Its time for a doubles tournament, so get ready, find a partner and pick a map.... As always, gameplay and rules are listed below, but if you cant read or simply dont want to just sign up with a teammate and list your teams map and settings. =============================================================================
jigger1986 wrote:16 teams of 2-2v2 Teams will sign up with their prefered map and settings Individuals who sign up will be paired up with the next individual to post Rounds will be best of three, finals will be best of 5
Are people supposed to sign up with partners or is in individuals getting paired together? If it is individuals paired, that would make each team have 2 home maps, so I'm not sure how a best of 3 would work.
General Bax-as per the rules please sign up with a partner. You have not been added, if you find a partner and decide on a map and settings I would be happy to add you, thanks
All the round 1games and invites are sent out. I forgot to add the 30 round limit in 4 games, and dont think it will be an issue. If it is, the team with the mos troops at the end of round 30 will be the winners, regardless of the outcome. If there are any cases of intentional deadbeating to gain advantage you will be removed from the tournament.