Rule of thumb for the whole thing has been 2 clans can do anything they agree on. I am okay with us starting a little earlier than everyone else and running 60 if KoRT would like to also.
Chuuuuck wrote:What do you say to making this a 60 game challenge Bruce? We would have to start it a little earlier than others if this is agreeable...
We have it up for a vote.. Personally I say no as we (KORT) have a bunch on our plates right now, but the clan will decide... Either way it will end up like so...
Chuuuuck wrote:What do you say to making this a 60 game challenge Bruce? We would have to start it a little earlier than others if this is agreeable...
Well I'm not Bruce, but I'll answer anyway.
We're discussing it as a clan, and determining if we are willing to go outside of the established cup challenge format, and if we are willing to take on the extra game load, considering we will soon be participating in the league playoff games as well.
Chuuuuck wrote:What do you say to making this a 60 game challenge Bruce? We would have to start it a little earlier than others if this is agreeable...
We have it up for a vote.. Personally I say no as we (KORT) have a bunch on our plates right now, but the clan will decide... Either way it will end up like so...
60 games takes out a little of the "luck" factor of a few good drops one way or the other. Allows the better clan to prevail over the long run. But I understand. The CLA play-offs are another 17 games each round.'re meant to be "banner man". Let's see something witty from you rather than a googled picture of a barn on fire. My 6 year old nephew could have done better than that. I was hoping you might come up with something "brilliant" as you keep telling everyone how great you are
chephren're meant to be "banner man". Let's see something witty from you rather than a googled picture of a barn on fire. My 6 year old nephew could have done better than that. I was hoping you might come up with something "brilliant" as you keep telling everyone how great you are