The winners of the tournament: Walslaf & ironmanbravoSee the schedule on: 1: three teams. Winners get 1 point per game.
Round 2: four teams. Winners get 1 point per game.
Final round: four teams. Winners: 3 points / Runner-ups: 1 point.
Tie game: Those two teams will play three times on Conquer Rome map.
Not-Premium also welcome.
If you don't have a team mate, random will put you somewhere.
Auto / Sequential / Flat Rate / Chained / Yes / Non / 24h
EnigmaDog & stevehopkins
Wingnut 16ga & generalhead
jgalioto & bigragooch
UltimateLoser & BoredToDeath
inonzuk & Shai
charmir & Koontz
arno30 & Mad777
MyTurnToWin & conquerhero
NZ Hostel & Frito Bandito
donaldp03 & scottyfrickenv
tgfrules & jvt
Loqutisss & CorinthianEyes
Vaicius & jon_snow
Lensois & Goldomate
blonderic & alexlau
spore08 & pridekiller
tkr4lf & Clanger35
Lyndir & n_nikko
ScootChina & Vinc
Halcon & kawe85
WolfMist & Chewie1
Jimmy V & Scifigirl
Scorned Woman & jvantassel
PaRKoN & Baby-Bjorn
Dv8 & element957
heatz & pearljamrox2
ttblanch & darkseb
Vid_FISO & mangosian
Walslaf & ironmanbravo
kizkiz & wi1bert
Larry46 & beckie121
J-Bone & xiakka
Chapcrap & BunnRee
masterhighlander & Darin44
kirilko & AlamoJake
Pom & jpk
wrongwayrebekah & poetikpunk
STDADDIO & kcmoney52
shoop76 & Evil Semp
therealdeal_37 & kirillk
spartacus65 & chidone
mcshanester29 & Thesamuri
rmjw10 & Moya
uk massive & Marshallbobby
dumhic & rubilion
bragsie & arrudaw
traffic133 & Tracer
Serreski & jayspam