by edbeard on Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:30 pm
to get to a village
2 2 10 1 1 3
2 10 1 6
2 2 10 5
the three on the village makes it more even for the north. But, having to go through 4 vs 6 territories is HUGE. I mean no one is getting there in one turn with those 10 armies, but I'd say the north will be at least one turn behind.
Total armies to kill to hold a village
North - 19
C/S - 19
But, with less territories there should be less armies right? Or, is my logic flawed here?
So, anyway, I'd propose for the central 3 10 3 6 or actually 2 10 4 6 is probably better. It keeps each kingdom territory with 2 armies and only adds more armies to the village area.
For the south...well 2 2 10 has to stay because of the barbarians setup. maybe put 8 neutrals on Yer?