Another doubles tournament hosted by QoH. In this one, there will be a list of complex maps determined by me, and each doubles team will pick it as their home map. The 8 teams will be divided into 2 divisions of 4. They will play each other on their home maps in a RR fashion, and the top team from each division will go to the finals. In the finals, each team will play on their home map, and then on a 3rd map picked randomly to make it a best of 3.
When signing up, PLEASE list a partner, and your preferred settings. Any post with "Partner TBD" or the likes will be ignored. Also, you can't pick any map more than once. For the finals, the random map can/will not be one of the 2 home maps.
DIVISION I Team 3 = 6-0 Team 1 = 4-2 Team 2 = 1-5 Team 4 = 1-5
DIVISION II Team 2 = 5-1 Team 3 = 5-1 Team 1 = 1-5 Team 4 = 1-5
Since there is a tie between teams 2 and 3 in DIV II, there will be a tiebreaker game from a random map in the series. It will not be either map the teams chose as their home map. Settings will be chained, sunny, no spoils.
Tiebreaker: Game 9433522 - Winners are Bigragooch, jgalioto
FINALS aaronvollrath, jakevv vs Bigragooch, jgalioto
Last edited by QoH on Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
thanks for running the tourney qoh and thanks to our esteemed opponents for having terrible dices in our games (that's the only way we can ever win). shout out to bigragooch and jgalioto for a good finals games set.
aaronvollrath wrote:thanks for running the tourney qoh and thanks to our esteemed opponents for having terrible dices in our games (that's the only way we can ever win). shout out to bigragooch and jgalioto for a good finals games set.
As stated, aaronvollrath and jakevv win!
Congrats guys!
Please don't invite me to any pickup games. I will decline the invite.