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Moderators: Multi Hunters, Cheating/Abuse Team

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[These cases have been closed. If you would like to appeal the decision of the hunter please open a ticket on the help page and the case will be looked into by a second hunter.]

Postby Big Yuma Ripper on Fri Nov 30, 2007 8:40 am

wcaclimbing, First of all your bigbadbob, if he wants more than 4 games.....Lack will be glad to take his 20 bucks, no pity for him?

Next you say "would it really be fair to pause the games, keeping innocent members from playing?"

I say is it fair for innocent members to continue to be cheated upon and lose games "just not to inconvenience any one?"

You say for your 3rd setup " 36 games x 6 players = 216 players affected"
lets assume also that, since he is in it for games, not more points, none of his people are in the same games.

First of all if you had looked at the posting at the start my concern was in team games. Assume nothing! But for you example of the 216 players affected....just for your argument.... ONLY 144 true players would be affected, not 216 as you say because 72 are the multi's! Now in a team game with a pair of multi's one on each team, the team with (Mystique in this case ) will win, 99.9999 %of the time. So do you honestly think that the 144 true players that are affected would rather just throw the games away and lose or have them delayed for a day or two at the most? Run a poll on it and see!

Enough of this silly arguing I almost didn't even mention this in the forums in the first place because of this sort of mess! Get with the program, this post and forum is to stop crap such as this from affecting this site. Not for people to argue silly ways for cheaters to continue on a week after they are caught! I really enjoy this game, most of the people on here and hate for a few to ruin it for everybody! I like a lot of others am on my second year here so i obviously enjoy it, but this sort of B.S. I don't have to live with. Things like this have drove better people and players than me away the site, some of you know who i am referring to.....So far the only response i have seen on this is that a sig. was to big...or that games should'nt be deleted let the cheater keep playing.... cant pause the games it might annoy some non premium player? One person posted and agreed that it looked suspecious! another agreed that the games be deleted, Another spoke up as to how simple it was to check and was told to Stfu!

Before anybody else post nonsense please read the orig. post. It was not intended to start a big bunch of crap like it has...was simple to help out anybody that has been affected by this person and to stop it from happening anymore!
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Postby Frop on Fri Nov 30, 2007 9:49 am

AK_iceman wrote:
JOHNNYROCKET24 wrote:only takes 2 seconds to check an IP. if its the same...ban them. Of course we got the usual " we are family members" using the same IP or "account babysitting" bullshit.

You really have no clue how the system works, stfu and go away please.

Suspending games would be a HUGE pain in the ass. You'd have to do it manually, for every game, for every accusation. Non-premium members wouldn't be able to take turns in their games because someone in it got accused of cheating. It's just too much...

Why don't you explain the system then instead of telling people to be quiet using colourful language which is only allowed in Flame Wars? Apart from stealing everybody's points JR is one of the few who actively contributes to this forum to keep the site clean(er).

Apart from that this case seems like a no-brainer (thanks for the effort BYR). Also noticed that Mystique had some pending games left, I advised those players to drop the games for the time being.
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Postby JustB on Fri Nov 30, 2007 10:13 am

I just found out the same as The Big Yuma Ripper, about the cheating of Mystique. Because of us complaining about this one of her multi accounts: Dangerzone" is not showing up anymore in our game.
Somebody said in the forum: "Why do you care about loosing some points".
First of all some of us played more then one game with her.
Second: We want all the points we can get, playing fair.
Somebody else said that having the same IP-address is the same as cheating. Nonsense: My husband plays CC as well and we never cheat just playing doubles IF we play together. But having 10 players at the same address???
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Postby Big Yuma Ripper on Fri Nov 30, 2007 4:36 pm

Would like to see a moderator at least jump in here a say ...somthing about it is being looked at ? If for nothing else to say hey we seen it and are checking up on it?

Opened 2 tickets 3 days ago....still no response from them either?
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Postby Russianfire8371 on Fri Nov 30, 2007 5:22 pm

Big Yuma Ripper wrote:Would like to see a moderator at least jump in here a say ...somthing about it is being looked at ? If for nothing else to say hey we seen it and are checking up on it?

Opened 2 tickets 3 days ago....still no response from them either?

give them time.

As for the whole delay game thing, i don't agree with, because not everyone has access to a credit card (say some of the younger people on this website) and they can only play for free. What I do believe, that we should be given the points back that we had lost because of the multis, because we work hard for the points and its not fair for someone to win by cheating and let them keep the points after being convicted. It's like saying "Oh that man's been stealing purses, but we'll let him keep them (or in some cases throw them away) without returning them to their right owners."
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Postby AK_iceman on Fri Nov 30, 2007 5:47 pm

Frop wrote:Why don't you explain the system then instead of telling people to be quiet using colourful language which is only allowed in Flame Wars? Apart from stealing everybody's points JR is one of the few who actively contributes to this forum to keep the site clean(er).

I'm sure you'd like that, but I swore an oath to secrecy when I became a mod. Not gonna happen mate.
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Postby Big Yuma Ripper on Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:49 pm

Russianfire8371 wrote:
Big Yuma Ripper wrote:Would like to see a moderator at least jump in here a say ...somthing about it is being looked at ? If for nothing else to say hey we seen it and are checking up on it?

Opened 2 tickets 3 days ago....still no response from them either?

give them time.

As for the whole delay game thing, i don't agree with, because not everyone has access to a credit card (say some of the younger people on this website) and they can only play for free. What I do believe, that we should be given the points back that we had lost because of the multis, because we work hard for the points and its not fair for someone to win by cheating and let them keep the points after being convicted. It's like saying "Oh that man's been stealing purses, but we'll let him keep them (or in some cases throw them away) without returning them to their right owners."

