Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2012-04-18 17:19:44 - Tripitaka: Good luck again!
2012-04-20 14:14:15 - Didacus: good luck everyone.
2012-04-22 05:00:06 - mjs28: gla
2012-07-06 02:59:44 - mjs28: with spoils at 225 and troops up near 2000 this game seems to be going no where
2012-07-08 13:57:58 - Gromph: yeah
2012-07-17 05:06:59 - Didacus: are you guys really up to 2000troops?
2012-07-19 09:25:52 - mjs28: cmon blue dont be coy
2012-07-21 12:04:09 - Gromph: zzzzzzzzzzz
2012-07-22 01:09:21 - mjs28: what do you suggest to make the game more interesting Gromph?
2012-07-22 01:11:11 - mjs28: im sick of looking at these games also
2012-07-22 11:28:40 - Gromph: the only option is to start 2 other games as tiebreaker, and the winner of those game win the stalling game
2012-07-23 00:16:14 - mjs28: I am willing to do that if the others are
2012-07-24 10:46:46 - Tripitaka: Well in a couple of days I'm going away on vacation for 3 weeks, so for the moment it suits me to have just the two slower games. Sorry guys.
2012-08-12 22:37:04 - mjs28: sorry about the miss. new house doesnt have internet yet
2012-08-14 18:27:43 - Tripitaka: No problem! Happy house warming!
2012-08-20 00:06:02 - mjs28: sorry all. my turns in this game seemed to fall when I was away from work PC, and still no net conection at home.
2012-08-20 00:06:22 - mjs28: wp and gl
2012-10-09 14:25:53 - Tripitaka: Well if you weren't in the lead before Gromph, I'm sure you are now after blue just decided to wipe out a 750 stackof mine!
2012-10-10 01:36:29 - Didacus: my thanks for you always destroying my bonuses. What goes around comes around.
2012-10-10 23:34:11 - Tripitaka: So you're just a vindictive player regardless of whether it helps you win or not...always good to know, though I don't know where you get this notion of me "always destroying" your bonuses from. I think you'll find if you bother to check the log...
2012-10-10 23:40:05 - Tripitaka: you have broken my bonuses far more. Also on most of the occassions when I did break one of yours (like in the more recent rounds) you had less than 50 (often more like 20) men protecting it and it was either take that and break you or take a territoriy..
2012-10-10 23:44:22 - Tripitaka: that I knew would put me next to a large stack, which based on your play throughout these games I was naturally cautious of doing for fear you would attack my stacks regardless of size just to break a small bonus or gain an extra territory or two!
2012-10-10 23:51:41 - Tripitaka: Also in case you didn't notice, you have a habit of not leaving a card spot. No obligation to do so of course, but when you don't if I want a card or want to give you a card spot on your turn so you can take an easy card without need to hit a stack of...
2012-10-10 23:54:58 - Tripitaka: mine then I have to chose a territory of yours which has the least men on it while being in a good spot as I've already explained and that just happens to have been one protecting your bonus sometimes. Do you really think at this late stage of the game...
2012-10-10 23:55:14 - Tripitaka: I care whather you get an extra 4 or 5?
2012-10-11 02:25:13 - Didacus: hey numbskull, you already won a game in this tournament. If I cant win, the better thing is that you lose.
2012-10-11 02:25:39 - Didacus: Nice to know you're another one of those cry-babies.
2012-10-11 03:51:05 - Tripitaka: Says the guy complaining about having his bonuses broken and then resorting to vindictive attacks and name calling!
2012-10-11 03:53:30 - Tripitaka: And now we all have a win. :)
2012-10-11 12:13:22 - Didacus: I didn't complain, and I told you why I was targetting you and not the others. Anyways - piss on this and piss on you, I don't care what you think and you can go f-yourself. You're foed.
2012-10-11 23:33:19 - Tripitaka: Oh No!!!!!
2012-10-12 22:31:02 - Tripitaka: Good game Gromph! :)
2012-10-13 16:01:17 - Gromph: gg ;-)
2012-10-13 16:02:15 - Gromph: there will be another game at least after that ;-(