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Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (Abandoned)

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Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (Abandoned)

Postby Krissan on Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:46 pm

All new information on rounds will be posted as new posts on the last page

Old information

Round 10

Battle of Germany: sonicsteve(4) vs. mwaser
Battle of Czech Republic: YUT vs. sonicsteve
Battle of Slovakia: YUT vs. sonicsteve
Battle of Hungary: sonicsteve(2) vs. mwaser

Games sent

Round 9

Map sent

[spoier=Round 8]Round 8

Invites sent

Battle of Poland: mwaser(3) vs sonicsteve
Battle of Czech Republic: YUT vs. sonicsteve vs mwaser
Batte of Ukraine: mwaser(2) vs. sonicsteve
Battle of Austria: sonicsteve(3) vs YUT
Battle of Hungary: sonicsteve vs. YUT vs mwaser

show: Round 7

show: Round 6

show: Round 5

show: Round 4


show: Round 3

show: Round 2

show: Round 1

Old Post
This is not a regular format tournament. Please read and understand the insctructions before signing up. If anything is unclear, feel free to ask questions.

The premise is a war in Central-Eastern Europe where the participants will begin by getting control over one country drawn randomly out of the following list:

France, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia (17 countries total)

Click image to enlarge.

There are two phases to every round in the tournament: The Declaration Phase and the Battle Phase.

Declaration Phase
In each round, all remaining players will receive a PM with the current map situation and a list of the countries they control. For each country you control, you can then choose between Declaring War or Supporting a neighbouring country. Obviously, you can only declare war on enemy territories and only support neighbours you own. War declarations are sent in PM to me and must be sent within 24 hours from the moment I send the PM. Failure to state your declarations of war will result in you not being able to attack during the round. Please note that your war declarations are to be confidential. Publicly stating your war declarations during the declaration phase may result in punishment (ranging from not getting to attack to being kicked out of the tournament for repeat offenders).

If you have control over two countries that both neighbour the same enemy country, you may declare war on the enemy country with both of yours. See below in the Battle Phase for how this will be handled.

A country cannot choose to Support itself. Also, you may not choose to Support any of your countries unless you are attacking with another.

Battle Phase
Games will then be made based on which countries have wars declared on them. If two players declare war on the same country, there will be a three player battle over it, etc. Whoever wins the battle gets control over the country. Losing a game means your force is eliminated, and the battle for the country will continue between the forces left contending for it. Even though you may have several forces contending for the same area, you can only use them one at a time until you either you or your opponent loses all their forces. When you no longer control any countries, you are eliminated from the tournament. Total winner is the last man standing, controlling the entire map.

A basic example with three players (A, B, C):
show: Example 1

Another basic example with two players (A, B)
show: Example 2

A complex example involving three players (A, B, C)
show: Example 3

NO ALLIANCES! This means no publicly stated or privately discussed alliance/bartering/non-attack agreement neither during the Declaration Phase nor during actual matchplay. While there might arise situations later on in the tournament where you consider it good strategy not to go to war with a certain player, that decision must be made entirely by yourself and you'll have to take a leap of faith that the other player have come to the same conclusion. Offenders will either be warned, miss attacks or get kicked out of the tournament depending on the severity of the offense.

Maps & Settings
Battles take place on one of five different maps:

WWII Western Front - France, Germany, Italy
BeNeLux - Netherlands, Belgium
WWII Poland - Poland, Slovakia, Russia
Europa - Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland
WWII Eastern Front - Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

All games will be Auto, Sequential, Escalating, Chained, Sunny

How to sign up
Post in this thread. The tournament is open for premiums with 97%+ attendance record only. I'll be taking some reserves for the first round. After that, replacements will be evaluated on case-to-case basis. Note: This tournament might take some time.

List of players
1. benga
2. sonicsteve
3. Jobiwan
4. Yojimbo28
5. rishark1969
7. DJ Teflon
8. Anders2004
9. Chewie1
10. amazzony
11. jigger1986
12. c224!
13. deathcomesrippin
14. Genoke
15. mwaser
16. happyflowers
17. YUT

1. taxmanjle
2. demodad


I'm not sure if this type of game have been done before, but if there is anything that is unclear, please ask and I'll explain more in detail. Please do not sign up unless you understand how the tournament works.
Last edited by Krissan on Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:31 pm, edited 56 times in total.
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (0/17)

Postby benga on Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:53 pm

if I can choose I take Estonia
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (0/17)

Postby Krissan on Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:57 pm

I'm signing you up, but the starting country will be randomized for fairness to those signing up towards the end.
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (0/17)

Postby sonicsteve on Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:00 pm

slightly crazy but also brilliant.

