Congratulations to uckuki, who claimed victory in the Galapamaican Championship and won the tournament! Congratulations to finalist Marshallbobby. The Galapamaican Playoffs, Standings Board, and List of Players and their Scores (click here) Two of the most beautiful and relatively simple yet in depth maps on this site. Both have somewhat similar game mechanics. I'd like to get utterly destroyed so please join this tournament so I can see just how bad I am at my favorite 1v1 maps You must be a premium member to join and play. This tournament is expected to run from early April to the end of July. This is a 1v1 tournament. Maximum game load: 10 games at once. Maps: Treasures of Galapagos, Jamaica. Players will play on both maps in the tournament.
Settings (click below) show: Settings
Settings ALL games will have these settings:Standard Game Type Automatic Initial Troops Sequential Play Order No Spoils Chained Reinforcements Fog of War (Yes) No Rounds Limit 24 Hour Round Length
Requirements to Play show: Requirements to Play
You must be a Premium player to join the tournament. Any players banned due to poor sportsmanship in any of my tournaments shall not be allowed to enter.Any form of violation of the Rules of Conquer Club found at (Conquer Club) Rules (including any approved withstanding rules, decisions, or judgments from the Multi Hunters and/or Cheating/Abuse Team) including, but not limited to, creating "multiple accounts", engaging in "secret diplomacy", "throwing games", and/or taking part in any form of collusion or actions taken to provide an unfair advantage to oneself, and/or to any other player in the tournament, that is against the spirit of sportsmanship may result in expulsion from the tournament. The organizer has full judgment in making these decisions and may employ assistance from the Multi Hunters or Cheating/Abuse Team in assessing a situation in which there is suspicion of cheating or rule violations. In other words: NO cheating Luckily, cheating is rare, as we have honest people here on CC . But just in case...You will receive a private message confirming your entrance into the tournament after you post.
Tournament Format Informal Overview There are 48 players. There are 2 sides to the tournament: a Galapagos side, and a Jamaica side. Each player has a spot on each side of the tourney (therefore, they in essence have 2 lives). The 48 players are randomly divided into 8 groups of 6 players each, using This happens on both sides. The group stage format is
degenerate round-robin . After multiple rounds of round-robin, in which the player with the least wins is eliminated, the top 2 players from each group will advance to the Galapamaican Playoffs.
The Playoffs are a best-of-3, standard 16-player single-elimination tournament, except it is double-sided, meaning the winners of the 2 single-elimination tournaments (one for Treasures of Galapagos, one for Jamaica) will meet in an ultimate final. The final 2 remaining players will play a game on Jamaica and a game on Treasures of Galapagos, against each other. The first player to win both games in succession will be crowned the champion of Galapamaica!
The Official Tournament Rules will be used when randomness is needed. The tournament organiser has the final say on all issues connected to play. Read on for all the specific, tournament details, please.
Requirements to Play show: Requirements to Play
You must be a Premium player to join the tournament. Any players banned due to poor sportsmanship in any of my tournaments shall not be allowed to enter.Any form of violation of the Rules of Conquer Club found at (Conquer Club) Rules (including any approved withstanding rules, decisions, or judgments from the Multi Hunters and/or Cheating/Abuse Team) including, but not limited to, creating "multiple accounts", engaging in "secret diplomacy", "throwing games", and/or taking part in any form of collusion or actions taken to provide an unfair advantage to oneself, and/or to any other player in the tournament, that is against the spirit of sportsmanship may result in expulsion from the tournament. The organizer has full judgment in making these decisions and may employ assistance from the Multi Hunters or Cheating/Abuse Team in assessing a situation in which there is suspicion of cheating or rule violations. In other words: NO cheating Luckily, cheating is rare, as we have honest people here on CC . But just in case...You will receive a private message confirming your entrance into the tournament after you post.
Settings (click below) show: Settings
Settings ALL games (except for certain tie-breakers) will have these settings:2 players Standard Game Type Automatic Initial Troops Sequential Play Order No Spoils Chained Reinforcements Fog of War (Yes) No Rounds Limit 24 Hour Round Length
Forming Groups Click to view show: Forming Groups
48 players are randomly divided into 8 groups of 6 players each. These groups are now mentioned as the groups of the "Galapagos side". The process is repeated, and these groups are then referred to as the groups of the "Jamaica side". Note that the groups are NOT intended to be identical on each side.
Gameplay: Degenerate Round-Robin Click to view show: Gameplay
On the Jamaica side, games will be played on the Jamaica map. On the Galapagos side, games will be played on the Treasures of Galapagos map. Groups may play independently of each other; in other words, one group may be in Round 2 or 3, while another is in Round 1.Round 1 Each of the 6 players will play each of the other 5 players in the group once in a 2-player game. Thus each player plays 5 games. After all games are complete, the player with the fewest wins is eliminated from the tournament. See the Tie-Breakers spoiler for further details.Round 2 The number of wins recorded thus far are "carried over", meaning scores do NOT reset to 0 wins at the start of any round. The remaining 5 players will play each of the other 4 players in the group once in a 2-player game. Thus each player plays 4 games. After all games are complete, the player with the fewest wins is eliminated from the tournament.Round 3 The number of wins recorded thus far are "carried over", meaning scores do NOT reset to 0 wins at the start of any round. The remaining 4 players will play each of the other 3 players in the group once in a 2-player game. Thus each player plays 3 games. The 2 players with the fewest wins are eliminated from the tournament. The remaining 2 players, who have the most number of wins in the group, advance to the Galapamaican Playoffs.
