Play States
Play By Clickable Map
Deploy: Click on territory to deploy, choose number to deploy and click again to make deployment
Assault: Click on a territory to Assault from, then on a territory to Assault (right click to Auto Assault)
Advance: Click on conquered territory to choose to advance, choose number to advance, then click again to advance. Click on conquering territory to advance zero.
Reinforce: Click on a territory to Reinforce from, then on a territory to Reinforce to. Click again to confirm.
Play By Keyboard and Mouse
N Key: Skip to next game, Jump to next game
B Key: Begin Turn
E Key: End Deployment, End Assaults, End Reinforcement
L Key: Later (decline to play spoils)
W,S Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (slow)
Q,A Keys: Increase/decrease troop quantity (fast)
Mouse Wheel: Change troop quantity by scrolling over the selected region.
CTRL Key + Click: You can always use CTRL-click instead of the right mouse button.
Middle Click: To advance to next stage (Begin Turn, End Assaults, etc.) click the middle mouse button anywhere on the map.
2012-01-07 17:52:22 - TheJonah: Hi and gl all.
2012-01-08 02:55:18 - Dusty21: Gl all
2012-01-09 02:48:59 - Tiberius Maximus: GL everyone
2012-01-17 21:32:36 - brynnsmith1: lmsot looks like blue and yellow have a pact against the rest of us
2012-01-17 21:33:14 - brynnsmith1: good game all, don't think we stoof a chance with blue and yellow teaming up against us all
2012-01-17 21:34:27 - brynnsmith1: check the game log you will notice they did not attack each other at all, and have been playing a tam game when we were individuals
2012-01-18 04:13:02 - Tiberius Maximus: green you are incorrect - you were my prinicipal from the very beginning since both wanted the area as dictated by our drops. the game log also shows the same; blue showed no agression to me and not until red attacked me did I attack him - pink was much
2012-01-18 04:14:45 - Tiberius Maximus: less of threat to me until he and I started butts heads - in fact I never attacked his 3 next to me hill bonus because he showed no agression towards me there - yet I had not pact with him either. The fact is it was not in my interest to rile blue and
2012-01-18 04:16:20 - Tiberius Maximus: probably for the same reason the same for him - he chose his regions and so long as I was not being attacked by him and putting your threat down I was ok to pick my fight almost exclusively with you. I do not think you can fight all foes in this game and
2012-01-18 04:18:03 - Tiberius Maximus: win - rather it is tert bonus rich map that requires focus on building an core area and expanding - sorry you feel picked on but at least for me I simply went after my objectives which happened to be the same ones you wanted -
2012-01-18 04:20:05 - Tiberius Maximus: and by the way I do not think you are correct blue never attacked me - someone was always reducing my planes and it was either pink, red or blue - but without actually losing one I cant tell which one whacked me.
2012-01-18 10:18:16 - TheJonah: It wasn`t me :)
2012-01-18 13:34:57 - brynnsmith1: most games I have played that are multi player strong goes after strong to weaken them you two have not done this, say as you will, I have my beliefs
2012-01-18 13:42:22 - brynnsmith1: Please take a look ag game number 10319175 you will notice very simliar happenings, I am considering reporting this.
2012-01-18 13:42:48 - brynnsmith1: This is an individual game, not a team game. Hello all, we had no chance.
2012-01-18 13:51:32 - brynnsmith1: game number 10256291 look at round 15, and 16, please, someone other than blue or yellow comment on this
2012-01-18 17:24:32 - Tiberius Maximus: I looked at the game again and remember it well - you are so wrong - I tried several times to make a truce with MG (the other foe) and it was not until it was too late when he accepted by and by then Dusty had become the strongest player - also the logic
2012-01-18 17:25:52 - Tiberius Maximus: for me of going after awesome is simple - he is an expert at this map, beat me before and did not want him to get the upper hand - maybe dusty thought the same thing - dont know; plus as a much higher rank I wanted to make sure I beat him fot the most
2012-01-18 17:26:34 - Tiberius Maximus: and , oh yea I got my butt kicked by dusty so the last guy i want to win again is him - so go read the chat and you will see you are wrong.
2012-01-18 17:34:10 - Tiberius Maximus: and oh just because I cant see him (red) I red has stacked big time and will probably be facing 15 or more troops at one or 2 spots - no small problem - this game aint over yet
2012-01-18 19:52:12 - brynnsmith1: any explanation on game 10256291 round 15, 16, when dusty had as manny terr as you, and only the two of you were left, and he chose to not attack you
2012-01-18 19:52:59 - brynnsmith1: it is weak for sure, hopefully someone else will respond to this, but most likely you will be reported.
2012-01-18 19:53:46 - brynnsmith1: oh wow, dusty got 20 troops this round and attacked you once after I posted all of this, what a joke
2012-01-18 20:51:46 - Tiberius Maximus: you do what you want but you are wrong and I simply chose to build myself hoping not to get attacked - you are just sore because in our stand off I was able to out roll you - Dusty had nothing to do with our battle and that is what you are missing -
2012-01-18 20:53:56 - Tiberius Maximus: why arent you blaming others who did not attack me or i did not attack in the area we fought over? I chose to the south west area and the hill and you did the same - also, you miss the fact that I did not take the hosptial until after red took it because
2012-01-18 20:55:36 - Tiberius Maximus: I figured with dusty surrounding me he would charge back and I would have spend all those troops for nothing - if he such a pal then why didnt I take if I didnt have to worry about him - I m done with this debate so do what you want - not everyone always
2012-01-18 20:57:04 - Tiberius Maximus: attacks the stronger foe when they are hoping that foe and the others will attack each other why I get my own thing going - and that is what happened here - and oh by the way rest assured now that he has attacked me I am going to whack him big time but
2012-01-18 20:57:41 - Tiberius Maximus: probably not you becasue YOU ARENT IN MY FREAKIN PATH - it is a simple as that - so whack him
2012-01-19 19:11:19 - Tiberius Maximus: Ok green lets see you put your rolls and dice where you say you would -