Having read the instructions very carefully it all seems clear and well thought out - will take you a bit of calculating once we're a few games into this...

...and I'm definitely IN


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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (2/17)

Postby Jobiwan on Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:06 pm

in plz
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (3/17)

Postby Yojimbo28 on Wed Jul 07, 2010 5:08 pm

in please
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (4/17)

Postby johnboss13 on Wed Jul 07, 2010 7:41 pm

in please
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (4/17)

Postby rishark1969 on Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:36 pm

in please
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (4/17)

Postby Krissan on Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:39 am

johnboss13 wrote:in please

Sorry, too low attendance record.
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (5/17)

Postby ETROPAL on Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:07 pm

in ... 1&st=Score

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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (6/17)

Postby Teflon Kris on Fri Jul 09, 2010 4:21 am

Nice tournament format - in please :D
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (7/17)

Postby Anders2004 on Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:18 pm

In please.
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (8/17)

Postby Chewie1 on Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:49 am

In please
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (0/17)

Postby amazzony on Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:03 pm

benga wrote:if I can choose I take Estonia

Wanted to thief Estonia? I'll get you for that :evil: I want Estonia! :cry:

Nevertheless, I'll hope for the luck of draw and sign up :D

Nice idea, good to see more of these kind of tournaments. I wish you strength to deal with it, I know that these tournaments quite a lot of time and patience!
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (8/17)

Postby jigger1986 on Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:28 pm

I want in but i do have a couple questions question.

In your complex example with 3 players. Players B and C combined have 3 countries and all three countries attack Germany (A).
(A) has 2 countries and supports Germany with Austria, however (A)did not make an action with Germany, his other country.
Why did Germany not take an action? Where (A)'s options with Germany not to attack a player of his choosing OR support any of his other bordering countries?

An example using 2 players. A-Germany and Nethrlands. B-France and Belgium

Player A attacks France with Germany and Netherlands.
Player B attacks Germany with Belgium
Player B supports Belgium with France.

In this scenario player I understand that there will be two battles in France and one in Germany. However because France decided to support Belgium his action is lost correct? Also because France decided to support Belgium, does this mean that because France was attacked it is automaticlly defeated?

Sorry for this being a long question, but I really do want to play this tourney, I just want to understand it first. Thanks

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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (8/17)

Postby c224! on Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:20 pm

Im in
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (8/17)

Postby deathcomesrippin on Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:46 pm

in plz
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (8/17)

Postby Krissan on Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:12 am

jigger1986 wrote:I want in but i do have a couple questions question.

In your complex example with 3 players. Players B and C combined have 3 countries and all three countries attack Germany (A).
(A) has 2 countries and supports Germany with Austria, however (A)did not make an action with Germany, his other country.
Why did Germany not take an action? Where (A)'s options with Germany not to attack a player of his choosing OR support any of his other bordering countries?

I think I'll change that in the example to clarify. I didn't include Germany's action, because I wanted to use the example to show what will be the resulting battles over Germany. Germany's action is irrelavant for what battles will take place there (since he can't support himself).

An example using 2 players. A-Germany and Nethrlands. B-France and Belgium

Player A attacks France with Germany and Netherlands.
Player B attacks Germany with Belgium
Player B supports Belgium with France.

In this scenario player I understand that there will be two battles in France and one in Germany. However because France decided to support Belgium his action is lost correct? Also because France decided to support Belgium, does this mean that because France was attacked it is automaticlly defeated?

Sorry for this being a long question, but I really do want to play this tourney, I just want to understand it first. Thanks


Yes, France's support of Belgium means that his attack force is "lost" during that round (i.e. won't be involved in any battles).

France is not automatically defeated, it will be:
Battle of France: Germany vs. France & Netherlands vs. France (two 1v1 games).


I hope that answers your questions, otherwise just ask again.
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (13/17)

Postby jigger1986 on Mon Jul 12, 2010 1:19 pm

thanks alot for the clarification. Although in the example germanys action was irrelavent i just wanted to make sure that germany ded indeed get an action. anyway thanks again, and i would really like to be in this tourney
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (13/17)

Postby Genoke on Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:44 am

Good thinking, a nice strategy tournament!
you can count on me!
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (14/17)

Postby mwaser on Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:22 pm

(Cool concept!) In please
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (14/17)

Postby happyflowers on Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:55 pm

In Please :)
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (16/17)

Postby Krissan on Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:40 am

Just need one more (plus some reserves in case someone bails)
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (16/17)

Postby YUT on Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:19 pm

I'll try this out - sounds fun yet complicated. always good.
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Re: Declaration of War I: Central-Eastern Europe (NEED RESER

Postby Krissan on Sun Jul 18, 2010 5:17 am


The tournament is now full, but I want a couple of reserves before applying for privileges.
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