The goal is to get yourself off of each island. The winner will be the first one to get off the last island. You get off each island by winning a game or 2. You win by winning 3 on the last island.
This is a Tournament Players Association Year 5 [TPA5] event, and is governed by its rules, guidelines, and judgments which are detailed here: viewtopic.php?f=89&t=207126
All are welcome to join and participate in the association. You do not need to do anything more than join one or more of the TPA5 events that will be announced on Mondays. Check back on the scoreboard to see how you're doing:
Looking for 51+ players. Freemiums welcome. You need one game slot. Everyone who signs up will play. If I have a non multiple of 4 the extras will start on the list (to be explained below).
All are small islands. The games will be 4 person and you become eligible to join a new game as soon as you are eliminated or win. Each island will have a list of people on that island. If they are not crossed out they are waiting for a game. As soon as I have 4 a game will be issued.
Game settings are standard, auto, seq., chained, 20 rounds, 24 hours (if a round limit is hit, no one gets off the island, please send me a pm as below so you can be put back on the list). Additional settings next to the maps.
When you are eliminated, you must, send me a pm:
in subject: just the word "Island"
in the body: I won, I lost, or something to that effect and a live game link to the game you are referring to. It must be a live link, please test it to make sure it works.
When you send me this it will be sorted by my Inbox into a special box in the order they are received, so you will go on the list in that order. If you contact me on my wall, or in a regular pm, or with a non live link I will get to you when I get to you. And you will go on the list after all the people in my 'Island' mailbox.
When I receive your pm, I will click the link. You must have been eliminated or won. Not about to be eliminated or about to win, CC must have crossed you out, or declared you the winner. If you don't send me a pm, I will not know and I will not send you a new game.
The winner will be the first person to pm me with their third victory on the last island, in the same manner. (The one that is first in my mailbox will be the winner if their are several people who finish close to each other. The computer will sort with no favoritism.)
Change: I will periodically check to see who has completed games and send a pm to keep order. This will be the lowest priority on game order. Those who send in still get the highest.
The third post will contain the island lists. Each time I have four players, I will create a game for that island. If you are first to an island you will have to wait for 3 others. (If you are the last three on an island, you will play a 3 person game, and then a 2 person game for order in the next island list. The last two will be promoted after their game)
You will have twenty four, 24 hours to pick up your game. Two missed game pickups and you will be eliminated from the game. (Again, as those of you who have played my tournaments know, if you have a reason and let me know (not the details (RL is messing me up until Thursday is good enough, just the reason), I will work with you.) No communication means I take you off the lists. After that you will be moved to the bottom of the list and the next person will be sent an invite. (If you contact (wall or regular pm) me to tell me you mis-clicked, accidently dropped or whatever on the game within the 24 hours period, I will resend the invite. However, I will pull the invite at the end of the original 24 or as close to that as RL allows.(I will check your time zone and give you a realistic chance to get the invite.)
Special Rule Holding someone hostage