This tournament will be played on the Classic map.
Only Premium playersYou will play eight games at a time each round.
This will be a 64-person tournament.
Round 1 will be eight groups of eight.
Round 2 will be four groups of eight.
Semifinals will be two groups of eight
Finals will be 8 players.
no fog
ScoringWinner receives 12 points
second (last player eliminated) gets 7 points
third 6 points
fourth 5 points
fifth 4 points
sixth 3 points
seventh 2 points
eighth (first player eliminated) 1 point
Join games within 48 hours or you are Eliminated and a reserve will take your place.
If two players are tied, then a series of tie-breakers will be used.
If multiple players are tied, a tie-breaker game will be played with the same settings with all the players tied.
If you don't accept invites once they've been sent, then you will be kicked out of the tournament.
- show
Highest rank: 48th. Highest score: 3,384. Feb. 9, 2014.