It's a Knockout!!! Monsters Format: 32 players (all abilities); straight 1-1 knockout, 4 rounds of 1 game and a 5th and final being the best of 3
Settings: Manual; Sequential; Foggy; Unlimited; No Spoils; No Trench; 20 Round Limit
Missing Invites: If you fail to accept your invite then you will be immediately eliminated and your opponent will go through by default
Fog Rule: N/A
show: Players
serreski osman76 jigger1986 babagonosh RISKMAN82 torres44cm Onagras greenoaks Jurasu gribon donelladan GreenBaize Pirlo dumhic ScootChina uckuki barnze3t mr.CD MrPinky william tennant chidone TheQuietOne br4nd0n2002 ejph mcshanester29 Marshallbobby kcsam87 EESHA windy81 Dew8Bank rubilion Drew483
show: Reserves
runboy59 jvantassel cryinlion
show: Schedule
Click image to enlarge.
This is a continuation of the It's a Knockout series, which carries General Achievement medals for the series winner and the most consistent player across all the tournaments. It's a Knockout!!! Series Link