In a standard game each player fends for himself and there is only one winner.
Initial Troops
Regions are randomly distributed at the start of the game and each region starts with three troops.
Play Order
A player is selected at random to go first and then subsequent players follow in turn. During a team game the play order alternates between the teams.
Flat Rate
At the end of your turn if you have conquered at least one region you get 'spoils.' Once you have three of the same color (or three different) these can be traded in at the start of your turn for bonus troops. A set of three reds is worth four bonus troops. Three greens is worth six and three blues is worth 8. A set of three different colors is worth ten bonus troops. If you own any of the regions that you trade-in you get two bonus troops on those regions.
At the end of your turn you can reinforce once from one region to another (they must be connected by regions that you own).
Fog of War
Fog of War masks enemy positions that are not adjacent to your forces (or your team's forces). It also masks region and zone names in the log
Trench Warfare
You can only assault from regions held since the start of your turn. If you conquer a region during your turn you cannot assault from it until your next turn.
Round Limit
30 Rounds
With round limits, the game will automatically finish at the end of the specified round. The winner will be the surviving player with the most troops.
Round Length
24 Hours
Each player has up to 24 hours to complete a turn. You will get an email notification when it is your turn to play.
Regular leaderboard scoring is in place for this game
Slovenia (2)Croatia (8)Montenegro (2)Bosnia-Herzegovina (6)Four Capitals (3)Ports and Sea (3)
0 (0)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
(3+0+0) = 3
Current Snapshot Status: Live
2013-01-22 11:40:19 - Game has been initialized 2013-02-08 08:39:29 - inchul64 eliminated hellscreature from the game 2013-02-16 02:22:07 - inchul64 eliminated spez0010 from the game 2013-02-16 22:46:41 - inchul64 won the game 2013-02-16 22:46:41 - CMetternich lost 20 points 2013-02-16 22:46:41 - hellscreature lost 15 points 2013-02-16 22:46:41 - mixalis lost 13 points 2013-02-16 22:46:41 - spez0010 lost 15 points 2013-02-16 22:46:41 - inchul64 gained 63 points
Above are the possible play states of a turn. Click on each for a description. Note: the main phases of a turn are DEPLOY, ASSAULT, REINFORCE - other phases occur as they are relevant.
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault) Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero. Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game B Key: Begin Turn E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement L Key: Later (decline to play spoils) W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow) Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast) Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region. CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button. Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2013-02-02 13:33:15 - inchul64: I know, but that happened after I wrote my note.
2013-02-02 13:38:34 - inchul64: But blue's big army will get to me next turn.
2013-02-03 15:38:07 - CMetternich: ..yeah, too bad the other players are allowed to attack you, isn´t it. They really should give you the win on a silver tablet
2013-02-03 17:50:27 - inchul64: Oh you think so? That's so nice of you. I didn't know the people on here were so nice. Usually they're ill mannered and calling you all sorts of hurtful names.
2013-02-03 19:43:09 - CMetternich: If I would do that, for sure I won´t give you hurtful names. I think there are other candidates out there who deserve it more;-)
2013-02-06 22:20:32 - inchul64: Well, Red, I am a pretty nice guy. But I will always try my best to win but try not to take my losses too seriously. After all this is just a game and we're all here to have fun.
2013-02-06 22:22:25 - inchul64: However, I have run into a few people who are emotionally unbalanced and think this is a real war and they hate anyone who makes it hard for them to win.
2013-02-06 22:26:55 - inchul64: Pink, I hope you can help me keep blue in line because he's got 3x as many armies at anyone else and red and green will keep attacking me even because I've been taking them out.
2013-02-06 22:27:17 - inchul64: And meanwhile blue has just been sitting there building up his armies and watching everyone else become decimated.
2013-02-06 22:33:02 - inchul64: Pink, I offer you a truce and a deal. If you take red in the two regions next to you allowing me to finish red off in Srem, I'll take the spoils to turn in a set to attack blue and I'll let you take Vojvodina and not attack you when you do.
2013-02-06 22:33:10 - inchul64: As long as you don't attack me as well.
2013-02-07 17:33:33 - hellscreature: not gonna strike me a deal yellow? lol
2013-02-07 22:05:11 - inchul64: Green, not unless you can keep blue from kicking my butt all the way to Czechoslovakia. Oh, we're in Yugoslavia. I forgot.
2013-02-08 09:29:30 - inchul64: good game green.
2013-02-10 19:56:43 - inchul64: I guess it was inevitable that everyone would gang up on me. I will probably be the first out of the game now. Sad.
2013-02-11 15:23:29 - CMetternich: But that´s exactly what happenend to me before.
