Moderator: Cartographers
edbeard wrote:well for the northside gang, there are four leaders. if I hold any three of them I get a +2
there are six leaders in the prohibition gang so I hold any four of them to get a +3
You'd need to take those into account when you're calculating the bonus for holding the entire region though.
Incandenza wrote:It's a little weird that abstract concepts/events like lie detector and St. Valentine's Day Massacre are lumped in with what appear to be continent bonuses...
November 10, 1924 - North Side Gang leader Dion "Deanie" O'Banion is killed when three unidentified men enter his flower shop and shoot him several times. This begins a five year gang war between the North Side Gang, under Hymie Weiss, against Al Capone's Chicago Outfit that would end with the St. Valentine's Day Massacre in 1929.
Otherwise, this map tremendously interests me. Not to put to fine a point on it, but I think that open-ended maps like these are better than directed-play maps like gazala... but that's just my 0.02$.
cairns, you are an impressive human being. On the off chance I ever find myself in northeast australia, I'll buy ya a Foster's.
Coleman wrote:One thing I'd like to point out from playing American Civil War is that continents that are not contiguous (have all territories bordering without other stuff in-between) are incredibly awkward feeling.
I'm not saying they are bad, they just take more getting used to then you might expect.
Saying that, I am not sure how the gangster attacking all gangsters aspect of this map would change or diminish that awkwardness, but it's worth mentioning I think.
Incandenza wrote:Nyah, see, if you don't make this map better, you'll be sleepin with the fishes, see?
casper wrote:My hometown! Nice. Just a few suggestions. The parks look too aqua. Can you make them greener?And the Canadian planes. I see them on the 1931 map you are basing this on, but the planes could never land on the lakeshore like you have them. There was no airport on the lakeshore until Meigs Field opened in 1948 (and later demolished by Mayor Daley in 2003).
Here are some more resources.... ... 26-T5.html
http://www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory. ... /1768.html
Tieryn wrote:Question:
Is Mickey Cohen coloured wrong or Grouped wrong in the bonuses?
Fireside Poet wrote:Dillinger? The Biograph?
Avalon Hill came out with a game long ago called Gangsters... here is some info if you want a few more ideas about look and feel:
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