See that point Russian, sure that would work also, give the points back, actually a better idea i have to say! That way the games could go on and the points be returned....That way even people in games past could also have there points returned! Any body that had been cheated would have there points back.
But it will probably be to much work for somebody to do...... have to manually do it! :roll:

I want to thank you Russian replies like this is what is needed here instead of neg. responses that should be in flame wars or crap like that. Ideas to help the site improve!
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Postby wicked on Fri Nov 30, 2007 6:56 pm

Locked until a Hunter can look at this.

If you guys want to discuss the multi punishment system, feel free to do it elsewhere, but don't clutter up a thread here and make the poor Hunters have to read through all this unrelated stuff please. They do actually read through the entire threads, and the more time they have spend reading gripes about policy, the longer it'll take for them to actually look at the accounts.

I can tell you now, games will NOT be deleted and points not "returned." It's like this for many reasons; a forum search should show you some.
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Postby wicked on Tue Dec 04, 2007 1:41 am

Bump for Hunters.
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Postby king achilles on Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:01 am

So far, I have yet seen any of the accounts mentioned the basic information needed that would show them at the same page that would point to a multi account verdict. This case needs further investigation so this case is still set into pending.
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Postby khazalid on Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:39 am

AK_iceman wrote:
Frop wrote:Why don't you explain the system then instead of telling people to be quiet using colourful language which is only allowed in Flame Wars? Apart from stealing everybody's points JR is one of the few who actively contributes to this forum to keep the site clean(er).

I'm sure you'd like that, but I swore an oath to secrecy when I became a mod. Not gonna happen mate.

is there a blood ritual involved? some weird ceremonial rape indoctrination? you guys and your crazy mod ideas...
had i been wise, i would have seen that her simplicity cost her a fortune
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Postby Mano Moker on Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:54 am

All this talking and no action:

see the following game for proof:

Enter Game

please eliminate Mystique and all the accounts on the same IP from this game and preferrably from the site.

Why bother to have moderators, if they can't stop cheaters from ruining the game for others...
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Postby king achilles on Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:57 am

I fail to see the proof from that game. I'm afraid I have to lock this thread once again to prevent further replies that are off topic. Please try to keep an open mind and let us avoid making this a trial by publicity or something like that. We prefer to solve this with proof of information rather than from moves that you suspect in their games.
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Postby king achilles on Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:18 am

After further investigation for this unusual case, all these accounts are busted.

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Postby Mano Moker on Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:02 am

glad to see that she is busted... what is the protocol regarding this matter? It has influenced game 1258430 dearly.

please let me know
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Postby pascalleke on Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:34 pm

king achilles wrote:After further investigation for this unusual case, all these accounts are busted.


do they all get banned??
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Postby Big Yuma Ripper on Thu Dec 06, 2007 7:33 am

king achilles, I would like to personally thank your for your efforts here on this matter... Glad to see there is still hope for the site. See where you stripped her of her premium, but not all her points? I can see not stripping here points until the current games are over, but she gets to keep all her ill gained points? Just courious

But thanks again for your help in this
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Postby Mano Moker on Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:52 am

On top of that...

I am still playing in a game where Mystique is having the overhand because she crippled my team by having an another account of her playing on my team.

Please respond... let's go for fair play.

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Postby sunshining on Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:58 am

She is also playing in 1 of my games and she is winning.
The points whe shal never see it again becouse she me keep them.
So put her on you ignore,thats the only thing you can do.
They never gife points back.

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Postby Mano Moker on Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:49 pm

Then the structure of fair play of this site doesn't work for a fair gamer...

I just can't understand why she is not deleted from the site and her ip is banned as well.

I promoted parties in a club and we had doormen that let in friends of theirs that fight every night and molested the women that were just there to have fun. The reason they still came in every saturday is that they would order several expensive bottles of liquor and spent extra on a VIP table. At a moment the fun people didn't go there anymore and suddenly the place itself wasn't fun anymore.

to make a boring story short... Even if there are people that you can earn money from(as in a premium account of Mystique, if they are bad for the big picture you have to remove them to keep it fun and earn more money
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Postby MacheteJack on Fri Dec 07, 2007 7:55 pm

I have to say, I agree.
When I snap, you'll be the first to go!
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Postby sunshining on Fri Dec 07, 2007 8:17 pm

Mano Moker wrote:Then the structure of fair play of this site doesn't work for a fair gamer...

I just can't understand why she is not deleted from the site and her ip is banned as well.

I promoted parties in a club and we had doormen that let in friends of theirs that fight every night and molested the women that were just there to have fun. The reason they still came in every saturday is that they would order several expensive bottles of liquor and spent extra on a VIP table. At a moment the fun people didn't go there anymore and suddenly the place itself wasn't fun anymore.

to make a boring story short... Even if there are people that you can earn money from(as in a premium account of Mystique, if they are bad for the big picture you have to remove them to keep it fun and earn more money

You realy have a point.And what you are saying is realy tru
What i nowe is that they never gife points back, of the acaounts get deleted i dont nowe.Buth i think that they get deleted.

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Postby Phil on Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:27 pm

oh please i am the king i have 14 account which have alll been busted biatch
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Re: nothing

Postby library12345 on Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:41 am

Phil wrote:oh please i am the king i have 14 account which have alll been busted biatch
lol :roll: nice work
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Re: nothing

Postby Rocketry on Sat Dec 08, 2007 3:05 pm

Phil wrote:oh please i am the king i have 14 account which have alll been busted biatch

14 is nothing matey. Ever tried 15?

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