Keep in mind there are 2 SIDES to this tourney, meaning you will play 5 games in Round 1 for your group, but since you're in 2 groups, you'll play 10 games at once! Therefore, from each side, 16 players advance to the Playoffs. Players MAY advance to the playoffs from both sides, giving them a distinct advantage.Tie-Breakers Click to View show: Tie-Breakers
Should multiple players have the same number of wins at the end of a Round, and additional games are needed to determine which of these drawn players will be eliminated (where applicable) or advance (after Round 3), these drawn players will play in a Standard game. The winner of the game is ranked highest. The player first eliminated is ranked lowest. The player eliminated second is ranked next lowest, etc.Example Salvador, Augusto, and Fidel each have a total of 6 wins after Round 3, and only 2 players can advance to the Playoffs, from their group on the Jamaica side. Therefore, Salvador, Augusto, and Fidel play a 3-player Standard game on the Jamaica map. Salvador wins. Therefore, he is ranked highest. Fidel was first eliminated, so he is ranked lowest. Therefore, Salvador and Augusto advance, while Fidel is eliminated.
Galapamaican Playoffs Click to View show: Playoffs
On the Jamaica side of the Playoffs, games will be played on the Jamaica map. On the Galapagos side of the Playoffs, games will be played on the Treasures of Galapagos map.Round of 16 On the Galapagos side, the 16 players are randomly divided into 8 pairs of 2 players each. The same process occurs on the Jamaica side. The 2 players in each pair play 3, 2-player games. The player that wins 2 or more games will advance. The other player in the pair is eliminated.Quarterfinals On the Galapagos side, the 8 players are randomly divided into 4 pairs of 2 players each. The same process occurs on the Jamaica side. The 2 players in each pair play 3, 2-player games. The player that wins 2 or more games will advance. The other player in the pair is eliminated.Semifinals On the Galapagos side, the 4 players are randomly divided into 2 pairs of 2 players each. The same process occurs on the Jamaica side. The 2 players in each pair play 3, 2-player games. The player that wins 2 or more games will advance. The other player in the pair is eliminated.Galapagos/Jamaica Map Final On the Galapagos side, the 2 remaining players play 3, 2-player games. The same process occurs on the Jamaica side. The player that wins 2 or more games will advance. The other player in the pair is eliminated.
Galapamaican Championship Click to View show: Championship
Galapamaican Championship The player advancing from the Galapagos side and the player advancing from the Jamaica side will play in the Championship.Should the same player advance from both sides, then that player is automatically crowned champion of Galapamaica! The 2 players will play in 1 game on Treasures of Galapagos, and 1 game on Jamaica. Should one player win both games, that player will be crowned champion of Galapamaica! Should each player win one of the games, then Extra Round 1 will commence.Extra Round 1 Again, the 2 players will play in 1 game on Treasures of Galapagos, and 1 game on Jamaica. Should one player win both games, that player will be crowned champion of Galapamaica! Should each player win one of the games, then Extra Round 2 will commence.Extra Round 2 The same procedure as Extra Round 1 is carried out. Thus, Extra Rounds continue until one player wins both games in that round.
No-Show Policy Click to View show: NoShow Policy
Each player will receive three guaranteed invites to any game. Should a player contact me clearly indicating why they cannot accept an invite, I may send an additional number of invites to that player, at my discretion. Players may NOT return to play after being replaced by a reserve.In Round 1 of Round-Robin Should a new player be necessary for any reason, I will contact the player at the top of the Reserves list to take that player's place in the tournament, for the rest of the tournament. In any other round of Round-Robin The player failing to accept invites forfeits all of that round's matches and will automatically be eliminated at the end of the round. Each player will be granted 1 win as a result of the forfeits.In the Galapamaican Playoffs (excluding the Championship) The player failing to accept invites forfeits all of that round's matches and will automatically be eliminated. His opponent will advance to the next round.In the Galapamaican Championship The player failing to accept invites forfeits all of that round's matches and will automatically be eliminated. His opponent will be crowned champion of Galapamaica!If a player becomes a non-premium member during the course of the tournament Should a player still in the tournament become a non-premium member in Round-Robin, that player will be removed from the tournament because he does not have enough game slots to play. Should a player still in the tournament become a non-premium member in any round of the Playoffs, that player may be allowed to continue playing or may be removed, at my discretion. A non-premium member's failure to accept invites will be handled in the same way as aforementioned.
Thanks for your time, have a great day! If I left anything out or if anything is unclear, don't hesitate to ask!
Have a nice day