2013-02-12 04:17:12 - inchul64: Pink, I think you might win since this is a round limited game and the person with the most armies wins. You've managed to stay away from fighting with anyone resulting in a large troop build up. I don't think any of us can win since
2013-02-12 04:17:28 - inchul64: we just keep butting heads and reducing our army count.
2013-02-12 17:14:12 - spez0010: Just trying to survive.
2013-02-12 17:36:28 - CMetternich: okay, yellow, then let us build a truce.
2013-02-12 17:37:26 - CMetternich: I left Novi Sad and you leave Slavonia open. Doboj is up for grabs to get Spoils
2013-02-12 19:28:49 - inchul64: Red, agreed. I am good for my word.
2013-02-12 19:32:16 - inchul64: Blue, you can fight me and we can both lose or we can fight pink and have a chance. It's up to you.
2013-02-13 00:57:58 - inchul64: Nice Red
2013-02-13 01:03:29 - inchul64: Blue, go ahead, take all my bonuses. I will take all your bonuses too. I figure if you attack me, I can't win so i will make sure you don't win either. My goal now is to decimate pink and blue and help red win.
2013-02-13 01:04:24 - inchul64: So Pink and blue, who wants to butt heads with me and reduce their armies. :-)
2013-02-13 22:37:05 - CMetternich: Now blue is the favourite to win;-)
2013-02-14 13:43:33 - CMetternich: go southwards, pink, otherwise you`ll lose this game
2013-02-14 19:00:11 - spez0010: Just trying to survive
2013-02-15 01:17:17 - inchul64: blue I don't think it's doing any good for us to keep attacking each other.,
2013-02-15 01:17:41 - inchul64: 4 rounds to go,
2013-02-15 11:06:33 - CMetternich: @yellow: I doubt that bue reads this. I already played a game with him and he is either not able to write in english or does not read this.
2013-02-15 11:53:08 - CMetternich: and you can take doboj now, if you want
2013-02-15 16:44:43 - inchul64: Pink, you may think that your strategy of not fighting blue will win but it's just cowardly. If you win, you won't deserve it because I've been pounding bliue. He'll win now if we don't all work together.
2013-02-15 16:46:00 - inchul64: Pink, if you don't attack blue, might as well attack you instead since there's no chance to win. From next turn I will come after you for the rest of the game and you will have no chance to win.
2013-02-15 18:32:10 - CMetternich: @Yellow: Do you agree that pink is an idiot? All he ever did in this game was attacking me. Look at the entire Game Log, all what he wanted was to ruin my game and give blue the win.
2013-02-15 19:16:51 - inchul64: Well, his strategy was good in getting him into the lead at one point He amassed armies and didn't attack anyone. But it was a shortsighted strategy and by not helping keep blue in check, blue was able to keep me down.
2013-02-15 19:17:48 - inchul64: And Pink also made sure to ruin my bonus so I was fighting pink and blue. I don't know why pink didn't do the same to blue since blue was at pink's border.
2013-02-15 19:18:49 - inchul64: Yeah, if I didn't know better, I'd say that pink was working for blue or was a second ID of blue.
2013-02-15 19:23:24 - inchul64: Red, now that I take a look, blue and pink never attacked each other. They always attacked us but never each other. I would say there's a secret alliance or pink is blue. We should report them.
2013-02-15 20:02:05 - CMetternich: ..and I had nearly as many troops as blue had. If I look at his stats, he is more than once rated as "irrational".
2013-02-15 20:09:05 - CMetternich: look at it: Now he attacks you, he is just in thsi game to win it by himself or to give blue the win
2013-02-16 06:07:53 - inchul64: yeah, pink is only out to help blue win. his actions don't help him win.
2013-02-16 15:02:17 - inchul64: Hi Red. I'm sorry it looks like I'm going to win. I actually thought you would win, but you allowing me to keep both my large bonuses made the difference. I also got lucky in being able to turn in back to back sets of spoils.
2013-02-16 15:07:29 - inchul64: Your actions show that you believe in playing honorable. A lot of players wouldn't have done that.
2013-02-16 15:09:27 - inchul64: I hope to repay the favor by maybe playing a team game with you.
2013-02-16 22:48:33 - CMetternich: Oh, this is okay. I consider thsi game ass a eam agme already, as it was clear that pink was unable/unwilling to play the games as one should. So I think it is fair that you won.
2013-02-16 22:49:59 - CMetternich: Argh, sorry my wireless keyboard betrayed me.
2013-02-16 22:50:35 - CMetternich: Anyway, we can play a rematch, if you want it, then hopefully with better circumstances
2013-02-16 22:51:10 - CMetternich: 12371028