This is a Tournament Players Association Year 2(TPA2) event, and is governed by its rules, guidelines, and judgments. All are welcome to join and participate in the association. You need do nothing more than join one or more of the TPA2 events that will be announced each Monday. Check back on the TPA2 scoreboard in the Tournaments--> General Info forum to see how you're doing.
This is a Standard Event
There can only be three
Ever wanted to get a really good triples tournament, but with that kick of je-ne-sais-quoi? That little edge of excitement, where not everything depends on the dice, but simply knowledge and ability? Chief Trio will test your CC playing as a trio, logic and strategy, guts and will, and also general ability. What's that sound? Who sang that? While also scoring points for your Conquer Club Games: these points that will give you a big advantage should you make it to the finals.
Freemiums are allowed to enter. 1 or 2 slots should be open at all times. Players must be active to partake in non-game activities. 48 players in 16 triples teams.
TO SIGN UP, USE THIS FORM: Trio Name: Players: Main Contact: Points of Each Player When Signing Up: By signing up, I will accept all decisions made by the organizer and agree that I will be active on CC during the period of the tournament.
March 28 2012: After the special challenge, SAC has been voted off on the losing Kahakai tribe. Feb 18 2012: Second Challenge is finished. Feb 02 2012" Second Challenge has begun. Jan 24 2012: Second Challenge Match-Ups revealed. All games finished for the Conquer Challenge. Aumoe tribe has commanding lead in standings, 365 to 84.
Kahakai Aumoe Jake & Jakettes Agoge The Killer B's The Burghers Dynasty Nasty-Dy Ze Frenchmen Nemesis SAC Immortal A. CBK TLW Terrific Jan 22 2012: 4 of the 6 conquer challenge done. Jan 20 2012: 2 of the 6 conquer challenges completed.
Last edited by sensfan on Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:43 pm, edited 8 times in total.
Q: Can we make secret alliances? A: Yes, you may talk with other trios within your tribe and other tribes to make voting alliances, you may always talk with your opponents and counterparts. Secret alliances don't matter much during games (1 trio vs. another) and you can also post in-game advice.
Q: Why so many pm's? (Timminz) A: I don't try to send out too many private messages, but the ones I do are often important and crucial during this game of strategy and skill. If you don't want pm's either foe me (you really shouldn't, but you can) or request not to receive any. Again, I highly am against this but I am being fair.
Q: I thought only contacts were to get pm's! (Timminz) A: No, I send pm's to the entire bunch, but contacts respond to me representing their trio.
Q: Can you use [tot] tags or invites? (barterer2002) A: Yes, I will. I acknowledge my mistake there. Invites are only for dares, however. Starting Round 1 Second Challenge, this rule will be in place.
Last edited by sensfan on Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Several questions: 1. You say the number of base points is "usually 50". When is it not? 2. How do you win cards? 3. According to the tournament rulebook, don't you need to post a concrete plan of the tournament's details, rather than revealing them at the start of each round, throwing in little twists, and modifying rules as you see fit?
If you want to play a game where luck isn't a factor, go play chess.
dowian2 wrote:Several questions: 1. You say the number of base points is "usually 50". When is it not? 2. How do you win cards? 3. According to the tournament rulebook, don't you need to post a concrete plan of the tournament's details, rather than revealing them at the start of each round, throwing in little twists, and modifying rules as you see fit?
Thank you for your questions. The number of base points will change according to round (later on in the competition, points will be worth more so more will be handed out) and according to map. For example, a game on Hive would have higher base points since for each round you play, you lose one base point should you win.
I didn't mention that? Cards are awarded to winners of Special Challenges, Conquer Challenges, Second Challenges or Dares. Not every Challenge has cards awarded.
I do not see where in the in the Handbook or Tournament Requirements it says that. I will not modify rules already posted, but I can modify rounds to come. If you would like, I will post a sample round for you, but I do not see that it is necessary.
Thanks for your concern, I will get a moderator to look at my plan.
The rules for the entire tournament need to be set out ahead of time to make sure you aren't changing the rules/scoring to benefit yourself or other specific players in the tournament. If you want to keep certain settings secret from the rest of the participants, there are two rules you must follow: 1) You cannot play in the tournament yourself (it appears that you haven't signed up, so that one is followed) and 2) You need to send a copy of ALL the rules, both public and secret, to a Tournament Director who is not participating in the tournament. This way, if you announce a twist later in the tournament, we will have a record of it in case anyone thinks the twist is completely unfair. Once this is addressed, the tournament can be added to the database.
sensfan wrote:Thank you NS. Obviously I'm not going to sign up, and I will try to send this to a TD not participating (you?). But I can proceed with sign-ups?
Yeah, send it to me as I won't be playing. Once I've looked through it and think it's ok, I will add it to the database to help get more signups.