Incandenza wrote:I keep looking at different gameplay aspects of this map, and I keep saying 'wow'. Of course, that could be because I had the sort of grandfather who considered "Where Eagles Dare" appropriate, nigh on compulsory viewing for an eight-year-old Incandenza.
As far as the current bonus structure goes, it seems to leave a lot to the drop.
I suppose it doesn't matter, because the objective-only nature of the game will promote a ton of infighting... or it will promote stalemate, with people looking over their inflated stacks at their opponents.
But do please continue. This is shaping up to be a unique map, and CC could use more of those.
Wow, Incandenza....yes i always thought it was a compulsoiry war movie to view regardless of how old you were....but i guess i am biased.
The bonuses as you can see are not yet set, and there will be changes and i hope given that we don't have sand-box testing area, we will be able to balance these to the best use.
Notice that in the START area those bonuses mean that as long as you survive, you will get your normal tert bonus numbers plus at least 4 each turn for those starters. Of course last person across the Check-points A & B means they will get one less each turn.
Other bonuses will be allocated for the airport, and the town, but i have yet to work these out.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this map is set up so that it's impossible to win the game unless you achieve the objective, given the one-way attacks with the infiltrators in the southwest.
Yes you will need those objectives to win the game.
One more question: given the bonuses and objective and what not, what's the ideal sort of game (in terms of settings) that one would want to play on this map?
Knowing that we may soon have 8 player games, I have deliberately included 8 as the starting numbers for each each area of town, airport and start.
If there are less than that number, there will be more neutrals, which will only make the map possibly that bit harder, or perhaps less terts to conquer.
To be honest i wouldn't even guess at the best possible brain doesn't work those stats too well and i am not afraid to admit that...Yeti_c or even Coleman could probably answer that question much better for you, and i hope they will.