I found some time, so it is time to run another tournament...(To Admin, Revision: I found a contributor that will help me with games and score updates. hopalong)
219 maps are available at this moment.
Tournament is 73 maps at the same time for the first month, 73 maps for the 2nd month, and 73 maps for the third month. Tournament will start on September 15th.
After Round 1 (first month, 8 players will be eliminated), After Round 2 (12 of remaining players will be eliminated), Winner take all after Round 3 completed. Points will accumulate from round to round.
I wanted to add a Random game as it is not in my list, so this will be used for tie-breakers after each round. The game count may be actually 280.
1st place: 8 points 2nd Place: 7 points 3rd place: 6 points 4th place: 4 points 5th place: 2 points 6th place: 1 point 7th and 8th place get 0 points
Please feel free to tell me if any of these maps are not in play, because I thought I removed all the maps that are seasonal.
I will keep score on a spreadsheet on google docs.
Anything else just ask.
Premium only due to high game count, and just post "in" if you want to get on-board.
Good luck.
Addendums You will be given 3 invite chances, if you fail to join or decline for whatever reason, you will be eliminated from that game and given 0 points for the game. It will not eliminate you from the tournament. I would appreciate if you joined the games when invited.
2nd Add: (CC has made this 100 as of September 1st, ie Moot Point)...With 50 games limit for awaiting, I assume all 73 games will be available within 1 week of starting each round.
3rd Add: I will randomize player list and games list...Players list will be separated by 8 player sets, and games will be divided as they fall into order via random.org.
I will close recruiting for this tournament on Sept 8th to let Admin have time to give me privs.
4th Add: It has come to my attention, that AOR1, AOR2, AOR3, and Feudal War have a maximum 6 player start (except AOR3, which is 7). So, I will be making those 4 maps evenly divided equal to or less than 6 players, depending on sign up. The points will still apply, however since there is no 7 or 8th finish, all players will score at least 1 point for these 4 maps. e.g. 24 players will be 4 six-player games, 32 players will be 8 four-player games, 40 players will be 8 five-player games, etc.
5th add: I have changed a few things, but we are going back to original format except for one change. First round 8 players will be eliminated. Second round 12 players will be eliminated. Third round will be 2 sets of 6 players each, which will include AOR maps and Feudal. Winner of that round take all. Also, any ties will be decided by Random games with same settings. If there is a multiple tie, then those players will play 1 run-off game to decide who advances. Since it looks like 32 is all we will get, I am closing this tournament sign-up, anyone else will be a reserve.
6th Add: Just realized some games were 20 rounds and some were 30 rounds for Round 2. 20 rounds will be settings for finals.
Good luck and thanks for joining.
Last edited by kennys777 on Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:06 am, edited 48 times in total.
lokisgal wrote:you can only have 50 waiting games at a time - how do you plan do get everyone in on one round?
I am adding an addendum...I will give players 3 invite chances...if the invites expire for 3 consecutive times for 1 game, then I will eliminate that player from that game. Thus, at most, it will only require a maximum of 6 days to fill the 73 games...I figure it will take me a week to get all the games out and running...3 weeks for escalating should be ample to move onto next round...If need be, I can delay the start of the next round to still maintain admin rules and regulations pertaining to tournament time limits.