Herakilla wrote:but seriously no matter how many armies you put on the sanctuary there will always be a chance that some1 can somehow rush and get it first turn lol!
i say use 75 and make it harder for players to reach each other as this would encourage going for the sanctuary
also make the island around the sanctuary have a really high decay since its very close to the spell and then can feel the affects even more
of course there's the chance that a guy deploys 6 troops on aoria kills the 3 in aheo, advances 5, kills 5 in ieme, advances 4, kills 5 in u'rl advances 3 and then atacks 2 dice vs 2 dice and gets 25 perfect rolls and kills the 50 neutrals.
it is possible but highly improbable.
basicaly to do it in turn 1 means you must roll perfect dice like this:
3 3v1 rolls
5 3v2 rolls
and 25 2v2 rolls.
the chances are really really slim.
anyway i'm thinking of making a high decay rate there but i really don't have the legend space to explain this high decay
and if i don't explain it then people will report bugs that they lost 5 instead of just 1 because of the decay.

“In the beginning God said, the four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second rank tensor equals zero, and there was light, and it was good. And on the seventh day he rested.”- Michio Kaku