by JesusReigns on Fri May 16, 2008 9:33 pm
Ok here's how this will go down... I will set up the games and you will join them, you must play everyone in the league, you will play the people in your division 2 times and everyone else once. I will keep records that is it the rest is up to you guys (to post wins and losses), make sure I didn't send you double time (same person to play 2 times other than divisional games). There are no rematches except in case of a tie in which case I will make the game. There will be 16 players, 4 players each division, the top players from each division will go to a playoff. To make the divisions I will use will only be 1 setting for the whole tournament (specified below).
Quick Notes: 15 games will be played by each person, Premium is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED or you must have 4 games open, one setting for every game, games will be pmed out to each person their full schedule keep your schedule (print it), Post your wins and losses.
Settings: Waterloo, Sequential, no cards, chained, with Fog
1. dfp2dep
2. Benjikat Is Dead
3. killmanic
4. BaldAdonis
5. Gburg Gunner
6. Kennedys Brain
7. seeso
8. AssClownish
9. barterer2002
10. geigerm
11. millertime13
12. Androidz
13. Merz
14. Incandenza
15. Mr. Gix
16. Shatners Basoon
1. Killmanic-
2. Shatners Basoon-
3. Seeso-
4. Androidz-
1. Benjikat Is Dead-
2. dfp2dep-
3. geigerm-
4. Kennedys Brain-
1. TheWreckless1-
2. BaldAdonis-
3. Dwayne-
4. lardass76-
1. Incandenza-
2. Millertime13-
3. AssClownish-
4. Mr. Gix-
Last edited by
JesusReigns on Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:37 am, edited 30 times in total.
127 JesusReigns 2700 2598 1407 (54%) Colonel Colonel 4.8 United States United States