Conquer Club

Assassins Holiday

Tournaments that are no longer happening

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Assassins Holiday

Postby greenoaks on Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:32 pm

Old thread: here
Old TO: nebsmith

nebsmith wrote:Image

Even assassins need a Holiday and after your last job with Assassins Inc. you decide to fly off to the beach for a little R&R. So you head to Cairns Coral Coast to catch some sun.
But something odd is happening, it seems the beach is crawling with other assassins and you find a job offer awaiting you when you arrive.
There is a struggle for control at Assassins Inc. and someone is trying to eliminate the competion - that would be you in case you wondered.
Thus starts your journey around the globe to the heart of power as you bid to be the last assassin standing and win the prize.

2 years premium to the winner - 6 months for second place - 3 months for 3rd
Freemiums welcome - one game at a time
Entry qualifications Rank of Lieutenant 1600+ at time if sign up

Flat Rate
30 Round Limit

show: format
You will be split into 4 groups of 6, each group will play one game at a time.
There will be 3 games in each group.
The top three from each group will advance to the next round.
groups in round two will be assigned randomly.

You will find a message waiting for you when you reach your holiday destination with the information on your target.
At the end of each job you will receive a message with the identity and location of a new target.

Map information
9 different maps
Between 40 and 100 territories
Standard play and deployment.

Round 1
4 groups of 6
  1. Cairns Coral Coast
  2. Rail Australia
  3. Hong Kong
Round 2
2 groups of 6
  1. ?
  2. ?
  3. ?
The Final
1 group of 6
  1. ?
  2. ?
  3. ?

show: points
Each ordinary termination = 2 points

Killing your target
In round 1
  1. Cairns Coral Coast= 4 points
  2. Rail Australia = 4 points
  3. Hong Kong = 5 points
In round 2
  1. ? = 5 points
  2. ? = 5 points
  3. ? = 6 points
The Final
  1. ? = 6 points
  2. ?= 7 points
  3. ? = 10 points

Getting killed by your target = minus 2 points
If your target is killed while you are still alive = 1 point

Being Alive at the round limit = 1 point
Points will only be awarded for actual kills not for eliminations due to the round limit.

Points are reset at the start of each round, tie-breaks are not.

show: tie-breaks
  1. Number of times you killed your target - most
  2. Number of times your target killed you - least
  3. Total kills
  4. Head to head kills of tied players
  5. Playoff on map 3 of the group - Esc/Chained/Sunny

show: signed up players
  1. chapcrap
  2. IcePack
  3. Wingnut 16ga
  4. mr_chopper
  6. benga
  7. allinpoker1980
  8. Beer Baron
  9. tnekzai
  10. killboy108
  11. greenoaks
  12. subprime andyf23
  13. rickyk
  14. jamie_k
  15. Lindax
  16. IR1SH ACE
  17. Conchobar
  18. ikkewij
  19. Serreski
  20. Darin44
  21. silversun6
  22. Onagras
  23. M.K.C88-90
  24. andyplondon

show: other stuff
You will have 48hrs to join games - 2 invites
Reserves will be used in round 1 only - after that the best placed eliminated player will go in.
The TD's have a copy of the hidden maps.
Targets will be assigned using only exception - no player will have the same target 3 times in one round.
I have sent the targets for round one to myself in a PM - which is dated - anyone who wants to can see this when round one finishes.

You must be 1600+ to join

nebsmith wrote:Link to Round 1 games
show: round 1 scores
    Group 1 after game 2
  1. Conchobar 15
  2. rickyk 5
  3. IR1SH ACE 0
  4. Darin44 minus 2
  5. IcePack 3
  6. I GOT SERVED minus 1

    Group 2 after game 2
  1. Beer Baron 10
  2. Lindax 3
  3. chapcrap 0
  4. benga 1
  5. Onagras 0
  6. cooldeals 10

    Group 3 after game 2
  1. M.K.C88-90 4
  2. Serreski 6
  3. andyplondon 8
  4. Wingnut 16ga 1
  5. danervinsucks 7
  6. silversun6 0

    Group 4 after game 1
  1. mr_chopper 0
  2. ikkewij 5
  3. killboy108 0
  4. andyf23 0
  5. greenoaks minus 2
  6. tnekzai 8
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Re: Assassins Holiday

Postby greenoaks on Fri Sep 14, 2012 9:32 pm

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Re: Assassins Holiday

Postby merch313 on Sun Oct 14, 2012 5:27 pm

Pm sent to TO to see where this tourney is at
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Re: Assassins Holiday

Postby Lindax on Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:25 pm

merch313 wrote:Pm sent to TO to see where this tourney is at


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Re: Assassins Holiday

Postby greenoaks on Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:51 pm

the final round 1 game is ongoing
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Re: Assassins Holiday

Postby merch313 on Sun Dec 16, 2012 1:44 pm

Tourney still active but looks like all games are complete
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Re: Assassins Holiday

Postby mcshanester29 on Tue Dec 18, 2012 7:01 pm

Tourney has been abandoned
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