These are suspected Multis or Secret Alliance
Suspect users: Folkan and ErwinVonRommel
Game number:
Comments: Could be way off base on this one, but Folkan just made the strangest move in this game. Basically, from the start, ErwinVonRommel gained and held bonus position due to deadbeaters. Continued to grow through the map absorbing deadbeater territories and Folkan's territories.
Folkan then got a set; and while Blue was easily the most powerful, used all of his armies to drive deep into my bonus area. He didn't even have a chance to eliminate me for terminator points, so it just doesn't make sense other than him assisting ErwinVonRommel.
I checked Folkan's games, and 3 of his 6 have been in the same game as ErwinVonRommel. Just seems fishy.