Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2012-02-29 23:47:10 - jjleblanc25: I LOVE STARTS LIKE THIS!! 11 versus 3 and lose them all!!
2012-03-03 15:35:24 - Avi8or: You must of had decent dice to take Napoleon from me.
2012-03-04 05:28:11 - jjleblanc25: No I had troops nearby that made it look better. And ou were the one tht I had bad dice against to start the game.
2012-03-05 00:04:37 - jjleblanc25: ok great... well now you guys can do something about yellow... i gave it my shot
2012-03-10 18:26:13 - Keefie: Johnny Dickshot for Keefie
2012-03-10 18:51:57 - jjleblanc25: well this game's over
2012-03-10 18:51:58 - jjleblanc25: gg green
2012-03-10 18:52:00 - jjleblanc25: red, you
2012-03-10 18:52:11 - jjleblanc25: coudl not be beat on defense, apparently
2012-03-11 04:48:16 - Keefie: Johnny Dickshot for Keefie again
2012-03-14 05:06:04 - Avi8or: Blue, Green will run away with this game if we keep fighting like this.
2012-03-14 12:06:36 - jjleblanc25: then stop fighting me... you keep coming at me into blucher when you knew you couldn't hold it
2012-03-15 14:51:19 - Avi8or: Well, that's the only place I have troops NOW.
2012-03-15 14:52:17 - Avi8or: Game over, nice work:(
2012-03-15 17:11:28 - jjleblanc25: You can't lame this on me, red. YOU were the one that kept going at me and now allowin me to build against green.
2012-03-15 17:28:59 - Keefie: Guys stop squabbling, lets all be friends here :)
2012-03-15 22:41:09 - Avi8or: I take part of the blame for going for Butchler, but I wish you realized soon that Butchler is all I have
2012-03-16 04:38:20 - jjleblanc25: i think we're friends, we've played before, and it's just a game
2012-03-16 04:38:33 - jjleblanc25: but you had more than just ziethen when you started in on me...
2012-03-16 04:49:52 - Avi8or: Blue, we're good....let's move on....I went all out on Green, so my 26 regions looks like a lot until you realize I have only 32 troops
2012-03-17 23:53:35 - Avi8or: that hurt a lot Green
2012-03-18 04:08:01 - Keefie: Well you're still stronger than me
2012-03-18 13:00:53 - Keefie: Blue, red is way stonger than me mate
2012-03-18 14:57:00 - jjleblanc25: you both are MUCH stronger than me
2012-03-18 16:57:53 - Avi8or: That is ridiculous:0
2012-03-18 17:01:51 - Avi8or: I would say that we are fairly equal with the exception that Green is running unimpeded on the other side of the board.
2012-03-18 18:55:30 - Keefie: Running unimpeded, is not exactly how I would describe it - hahaha
2012-03-21 00:01:01 - jjleblanc25: must have had some REALLY great dice there, red
2012-03-22 13:31:28 - Avi8or: Yep, the card turn in didn't hurt.
2012-03-22 17:14:38 - jjleblanc25: Except you didn't turn in cards.
2012-03-24 04:02:39 - Avi8or: Blue, we need to push Green back now...take his village bonus if you can.
2012-03-24 06:30:42 - Avi8or: shit dice again
2012-03-24 10:57:17 - Keefie: Well played blue, my dice failed me and left red for you.
2012-03-24 10:59:43 - jjleblanc25: I did not honestly think I was going to win this... I'm fairly surprised, I thought you had it wrapped