Conquer Club

Waheed and MaloneyBaloney9 [busted]

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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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Waheed and MaloneyBaloney9 [busted]

Postby chivalri on Sat Dec 22, 2007 2:59 pm

These are suspected Multiple Accounts

Suspect users: Waheed and MaloneyBaloney9

Game number:

In this game, they made plays that were not smart plays when without the multiple account context. They also took turns one right after the other. I got curious and did some research. Waheed has played in 21 games with most of them having MaloneyBaloney9 in the same game. Here is what I found.

1417334 Doubles game: they are on the same team. Take turns where one starts seconds after the other begins.

1416878 Triples Game: they are on the same team. Take turns where one starts seconds after the other begins.

1412137 Triples Game: they are on the same team. Take turns where one starts seconds after the other begins.

1339761 Doubles: they are on the same team. Take turns where one starts seconds after the other begins.

1332177 Triples: they are on the same team. Take turns where one starts seconds after the other begins.

1325320 Triples: they are NOT on the same team. Take turns where one starts seconds after the other begins.

1321939 Triples: they are on the same team. Take turns where one starts seconds after the other begins.

1321387 Standard: Take turns where one starts seconds after the other begins.

1298295 Terminator: Take turns where one starts seconds after the other begins.

1291963 Standard: Take turns where one starts seconds after the other begins.

Now this seems indicitive of multiple accounts to me but I am not the expert in determining such things and I do not have access to prove that these players always use the same IP address.
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Postby Beastly on Sat Dec 22, 2007 8:03 pm

good eye!
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Postby sully800 on Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:37 pm

Beastly wrote:good eye!

here here!

Waheed and MaloneyBaloney9 are busted
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