - jasholz: BG thats why i was moving slow too
2014-04-25 14:48:33 - hopalong: truce, team2? seems like the only chance for either of us to win here is to join forces for some 5 on 4 action
2014-04-25 14:49:14 - hopalong: it would also allow us to de-escalate that common border, and concentrate our forces elsewhere
2014-04-25 16:30:14 - jasholz: it works for me Krag?
2014-04-26 14:56:25 - Kragomac: hop, we agree, 1 or 2 turn notice. .
2014-04-26 21:14:47 - hopalong: 1 full turn? ender of truce does not attack first?
2014-04-28 11:27:29 - Kragomac: Works for us.
2014-05-01 05:35:02 - jasholz: knew i wouldnt get a chance to cash GG
2014-05-02 23:21:41 - BoganGod: baba taking a turn
2014-05-05 23:35:05 - BoganGod: baba taking a turn
2014-05-07 12:35:43 - Bigroo4601: being we no longer have the advantage, don't have any intent in heading your way orange
2014-05-08 08:54:38 - BoganGod: baba taking a turn
2014-05-10 02:26:34 - aaronvollrath: depending on what side you are on kragomac, we may be on the same side soon
2014-05-10 04:19:47 - BoganGod: baba taking a turn
2014-05-10 14:10:09 - lokisgal: ok orange truce is up
2014-05-11 02:54:46 - aaronvollrath: gg, esteemed opponents!
2014-05-11 03:09:19 - hopalong: thnx, aaron! it was quite the battle - i had given up hope early on ... who knew my team could win without me!!!
2014-05-11 06:30:06 - BoganGod: baba taking a turn
2014-05-12 10:14:16 - BoganGod: baba taking a turn....
2014-05-13 04:11:49 - ddgrimes: gg aaron
2014-05-13 04:13:07 - ddgrimes: gg all
2014-05-13 05:38:17 - jasholz: GG
2014-05-13 23:05:32 - Kragomac: Well played
2014-05-14 00:42:15 - hopalong: thnx - bogan led the whole game for us.
2014-05-14 14:17:54 - lokisgal: gg